My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 868: accept an invitation

The woman came over enchantingly, but she didn't even look at the FBI person. She stopped three steps away from Su Jin and said with a polite smile: "Mr. Su Jin, the patriarch sent me specially to invite you to the family As a guest, you should have a good face, right?"

"You said it in Chinese, I gave it full marks." Su Jin yawned, "Of course I am very happy, but it seems that I can't go if I don't. It is such a big show to invite me, the people watching are very scared—"

"Mr. Su Jin is really joking, these people add up, I am afraid it is not your opponent." The woman stepped aside and made an inviting gesture, "Please."

Su Jin nodded, since the other party was so polite, he had nothing to say, so he walked forward.

Seeing Su Jin and the woman getting in the car, Aji poked his head and walked out from behind Lin Bingfan, and whispered, "Hey, Xiao Fanfan... this woman is a superb..."


In the car, Su Jin noticed a detail when he first got on the car. These famous cars were all of the same brand. He didn't know much about the cars, but he felt very tall, even though he felt that his big shark lightning was domineering side leakage.

"My name is Judy Winnie. You can call me Judy or the latter." The woman and Su Jin sat in the back seat of the second car, smiling at Su Jin and said.

"I'd better call you Miss Winnie." Su Jin said.

"Yes." Winnie nodded gently.

"I wonder why Miss Winnie's Chinese language is so slippery?"

"I can't say that, it's not that I'm here to invite you, right? My profession, but a diplomat, is directional. It's just that I didn't go to China because of family affairs." Winnie smiled.

"It turned out to be so."

Su Jin can also figure it out. At this moment, the two of them are sitting relatively close. He is a little sideways, and he can see the two beautiful legs with snowy skin in front of him. There are almost no pores on them, and they are tender and tender. , There is such a pair of beautiful legs, for a man, I am afraid it is already enough, can play with legs for years——

Judy Winnie naturally felt Su Jin's gaze. The space in the car was very large. She confidently lifted one of her legs from the leather skirt, and then folded her two beautiful legs together, the red one. Long high-heeled shoes also appeared in the air.

It's full, all drunk...

Su Jin feels helplessly that the gap in the degree of openness in his own country, of course, cannot be arbitrarily said. The shortcomings of openness and non-openness are just cultural differences. In China, if you encounter some special women, so Looking at it, it's estimated that a slap will hit the face.

"Mr. Su Jin, how long do you plan to stay in New York?" Winnie asked with a smile.

"I have to leave tomorrow." Su Jin retracted his gaze, his own wolfishness was superbly displayed by him, and there was nothing to be stage fright and cautious, so he responded truthfully.

"It's a pity. In fact, New York still has many nice places to visit." Winnie said.

Seeing her say this, Su Jin said, "When it comes to playing, I actually want to go to a place, but I have never had time to go--"

"Where?" Winnie's eyes brightened.

"Natural Beach. I wonder if Miss Winnie has been there?" Su Jin asked.

Some embarrassment suddenly appeared on Winnie's face. This man is really bad enough. The celestial beach, as the name suggests, is that everyone bathes and sunbathes piece by piece. Of course, in some European and American countries, these are all famous. But there are many people who oppose this. Even if she agrees with this open country from the bottom of her heart, she does not have the courage to go to the nudist beach. Maybe it has something to do with family education.

"I haven't been." Winnie shook her head.

"I see a lot of beauties. When I go to the celestial beach, I just want to prove one thing." Su Jin tilted his elbow against the car window and said to Winnie.

"What do you want to prove?"

"Prove that I am no worse than the men here—"


Winnie was completely dumbfounded, and subconsciously looked at Su Jin somewhere, but after taking a glance, she withdrew her gaze, and said with a blushing smile, "Mr. Su Jin is really interesting."

"I'm free in the afternoon." Su Jin said lightly: "Miss Winnie, would you like to go with me?"

Judy Winnie:...

She was hesitating, answering, or not?

Under Su Jin's expectant gaze, Winnie nodded and said: "Since Mr. Su Jin has ordered, Winnie will do so."

Su Jin was very satisfied with her answer, but she did not expect that she would agree, and then said: "Okay, let's try it after the luncheon."

Winnie stared at Su Jin in a daze. For some reason, she felt a little regret in her heart. She was different from ordinary Americans, and her status was honorable. There might be news reporters everywhere. So let her go to heaven with a Chinese man. The beach, isn't it all going to be watched by then?

At the nudist beach, the person who wears clothes is the most embarrassing.

Unconsciously, after driving for more than 20 minutes, Su Jin and Winnie talked very happily. There is no communication barrier with this foreign woman who can speak Chinese. Now they are in a clearly good mood.

The car drove slowly into a manor.

To be precise, this is an American farm. The tall and low buildings on the farm are all different. There is nothing short in America, especially land. Even in New York, this kind of place is not uncommon. It compares with who has it. Money, but it is rare to have a property of this size.

"I heard that Mr. Su had a battle with the saint yesterday and received the sacred scroll of'heaven'. Is there such a thing?" Winnie said with a happily smile.

Su Jin walked down to admire the most special scene in the city. After Winnie asked him, he thought to himself, is this the reason they invited him? He looked at a stubborn old man guarding the gate. With his eyes straight, the foreign old man hunched his waist and walked a few times, and the corners of his eyes appeared half-sharp. This old man, Su Jin feels very abnormal, looks like his body has been modified? A little capable.

"Why do you ask?" Su Jin asked back.

He knows that now that high technology is advanced, some strong men can be transformed. He hasn't seen any modern orcs. That kind of people burst out, and they are indeed very powerful. This Pinot family has the human and financial resources, and the masters... less.

"I think, if it can be confirmed, we may have a very big cooperation with you in the future." Winnie said.

Su Jin knew that the paper package couldn't keep the fire, basically did not think, snapped his fingers, and said softly: "Lita--"

"Huangquan's Notes" appeared in his hand, opened it gently, and saw Lita grabbed the teddy bear, jumped to the ground, then made a big grimace at Su Jin and stuck out her tongue.

Winnie was shocked and looked at Su Jin's "Huangquan Notes", nodded and said, "Mr. Su, please come in."

Su Jin didn't put Rita away either. Didn't this girl like to eat? It happened that this luncheon gave her a good meal. Hearing Winnie's words, he took Rita and walked into the manor.

"Big brother, look! There..." Rita yelled, "What is raised there? So cute—"

Winnie followed Rita's gaze and said with a smile: "Little sister, that's an alpaca..."

"Alpaca?" Rita blinked her eyes and said, "Four-legged alpacas!"

"Yes." Winnie replied.

Rita chuckled and smiled crisply: "Big Brother!"

"Huh?" Su Jin didn't know what Rita was thinking, and looked at her.

"Since this alpaca is so cute, why not roast it--" Rita said, swallowing.

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