My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 867: Pinot family

Can't help but try something——

Xia Yuyan felt her body warm, and her body was soft in Su Jin's arms. At this time, seeing Su Jin lowered his head and stared at the peak in front of him from top to bottom, he suddenly became nervous. Could it be that he thought ...

His eyes are really splashy!

Xia Yuyan couldn't bear to look straight and closed her eyes. She knew that she couldn't resist under Su Jin's powerful strength, and he seemed to be in a bad mood recently. If there is any conflict between the two at this time, The relationship is estimated to be very bad, besides, she has always thought that Su Jin is the kind of person with very strong self-esteem, and she doesn't want to make him angry, so she can't refuse...

Su Jin's heart was already beating in his throat. He took his hand away from the side of the slender leg, and then slowly lifted it on the low and thin black-red cloth...

At this moment, the door was opened with a bang, and someone rushed in!

"It's not good!" Chen Zhiyu ran over in a panic, but in front of him he just saw Xia Yuyan lying in Su Jin's arms, hugging his neck, with his face buried deep in his chest.

It turned out that Xia Yuyan's first reaction after discovering that someone had broken in was to have no face to see people, so he had such a quick reaction, and the appearance of Chen Zhiyu obviously shocked Su Jin.

Su Jin had anger in his eyes. Didn’t you say to avoid it? Why did he come in again? He thought Chen Zhihui wanted to destroy his relationship with his wife in his heart? Or did she like herself from the heart, out of jealousy, deliberately?

"Isn't there any medicine?" Su Jin looked at Chen Zhiyu and asked in a cold voice.

"You are sick! There is going to be a fight outside!" Chen Zhiyu was nervous and couldn't care about anything. "There are also your two, what is good for you."

My time-

Su Jin immediately lowered his head slightly, and said in Xia Yuyan's ear: "My wife, try it secretly at night... I'll go and see what happened."

Xia Yuyan also had strength at this moment, and slapped Su Jin on the shoulder. Even though Chen Zhiyu was a subordinate, it was embarrassing to be seen this way!

Su Jin moved her aside and didn't have the time to speak. He strode to the window sill, opened the drooping floor-to-ceiling curtain, and looked out of the gate.

Outside the door, there really was something wrong, besides Lin Bingfan and Aji, there were two groups of people who were obviously facing each other.

Behind Lin Bingfan and Aji, there was a group of people. Su Jin knew that they were from the New York FBI. They all aimed at each other with guns, and the other side did not seem to show weakness. They were even superior in number! There are more people than the FBI in New York!

"Who are they? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with me—" Su Jin asked a full question mark in his heart, but the other party found Lin Bingfan, otherwise the FBI people would not show up.

"Su Jin, don't go out." Xia Yuyan didn't know when she would come by.

At this time, Xia Yuyan couldn't even take care of her facial problems, she immediately became serious, and said something to Su Jin.

"Call her husband." Su Jin glanced at Xia Yuyan, feeling that she had changed her usual name, but it was really hurt that she hadn't changed it after so long.

Chen Zhihui was too lazy to deal with the question of how they were called. At this time, she also said, "They have a lot of people, did the president's husband offend someone?"

Earlier, Su Jin told her that she almost died last night, so people came to the door today. She felt that this logic was probably caused by the husband of the president.

Su Jin snorted and responded to Chen Zhihui and said: "You think too much, even if I offend people, it's not their cats and dogs."

"You call--" Xia Yuyan was really afraid of Su Jin leaving, and then said: "Call your friend."

"Wife, it's okay, I'll go out to see the situation." Su Jin has never done anything daunting, and making a direct call doesn't mean he is scared? It was a big joke when it spread out.

"Then you be careful." Seeing Su Jin saying this, Xia Yuyan knew that he would not change his decision easily.

"Yeah." Su Jin didn't hesitate anymore, walked between the two women with his pockets in his pockets, opened the door and went out.

Outside the Manhattan Hotel, a group of people were arguing about something, which meant that a gun battle was about to start.

Lin Bingfan's eyes lit up, and he saw Su Jin coming over with a cigarette in his pocket.

"Young Master." Lin Bingfan nodded.

"What's going on." Su Jin looked at the twenty-odd luxury cars lined up in a'one' shape, and then at the more than forty gunmen who were confronting the New York Bureau of Investigation. He frowned deeply, so big. Of pomp.

"They are members of the Pinot family, one of the five major families of the'Sicilian' Mafia. They are also one of the oldest and largest forces in the United States." Lin Bingfan said.

"No matter how big it is. What does it have to do with us?" Su Jin looked at those people lightly and said.

"I only know that the old guy had some cooperation with them."


"Yes." Lin Bingfan lowered his voice, "Young Master, the sound of our coming here is still leaked, they came with a purpose."

"Their purpose is me?" Su Jin became more curious, and went to talk with the old guy when he talked about business. What did he mean by finding him.

"They are here to invite you to the luncheon. What they just said was quite polite. It's just that we are still under the surveillance of the FBI, and the'Sicilian' mafia is the enemy of the FBI."

Lin Bingfan’s words made Su Jin immediately understand, no wonder he was so angry and arrogant. Isn’t he just being a guest? Yeah, the headquarters of "Paradise" has been through, and he was afraid of going to a small mafia?

"It just happens to be boring, I will go to play. This time, if there is any problem with my wife and others, I will kill you two." Su Jin said.

"However, the FBI people will not let you go with them!" Lin Bingfan knew that he would not make the same mistake again, but he also expressed his worries.

"Which bird are they?" Su Jin said disdainfully.

As soon as the voice fell, he saw dozens of people outside the hall, separated by a passage, and a woman walked out, but his eyes could not be separated anymore...

The woman who appeared was about 30 years old, about 1.7 meters tall, and smelled of ripeness all over her body. The typical American "golden silk" face was very white, with a tall nose, thin lips, and blue color. With uncommon confidence in his eyes, and the light golden straight long hair was refreshed...

Also, what makes Su Jin feel special is the black dress made of black leather on her body. The peaks on her upper body that are larger than the sea bowl are tightly bound by black leather, along with the two white long legs. Flashing in the skirt, the white rabbit in front of her seemed to have a feeling of jumping out at any time!

Who is she--

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