My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 869: Uncle from the east


Su Jin looked at Rita, who was wearing a purple dress with an innocent look, and suddenly said, "This is a pet raised by someone else, how can it be baked? Today, your sister Winnie will take you to eat a lot of delicious food." , Don’t always want to roast some cute animals, understand?"

"Oh." Rita was happy when she heard that there were other delicious foods.

The heart that Winnie was holding at this time also gradually let go. It is not that she is reluctant to bear an alpaca. She is afraid that the sister-in-law and grandmother will go crazy. Once she read the introduction of Lita on the family’s ancient sheepskin illustration book, it does exist Among the sacred scrolls of heavenly relics, so when Su Jin called her out, she knew at a glance that this woman was absolutely true. From the illustrated book, she knew that Rita could not be irritated, and it would be unimaginable.

"Little sister, there will be a lot of delicious food later, you can eat whatever you want." Winnie smiled and said to Rita.

"Any venison?" Rita asked.

"This—" Winnie smiled bitterly. She really didn't know if this food was available at today's luncheon. She usually only asked about this. She said: "I don't know if there is any, but I know there is the best horse meat. ,beef."

Su Jin was embarrassed and accepted her words, "You don't need to be so polite, in fact, there is food with legs, just hold it for her."

"Turkey..." Winnie felt nervous again, not knowing this, it was not worth the venison Rita said.

"Okay. Absolutely no problem." Su Jin nodded.

Then, the three of them walked for several minutes before they arrived at a western-style spire castle. It can even be said to be a castle. The building area is too large and it looks particularly shocking. The bottom of the castle is very small.

At this time, outside the castle, there were many people in suits and shoes, and there were enchanting beauties of various skin colors to accompany.

Su Jin led Rita with no stage fright at all. This kind of courage also made Winnie feel extraordinary. Then she said: "These people are some important people, and some of them are members of government agencies, and some It’s a financial tycoon, well, there are some Hollywood celebrities."

"The pomp is big--" Su Jin turned to look at Winnie in confusion, "You haven't told me, why are so many people here today?"

It seems that he was not specifically invited, and Winnie hadn't made it clear before.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you in advance that today is the ninety-third birthday of the old patriarch." Winnie said.

"Oh, I didn't bring a gift..." Su Jin fully explained what is called, the good morality of Huaxia people.

"No, Mr. Su is willing to come. It is already the best gift." Winnie shook her head repeatedly.

"It seems that there are not just some celebrities." Su Jin looked at some special existences, these people are very powerful, and they don't know what their identity is.

"Mr. Su's eyesight is really good." Winnie looked down the place Su Jin was gazing at, then she frowned, and then said to Su Jin: "Let's go in."

"It seems that human beauty is suffering..." Su Jin did not leave. He had already seen three people coming out of the crowd and walking towards them.

Winnie was startled, and instinctively walked closer to Su Jin.

"Judy! Who is he!" Among the three, there was a man about 30 years old with short yellow hair and a cold and arrogant face.

"Bart! He is the distinguished guest I invited, and the patriarch sent me here specially. What do you want to do?" Winnie communicated in English, her face was very angry, and she was obviously disgusted with this man who often bothered her.

"You lie to me? No wonder you have been hiding from me recently. It turns out that you have such an oriental boyfriend. I also know that you have been longing for the east, but you can't get away!" Bart pointed at Su Jin and Wen Wen with a look of anger. Ni quarreled.

"Damn...If you disrespect your guests like this, the old patriarch will punish you!"

"I'm the fifth in line to Grandpa, how could he punish me? It's you who made an Oriental man and are still arguing with me?"

"He is not!"

Winnie couldn't suppress her emotions, and she saw many celebrities cast their eyes on her.

At this time, Su Jin stretched out his hand, placed it on Winnie's shoulder, and said, "That... don't make a noise."

"Mr. Su." Winnie apologized, "I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

"This is not a matter of laughing or laughing." Su Jin smiled: "In our country, pointing people like this is very uncivilized behavior. I just want to ask, can this person be killed?"

Winnie stayed for a while--

She also knew that Su Jin was a little angry. She cursed Bart secretly and shook her head repeatedly and said to Su Jin: "Sorry, he is the fifth-in-line heir to the old patriarch. He is a direct line of the family and cannot be beaten..."

"Oh, you're misunderstood, it's not me." Su Jin smiled gently, "This is your Western business, and it should be resolved in a Western way. I'm an Easterner naturally can't get in!"

Winnie's heart jumped fiercely, although she didn't know what Su Jin meant, but she always felt that Bart was miserable.

Sure enough, before she could speak, Su Jin looked down at Rita.

"Lita, I'll give you three seconds." Su Jin dug his nose elegantly and said.

His voice fell.

Rita's eyes flashed red lightly, and her little hand gently threw the teddy bear high, and at the same time there was a lovely scent in her tone: "Bigger, always not bigger..."

The big white bear suddenly fell from the sky above the heads of Bart!

The big white bear, which counts several tons, made a bang, and directly dropped the three of them on the ground.

The big white bear’s expression is still very rich, the mouth-sized pair of eyes constantly look at it quickly, as if they don’t understand what happened, but then, it was turned into a teddy bear state by Rita’s trick. He fell into the little hand, and was hugged in front of her.

Winnie stared blankly at the big hole that appeared on the ground.

Because Bart's bodyguard was beside him, he was sturdy and sturdy, so Bart in the middle was only injured and not lethal, but the two bodyguards were already breathless, and the big white bear sat to death!

There was an uproar in the audience. The situation happened too fast, but they still saw what happened just now. They were all panicked. Some of them had already started calling for an ambulance. If you move, you can't stop groaning, you should still be saved, you can't die.

Winnie watched someone lift Bart up, and it seemed that she was not hurt. She looked at Su Jin with an ugly expression and said, "Mr. Su..."

"Oh, it has nothing to do with me... This guy's behavior is even hard for a little girl. By the way, if you are looking for trouble, please find Rita." Su Jin motioned to Winnie.

Looking for Rita?

This guy put the responsibility on a little girl?

If Winnie didn't think that Su Jin helped her, she would definitely think... This uncle from the East is really shameless--

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