My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 877: I didn't save you bastard

After a few minutes.

Xia Yuyan and Chen Zhihui are really annoying now.

I don’t know when, behind them there is already a super handsome gorgeous purple sports car, and they are not hurriedly following them in the lobby of Nuo Da, from time to time they make two bangs——

"Sister President, are rich foreigners like this?" Chen Zhiyu turned her head, glanced at the supercar behind her, and asked Xia Yuyan next to her.

"It should be, leave him alone." Xia Yuyan was not even interested in taking a look. Except at the very beginning, when she saw this sports car a bit startling, she was no longer interested and didn't care about driving at all. who is it.

"But it's very hateful..." Chen Zhiyu was indignant.

"This kind of person, the more angry you are, the less worth it." Xia Yuyan said in a calm tone.

"If your husband was here, I would have beaten him early!"

As soon as Chen Zhimao's voice fell, she couldn't bear it again. She turned her head and walked to the side of the car, patted the car body, her hot personality was reflected, and she cursed: "You are sick." !"

Su Jin was startled. He wanted to give them a surprise, so he turned the front glass of the car into an invisible pattern. Who knew that Chen Zhihui would be offended.

The car came to a halt slowly, and there was a slight automatic door opening. Chen Zhiyu took two steps backwards, watching the magical folding and shrinking of the car door into the car body. She was also attracted by this weird way of opening and closing the door.

A faint voice appeared at this time.

"Doctor, can I still help?" Su Jin smiled and leaned sideways on the back of the car, looking at Chen Zhihui.

Hearing the sound, Chen Zhiyu looked at Su Jin fiercely with beautiful eyes, her small mouth couldn't close...

How could it be this **** Su Jin!

For a while, various complexions changed on Chen Zhiyu's face, and she finally couldn't help saying: "It's no help! You bastard!"

Su Jin clicked his lips and said to Chen Zhiyu: "Beauty, everyone is an adult, speak... please be more uncivilized! Don't curse, how uncivilized is it?"

"You are stinky and shameless." Chen Zhiyu laughed angrily.

"Shameless, if you do it well, then you have an excellent psychological quality." Su Jin said that you don't understand me.

At this moment, Xia Yuyan also walked over and said in surprise: "Su Jin--"

"Call my husband... how many times have you said it." Su Jin looked at Xia Yuyan's body, and then his eyes lit up and said, "My wife, the clothes you changed are really good-looking, and the temperament is very good."

"Is there?" Xia Yuyan glanced down, she didn't feel anything herself.

At this time, Xia Yuyan was wearing a snow-white shirt with her upper body wrapped in a brown striped knee-length skirt at the waist, and a pair of black high heels stepped on her feet, plus her straight and slender figure, with her neckline in front of her. The first button was not buttoned, and the two high-supported peaks suddenly raised the beauty of the whole person to the extreme.

Perhaps, today's Xia Yuyan doesn't wear gorgeous clothes, but the more this is, the more she can interpret her beauty to the extreme, which is exactly what Su Jin wants to see.

"Get in the car." Su Jin motioned.

Xia Yuyan and Chen Zhiyi suddenly had puzzled expressions in their eyes. Why did Su Jin get a car without much time?

Without any hesitation, the two women sat in, and Su Jin drove the car out of the exhibition hall. He just tested it. After the car came out, the eye-catching rate was as high as 99.9%. The rate of turning back is really terrible. From the time he opened it to the present, he feels extremely comfortable. It is indeed a non-selling collection, and he has done the best in various places.

"Su Jin, who owns this car?" Xia Yuyan asked in the passenger seat.

"Yours." Su Jin said.

"Mine?" Xia Yuyan said weirdly: "Stop making trouble, I can't afford it."

Even though her family is rich, she would not spend it in such a place, so it makes sense for her to say that she can't afford it.

Su Jin smiled and said, "Do you want it, give it to you."

"You mean, this car belongs to you?" Xia Yuyan widened her beautiful eyes and exclaimed, "No way--"

Chen Zhihui was shocked in her heart. Although she knew that Su Jin had great powers, this car was not a joke. She and the president’s sister had just turned around a lot of famous brand cars on display and had seen many beautiful cars, but she felt that Su Jin This car can definitely kill all cars in seconds. There is a saying that people are more deadly than people, and they must be thrown away. This is probably what it means.

"Hey, it's mine." Su Jin sighed, "I missed a little bit of talent. Someone gave me this car. It looks good, right? Not for sale, just one in the world."

Xia Yuyan was really speechless, although she didn't believe he was talented, but the car really appeared in front of her, which made her unable to refute!

"I don't dare to ask." Xia Yuyan shook her head, "this car is not for me either."

"It doesn't matter, mine belongs to you." Su Jin snapped his fingers and said, "You are the second owner of this car, don't move...let the system lock you on."

I saw a beautiful female voice from the system: "Sister, please stand still for two seconds..."

With the sound of the completion of the recognition of the Lord, Xia Yuyan took a breath, and there was really nothing to say.

Xia Yuyan also discovered that the voice of this system is not at all indifferent, just like a normal person, communicating with people with emotion, which is really incredible.

"It's getting late, let's go back to the hotel directly, do you still participate in the evening reception?" Su Jin asked.

"A little tired--" Xia Yuyan shook his head.

"If you are tired, don't participate, take a good rest in the evening, and we will fly back to Qincheng tomorrow morning." Su Jin yawned, "I didn't sleep at lunch today. The car will be sent back to Qincheng after I sleep well."

The two women did not object. On the way, Su Jin drove the car directly back to the Manhattan Hotel under the enviable gaze of the gringy.

It is worth mentioning that before going up, under Su Jin's insistence, Xia Yuyan opened an adjacent room for Chen Zhiyu.

During the period, Chen Zhihui's expression was weird. She suspected that Su Jin was looking for a chance to see the little clothes she was wearing—

After Su Jin came up, it was as if he had swallowed a piece of medicine, and the whole world changed into a sense of x. He sat on the sofa, calmly in Xia Yuyan's unnatural expression.

"Drink water?" Xia Yuyan asked.

"Drink." Su Jin's eyes turned quickly and nodded.

Xia Yuyan gave him a white look, picked up two porcelain cups, walked to the pure water dispenser, bent over and pressed the button for water...

Su Jin stared blankly, looking at the perfect figure in the state of being bent over, the posture... it made his face like chicken blood, he couldn't help getting up, and walked to her quickly without wind. He stuck it behind him, and from behind he also wrapped Xia Yuyan's willow waist with both hands!

"Ah -" Xia Yuyan shook her body and said with a panic blush: "Husband, what are you doing..."

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