My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 855: Three standards

Nearly an hour passed.

Yinyue put on the last piece of leather armor, and the red tide on her cheeks had not faded.

Now Yinyue was sore and weak, and her strength was already tenuous. She turned her head and stared at Su Jin, who was still standing by while holding a cigarette, and said, "I succeeded, satisfied?"

"Damn." Su Jin flicked the soot and spit out a puff of smoke.

"You still curse!"

"The benefits I said seem to be the same. Didn't this young master also hand in Yuanyang? It's just that I'm a little strange, and the effect on you is not so bad." Su Jin is now in good spirits, and Yinyue is now. The state is not very good, as if a gust of wind can blow her down, which is really strange.

"I don't know your technique!" Yinyue stood on the spot, adjusted her breath silently, and the situation got better. Seeing Su Jin waiting, she said angrily: "Also, don't you say Doesn't it hurt! You lie to me!"

"Sister Yinyue, have you surely heard a sentence called pain and happiness? This sentence came from the Queen Mother, and she said it from the bottom of the heart the day after she was no longer a little girl." Su Jin narrowed his eyes and said.

He didn't want to say how much benefit Yinyue had gained. She was close to perfection just now, that voice... In retrospect, his blood was even warmer.

Su Jin believes it anyway, this is a typical situation of ‘I don’t know how fun I’ve played before’.

Silver Moon:...

"I can't tell you anyway." Yinyue took a deep breath, took a step forward, and Su Jin walked along the same path with her.

"You beautiful women are like this, man, you always have the best points, such as your beauty and personality, which have already concealed that you can talk without me." Su Jin is now very refreshed physically and mentally, and speaks easily. .

"Am I pretty?"

"Add the word'very', I know you are not so confident." Su Jin said.

"What is the standard of beauty in your eyes?" Although she knew that Su Jin was complimenting herself, Yinyue couldn't help but want to ask, any woman doesn't hate such compliment anyway.

"This question has come up with an idea!" Su Jin smiled, "Let's tell you so, the standard in my heart, like the majority of male compatriots, is divided into three standards."

"Three standards? Which three?"

"The first standard comes from heaven." Su Jin thought for a while, and continued: "The second standard comes from the people, and the third standard comes from the underworld—"


Yinyue hadn’t heard such a statement, but it seemed that Su Jin’s statement was quite reasonable, and she couldn’t refute it. Although this description was a bit general, the analysis was very clear. She then deliberately asked: "Which standard shall I count? ?"

Hearing Yinyue's question, Su Jin quickly walked in front of her, stepped back to face Yinyue, looked carefully, and said, "These three standards are not suitable for you."

"What do you mean?" Yinyue still didn't understand, why didn't it suit her?

"Because there is no such number as you in the sky and the people underground, I may be ignorant, but I have never seen such a protruding figure..." Su Jin thought of a beautiful teacher at this time, the big watermelon edged Xiaoxiao, I am afraid Slightly worse than Yinyue!

"You know how to pretend to be paralyzed, your friends must know it!"

"Oh, you don't know me yet." Su Jin shook his head, turned around and moved forward again, and said: "A handsome guy pretending to be paralyzed is called leading the fashion. The strongman is to achieve his dream, and you don't understand it."

"Remind once, you are not handsome!"

"Don't open your eyes and talk nonsense."

"How handsome are you?"

"Haha, what's handsome?" Su Jin smiled lightly and said, "Last time in the mall, there were a lot of people in the elevator. I accidentally let go of a fart, but they all looked at each other, but No one doubts me as a handsome guy."

Silver Moon:...

"It's blowing again. You can die if you don't blow it. Even if this happens, it's a coincidence!" Yinyue couldn't laugh or cry, this guy was too good at talking.

"However, it is not a coincidence. I was in a coffee shop and heard a beautiful girl chatting on the table next door. She said she was from the Appearance Association, but I stood up and was about to strike up a conversation. I heard her like this. Say, I'm sitting down again." Su Jin dug his nostrils, flicked his fingers, and said lightly: "It's too superficial--"

Yinyue simply stopped talking to this guy now, anyway, in addition to strength, she still occupies Xiaoyou, and in other places, she was really defeated, such as the thickness of this face, which was thicker than the center of the earth.

The two then hurried to the front of the fire, but when they saw Rita's state at this time, they all laughed.

Lita, in a purple dress, was lying on the back of the big white bear, already asleep, but her face was dirty, Su Jin didn't know what she did after she left!

Didn’t you say yes, don’t play with fire?

Su Jin and Yinyue sat down. In other words, they are also people who have done things, so the relationship of subordination is much better than before.

"Yinyue, what are your plans next?" Su Jin didn't care about Rita and asked instead looking at Yinyue.

"I have no plans." Yinyue looked at the flames jumping on the fire and said, "Why ask?"

"Go to Qincheng and help me, no matter day or night, I need you." Su Jin said.

"You... are you going to exhaust me? Don't do it!" Yinyue shook his head simply.

"Actually, what I want to say is... Let's discuss the matter of double cultivation technique. If you and I can increase some strength, it is also a happy thing for everyone. Why not do it?" Su Jin said bluntly. "Furthermore, you also know that I don’t know when the Dao Heart Seed Demon can break through to the fifth level. At least some signs have appeared now. one side."

"I will think about it."

Yinyue is also more distressed now, and then said: "Who has let the family be your furnace? I hope you don't treat me differently in the end."

Lu Ding is an identity, basically the identity of being on call, doing that anytime, anywhere. As a proud female Tyrannosaurus, she is indeed very repulsive in her heart.

"This is a secret, the secret between the two of us. You are the same as other women. How could I have other opinions about you. That's all. You go back and clean up. I won't force you to take too long. Let’s go to Qincheng and help me.” Su Jin is too short of strong people’s help now. Gu Shuzhai has Aji sitting in town, and he has made others not dare to make too much trouble. Now he has silver. Moon is the trump card, who dares to try his Su Jin?

Then, in this way, I can also have no worries and free up more time to work hard.

"Okay." Yinyue nodded, and said: "Go to sleep, don't you still find your wife tomorrow."

Su Jin sighed in her heart and could hear her. Now her tone was completely different from when she was not dealt with before, but he couldn't help it, and finally smiled and said, "You lie down, I'll be on my pillow sleep!"


This request is too much...

Yinyue couldn't help, so she lay down and watched Su Jin's face sticking to the towering scary peak, bursts of special feelings rushed to her heart. Before she came, she didn't expect that things would be so wonderful. Just happened.

"Hey..." In the darkness, Yinyue's small mouth let out a sigh, and her beautiful eyes quietly closed.

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