My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 848: Served as a furnace tripod

As strong as this!

Thunder-like means, immediately calmed everyone!

Except for Lavril Yini, no one who saw Su Jin slap Lin Hao so easily didn't open his mouth wide. The shock definitely exceeded their imagination! Recently, Lin Hao is a man of the West. He is a vampire, but he used extraordinary means to kill two vampire princes in a row, and he became an indispensable young king in the clan. He completely absorbed it, but no one could pinch it to death. However, such a master was crushed by Su Jin with one hand!

Su Jin seemed to be different now, and the weird silver pupil stared at Lovril Yini as if she had something he was interested in.

"Your Majesty, according to my opinion, this son can only be killed by you!" The high priest of the blood race cautiously and then retreated, but did not forget to say this to Ravier Yini.

"I agree!" said one of the two middle-aged people.

"It's better for us to join hands. If the goddess has a disadvantage, we will take action together and strangle this person!"

No one is not afraid of Su Jin--

Su Jin had just photographed Fei Lin Hao, as if he had done a trivial thing. He looked at Lavril Yini for a while, and finally took a step towards the woman.

This is a place outside the highest hall. The place is very wide. When Su Jin walked, the goddess moved lightly and took a few steps back.

"Yuan Yin is so pure, you... can be worthy of my furnace tripod!" Su Jin's hoarse voice sounded in everyone's ears.


After the Silver Moon Wolf at the bottom, she was shocked. She couldn't imagine that this kind of double cultivation magic skill of collecting yin and nourishing yang would also be present? But the problem arises. Every time the past goddess selected by heaven will not break through until they die of old age, they will be caught and burned to death by the torture of the holy fire. You must know that there have been such lessons before! No matter whether it is forced or voluntarily, such a situation is not allowed!

Yinyue now obviously felt that Su Jin was particularly wrong, and she had some guesses in her heart, but she was not sure.

"Presumptuous!" The high priest of the blood race shouted at the very end.


A thunderbolt suddenly smashed from the head of the high priest of the blood race!

The high priest of the blood race was caught off guard and was instantly hit. The blow slammed him on the spot. Kaka, at first his teeth began to shatter, as the mouth of the teeth broke, the whole dry body turned into a burst of black dust. ...

However, when a breeze blew, a puff of blood quickly wandered from the ground, and soon disappeared. The voice of the high priest of the blood family also appeared in everyone's ears: "What a young Lord Longfang! My blood family will talk to you in the future. Never die! Ah—"

Another thunderous sound appeared...

According to later legends, under the search of the entire blood force, the high priest of the blood family has never appeared--

The other two middle-aged men were so frightened that they did not dare to speak, their throats moved, and they all swallowed at the same time.

No answer, no answer, both of them know that Su Jin's target is Ravier Yini, as long as they don't say anything, they won't be killed.

Ravier Yini saw Su Jin finished all this and continued to walk towards her, she couldn't help shaking her hand to throw the holy scroll towards Su Jin!

"Buried!" Lover Yini solemnly called.

The holy scroll is like a light in the night, floating on Su Jin’s head, and the power of the holy light radiates from above, and the skins of virtual angels with wings appear, and finally they turn into thousands of angels with the same expression. , With solemn expressions, his mouth continued to chant the supreme hymn of "heaven".

"Predatory." Su Jinyin pupil seemed to have a little brilliance. He raised his hand faintly, and his hand suddenly turned into a black demon, roaring towards the holy scroll and grabbing it.

Lavril was shocked, with an obviously unbelievable look, she looked at Su Jin——

The highest symbol of heaven, the holy scroll... lost contact with her!

"The materials are good." Su Jin seemed to be thinking.

After saying these words, the holy scroll with the rich holy light gradually faded away, and wisps of black aura permeated it. Su Jin gently brushed his hand on it, and all the fonts on the holy scroll disappeared. . At the end, four sharp characters appeared on the thick black writing.

Huang Quan's Notes——

According to legend, the birth of the "Huangquan Handbook" has already overwhelmed the supreme treasure of hell, the "Life and Death Book".

Rank, rank on top!

Su Jin turned the first page expressionlessly, and an Archaeopteryx with sharp eyes turned into a cloud of black air and slowly displayed, it was the old crow!

The second page……

The creeping servant in front of the Silver Moon Wolf, Rita and the giant white bear disappeared.

"Lita Lita!" A lovely voice came out, Lita was in the page, bouncing around, sticking out her little tongue at Su Jin, making naughty faces.

Su Jin closed the'Huangquan Notes', snapped his fingers, and the book disappeared.

The figure disappeared instantly, appeared in front of the flustered goddess, grabbed it, and flew away in the eyes of Yinyue and the other two middle-aged people...

"Really...really caught?" Yinyue was dumbfounded. She felt that the current situation was beyond her imagination, but she quickly reacted. The wolves behind her looked at the sky, and under her order, the wolves rolled. Hurry to the side of the mountain. She just knows that Su Jin must have nothing to do, and she must take him back anyway! But now, it seems that Su Jin has captured the goddess? Let her be her own furnace! In this way, it may cause a catastrophe!

In the endless night, a snow-white figure was thrown by Su Jin in a valley, surrounded by pines and birds, waterfalls and springs, and small streams with fish.

By the creek, on a group of pebbles of different sizes, Lavril Yini fell to the ground. Now she is restrained and her holy power can't be used. She never expected this situation!

"Devil, you let me go!" There was finally panic in Lovyl's words.

Su Jin approached, sniffing something on her body, making a stain, as if he said to himself, "There is a lot of Yin Yin."

If Su Jin is not completely enchanted and truly wakes up, he will definitely not care about this, but care about Lavril's appearance! She wears a snow-white knee-length skirt, and she has a full body. Although the peak in front of her is not too big, it gives a very comfortable sense of coordination. Her face is definitely a very standard Western goddess, that small and exquisite. The face, the appearance of seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, with abdomen nose and jade ears, in the case of a white race, those clear blue eyes are particularly intoxicating.

Rovere Yini watched him finish sniffing on herself, her eyes full of anger.

But then, she widened her eyes and watched Su Jin stretch out her hand...and placed it on the peak in front of her body wrapped in white skirt——

He, does he really want to—

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