My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 849: Fight, the man wins


In Luowei's pure blue pupils, she stared in a daze, and said in jerky Chinese language: "Devil! Do you dare—"

As soon as the voice fell, she was shocked...


Lavril immediately turned pale. Since she was chosen as the supreme goddess, no one can get close to her body, let alone do such things, she has nothing to do, her heart is desperate.

If she looked down on Su Jin at first, it was understandable. After escaping from the plane, and then planning to break into the Archangel Saint Ladder, she thought that Su Jin would die, but she guessed the blossom, but did not guess the result! Even after using the "Judgment", "Holy Burial", and the two forbidden techniques, this person can be easily broken. Now there are two things that scare her most. The first is the "Holy Scroll" I'm afraid it's hard to get it back. The second thing is an imminent thing, because her body is also probably taken away! Each one, if found, would probably lead to her death!

Su Jin smiled evilly at the corner of his mouth and bent down...

This is obviously just the beginning. She has been isolated from the world since she was little, rarely goes out, and doesn’t understand things. To put it simply, she has been brainwashed and cleansed her emotions and desires. She is just a spokesperson for heaven. There is an explanation in the sacred scroll that if oneself is with other men, it is tantamount to tarnishing the image of the entire heaven. Doing that kind of thing is a sin and will be severely punished, especially she is still a goddess with a superb status.

In the dark night, Lavril Yini had no resistance.

At this moment, Lavril, who had been brainwashed for a long time, felt that she was dirty. She wanted to kneel down and chant hymns and forgive her for her sins, but she couldn't do anything now, she couldn't even move bullets, and she shed tears with difficulty.

Nothing, defiled by the devil! Lovail looked at the man's face with hatred in her eyes.

The pain gradually faded,, this man...

Lavril seemed to understand a little bit. It seemed that this kind of thing was not as she had always thought, but her noble character could not allow her to speak out...

But she failed. After the failure, she was indulgence.

Half an hour passed.

Su Jin's expression suddenly changed, and he snarled, "I am you, and you are me! I even dare to kill myself, you can't show up again!"

Bang Bang, Bang Bang.

The heart that had been trembling slightly began to beat quickly, and finally...

The white hair slowly changed. In just ten seconds, the black handsome hair returned, the silver pupils also recovered to be clear and energetic, the black streaks on his body gradually disappeared, and the whole person also became vigorous.

Su Jin's whole person has now fully recovered consciousness, but what is the situation in front of him?

Who is this girl in front of me? Digging a groove, Young Master Su slapped himself, dreaming?

But the clear feeling that appeared somewhere in his body didn't seem to be fake, he was confused--

Su Jin looked at Lavril, with long blond curly hair, fair skin and perfect figure. This woman is a very standard Western beauty. It is incredible to let people see her, but now she has an expression of impatience. .

Sighed in the heart, Su Jin knew what had happened.

After a while...

The fight is over: the man... wins!

Su Jin sorted out his clothes, took out the cigarette from his pocket, lit it and took a sip. In the dark environment, he continued to make quick guesses. When he had a headache before, he no longer remembered what happened later. He didn't wake up until just now, but it's a bit subtle to do with the beauty.

"Let's go." Su Jin pretended to say coldly, he has no confidence now, after all, it seems that he has used it strong, otherwise, how could he be in such an environment where the black light does not ignite. There is nothing he can do if he doesn't pretend, his body is empty now, and he can't feel the presence of strength at all. It is estimated that only the strength of ordinary people is left, and the girl in front of him looks like a very strong cultivation.

Lovyl's blushing face has a strong sense of charm. Although she is very angry now, she does not hate the high feeling just now!

Now she is thinking about the problem of not too big a problem after finishing the work, and stood up coldly. Although there is no complete cloth on her body now, there are only two of them here. She stretched out her hand and said nervously, "Give it back I!"

"What else?" Su Jin puzzled.

I thought to myself, who are you so special, would you like to return you a cannabis melon?

"Holy scroll!" Lovill has been able to be a goddess for so long, so naturally she has a lot of patience. In her opinion, deprivation is small. She can hold it down, but she can't lose the holy thing!

Male Gobi——

Su Jin shook his heart, no wonder he looked at this woman's clothes very familiar, turned out to be a goddess? It's really said that the queen mother, I still use it strong——

Seeing Rovere's opening, she asked for the holy scroll directly, Su Jin's eyes immediately became sharp. The Silver Moon Wolf said that Rita came from the holy scroll, did she take it away midway?

Thinking of this, Su Jin's first reaction return! Moreover, he didn't know how to pay it back!

The right hand'Li Ying' appeared suddenly, Su Jin Leng Leng walked forward two steps, came to two centimeters in front of Luo Wei'er, squinted, and raised his hand, the cold **** blade was already on her snow white On the jade neck!

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