My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 854: Men and women match

"Sister Yinyue——"

When Yinyue was uncertain, Su Jin walked out and said, "It's me!"

Fortunately, now Yinyue hides her body in the water, she guessed that Su Jin would be like this in her heart! Really...

Yinyue didn't know what to say to Su Jin, and cried, "What are you sneaking up on? Aren't you with Rita? Damn, you dare to peek at me!"

Su Jin touched his nose, "I just arrived and didn't see anything. Actually, I regret that I should have come here earlier. As for Rita, she promised me that she never played matches."

"Why are you here?" Yinyue asked again.

"I'm coming..." Su Jin's eyes began to turn quickly, and said: "I'll help you guard your clothes to prevent bad guys from stealing it!"

"Hehe, you are the bad guy!" Yinyue sneered, "Don't come over! Turn it over for me!"

Su Jin still walked to her clothes on the shore and sat down. After hearing Yinyue’s words, he turned his back to Yinyue and said, "Don’t be so nervous, you know I’m not a good person, so you say this to me. It's useless."

"Then what are you doing, you have to give a reason."

"I came here to ask if there is a possibility of taking a bath. It's so humid and uncomfortable--"

"" Yinyue immediately refused: "Impossible! Huh? I found that you are getting bolder!"

"Sister Yinyue, don't be so unfeeling. The so-called men's and women's match, washing and washing will make you tired, but I don't mind..."

"You don't mind if I mind! Go back!" Yinyue hasn't seen such a brazen and toothless person, can this kind of statement be said in a straightforward tone? I really convinced him!

"Really let me go back?"

"go back!"

"Okay, I'll listen to you this time." Su Jin grabbed a piece of clothing on Yinyue's upper body by the bank, got up and left.

Second Olympics——

Still shameless men?

Where is this stealing, it is clearly a blatant snatch! Is the most rascal style!

"Hey!" Yinyue suddenly blushed and called: "Stop me!"

Su Jin turned his back to Yinyue, yawned, put on a cool posture, turned his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You just leave, what are you doing with my clothes?" Yinyue gritted her teeth and said, if Su Jin took it away, what would she wear! This little villain is absolutely deliberate, but she has no good way yet.

"Take it back and study, I don't believe it, I have never seen such a large one." Su Jin put it in front of his nose and sniffed deeply. The fragrance was tangy, and it felt tight, and the fragrance was still contaminated.

Can't stand it...

Now who can punish Su Jin, she is definitely rewarded by Yinyue. Seeing Su Jin’s straightening behavior made her scalp numb. How did God let him live in this world? !

"Brother Su." Yinyue smiled on her face, "You have to be good... put down your clothes, sister will not be angry with you."

"But I want to go into the water too. What should I do?" Su Jin said with a distressed expression.

"You haven't paid it back! I will kill you if you don't let it go!" Yinyue couldn't keep calm for a short time, and shouted at Su Jin frantically.

Su Jin immediately took measures to cover her ears...

The female tyrannosaurus is crazy, this is not a good thing, she has a bad temper, Su Jin is hesitant to do that, or let her go back empty in leather armor, isn't it still invisible?

Therefore, Su Jin simply turned around, smiled and walked to the place where Yinyue put her clothes before, and bent down——

Yinyue had a trace of pride in her eyes, she really couldn't get used to it regardless of men or women. It's good to lose her temper appropriately. Under the roar of her own, Su Jin still came back obediently and took her clothes...

Uh! ! !

Yinyue suddenly cursed **** it secretly. While she was watching, she saw Su Jin slowly bending over, thinking that he was going to put down the n-clothes he took away, who knew he was bent over and picked him up and left him on the shore. All clothes--

Run away!

That’s right, it’s the super best in the world. It’s a person like Su Jin, who can’t be bluffed, he’s thinking of himself, he doesn’t care about others at all, and even uses any means to achieve his own goals!

"Brother Su, don't! I'll let you into the water!"

Yinyue screamed dumbfounded, she really lost to Su Jin completely, and there is really no one who can do this--

Su Jin breathed a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, he broke off. You can do this kind of extremely smart thing. It's a little bit... how strong is it, isn't it necessary to follow the young master? Although the rose still bears thorns, it is enough to educate her in the future, and make sure to let her go east, she will not go west! Just so confident!

Under Yinyue's gaze, Su Jin put all her clothes on the spot, and then happily removed all the coats, etc., and then shouted: "Sister Yinyue! I'm here!"

With a puff, Su Jin slammed into the water.

Yinyue was a little panicked at first, but when she thought of Su Jin doing just like that, she suddenly became angry. Now she can't help Su Jin. She wants to catch this **** and let him know how serious the consequences of teasing her are!

The two men plunged into the water.


What about the little villain?

It’s dark under the water, so I can’t see clearly. This is still in the case of Yinyue’s very good eyesight. You must know that her eyesight will not be affected even when she walks at night. The water is too deep, just when she wants to give up. When she reached the surface of the water, two arms suddenly appeared behind her. They came directly from the sides above her arms.


Yinyue paused for a few seconds, and her heartbeat began to accelerate. In this no-man's land, in the water that seemed to belong to only two people, she did not react for a while, so she had to let Young Master Su succeed!

The current Su Jin can hardly describe the feeling on his hands. He always thought that men and women like them very much. How could he ever think... Under the line of such a rich career as Yinyue, he was still deeply shocked!

You know, seeing it is better than hearing it. This is what Tang Seng said to the bone spirit. I heard that the bone spirit was given by the Tang monk. This is a famous saying from the ages.

No, Yinyue has already begun to resist.

Damn, just stop your mouth!

Su Jin felt cruel, and under the pressure of the water, the two got entangled.

A few minutes later, Su Jin looked at Yinyue in front of her. She was now in a state with her eyes closed. From the jerky response between her lips and teeth, she felt that, sure enough, Yinyue, who is usually a female tyrannosaurus, lacks in married life. Runze, there is no trick at all!

Before long, two people appeared on the water. Yinyue's face was flushed, and her snow-white skin became more and more enchanting under the shining of the moonlight. She embraced Su Jin's neck with her arms and the atmosphere was quiet.

Now neither of the two want to spoil the atmosphere, they are looking at each other, wanting to say how scary the Silver Moon number is, from the current state, the top spot is still tightly squeezed on Su Jin, you can see!

Slowly, the two have reached the edge of the pool, where the water is very shallow, only half a foot deep.

Yinyue quietly looked at the official Su-

The Jiao body was also leaned down by Su Jin on the pebble submerged in water.

"It still hurts." Yinyue turned out to be as nervous as a little girl.

"No." Su Jin said gently.

"Don't lie to me..."

"Do not lie to you."


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