My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 878: You are a genius

What do you want to do

This is a very simple question.

Su Jin sniffed the fragrance from Xia Yuyan, and whispered: "My wife, for the peace of mankind, for the beauties of the world to give up, and for me, it hurts once, just once..."

"You are going to die... so bold!" Xia Yuyan said in embarrassment.


Su Jin's heart shuddered, and his face instantly turned a little unsightly.

Xia Yuyan, which pot is not opened and which pot is to be picked.

Perhaps she was unintentional, but she had forgotten her troubles a long time ago, and Su Jin, who was planning to take one step at a time, suddenly pressured her. Yes, he is going to die soon. After ten days, he is not sure that he will be able to save it. Now Xia Yuyan promised and gave him the whole person. If he died ten days later, wouldn't it be harm to her?

She is such a perfect, such a good woman.

The heat in the room plummeted, Xia Yuyan knew Su Jin’s character very well, and she must be angry again, what she was about to say...

Su Jin let go of her and smiled: "Just kidding you, don't take it seriously."

Xia Yuyan turned around suspiciously, and saw the far-fetched in Su Jin's smile. She felt that Su Jin had changed a little. Before changing to another, she would definitely be angry. This time it seemed to be so different?

As for what was wrong, she didn't know.

"Are you angry?" Xia Yuyan asked in a nice voice with his eyes wide open.

"My mind can accommodate the whole world!" Su Jin said righteously.

"It's still good for you, you're a stingy." Xia Yuyan pushed the cup in Su Jin's hand, then turned around with a cold face. She doesn't want to take care of Su Jin anymore. This kind of person even jokes. Can't afford it!

Ouch, I rub it--

You are so hot to me!

Su Jin's expression was exaggerated, he wiped off the water spilled from his hands, and watched Xia Yuyan condensing Liu's eyebrows, he knew she was angry, but he liked it...

Then, Young Master Su took a sip of water and swaggered to Xia Yuyan and said, "Wife?"

"Huh!" Xia Yuyan turned her head, not looking at him.

"My wife, let me tell you a joke." Su Jin appeared in front of Xia Yuyan again.

In return, she turned her head again, but Xia Yuyan responded, saying, "I don't listen, it's annoying."

"Annoying, annoying should listen to a joke, my wife, I can make you laugh with five words, do you believe it or not?" Su Jin said mysteriously.

"Believe you, big-headed ghost, go away, don't want to see you." Xia Yuyan was still very angry.

"Don't believe me? I have to behave more, listen up!" Su Jin put the water glass on the table, forcibly hugged Xia Yuyan's face with both hands, forced her to look at her, and then said badly: " Sister Tesi Bangwei—"

Xia Yuyan's face turned red immediately, she slammed Su Jin's hands off, and smiled angrily: "You're so dirty!"

"Dirty~ Ah... Ah..."

A sharp and detailed ‘dolphin sound’ was exaggeratedly performed by Su Jin’s movements. He deliberately controlled his voice with force, and the sound waves invisible to the naked eye were all emitted from all around!

Xia Yuyan was initially taken aback by Su Jin, but then in the fierce and exalted tact, her heart trembled when she listened, and she actually...sung better! This kind of voice, logically speaking, Su Jin should not be able to make it, but... it just happened to him.

What is dolphin sound? Few in the world can sing this kind of voice well. The best one can sing at the moment is only a famous Russian singer named Vitas, because this kind of tone is really too difficult. !

Su Jin squeezed her throat and squeezed her fists. Xia Yuyan was still uttering a loud voice. Xia Yuyan looked at him blankly. She was already stunned. Although Su Jin's performance was very exaggerated, she felt that there was no sense of disobedience. It's fascinating.

The two of them didn't know. People in the surrounding area didn't know how many li, they all raised their heads and stopped, carefully searching for the source of this sound. Various workers had a break for a few minutes.

Even some of the beautiful hosts who are broadcasting live on TV are sluggish, and the program cannot be carried out for a short time.

At the end of the song, Su Jin was relaxed, then he picked up the water glass, drank the water, looked at the dumb Xia Yuyan, and said, "Wife, what's wrong with you?"

"Husband, are a genius!" Xia Yuyan reacted, but she was still thinking about the beautiful voice just now.

"This is a fact, so I don't need to remind me so many times." Su Jin sighed and said: "If I sing, I should have been born for the stage. Unfortunately, this is not my dream."

Xia Yuyan:...

Although she wanted to refute Su Jin now, she was so powerless. Because he does have the capital to pretend to be paralyzed!

At this time, the door knocked, Su Jin sober from narcissism, walked to the door with the water glass, and opened the door.

"President husband! Did you just hear that someone is singing a dolphin tone!" Chen Zhiyu appeared, looking at Su Jin with excitement.

"I heard it." Su Jin said lightly.

"It seems to be the nearest to us!"

"I know... it's in this hotel."

"Then do you know which room is sung in?"

"This is the room."

"This room? What do you mean?"

"I sang it—"


"Ang!" Su Jin nodded.

Immediately, Chen Zhiyu was completely dumbfounded.

Su Jinduo glanced in front of her, already having a little plan in his heart, he could not help turning around, letting Chen Zhiyu walk in.

"Sister President, is your husband lying?" Chen Zhiyu asked.

"I didn't lie..." Xia Yuyan smiled bitterly.


Okay, Chen Zhiyu believed it. She looked at Su Jin's eyes more and more weird. This guy sang so well, she couldn't believe it.

Su Jin looked at Chen Zhihui and said, "Ms. Chen, it's going to be night soon. Everyone is hungry. I can't help you go down and order food and let someone be brought to your room."

"I see, do it right away." Chen Zhiyi did not stay in the room.

Seeing Chen Zhihui out of the room, Su Jin looked at Xia Yuyan and said, "My wife, the room is so boring, I'll go down for two walks."

"Go." Xia Yuyan was not angry either, she had to admit that Su Jin's method had worked, and this guy could make her laugh with just one mouth, and the others, just haha.

Su Jin nodded, stepped out and closed the door. Then, he saw Chen Zhiyu who was walking in front, and walked up quickly.

"Hey..." Su Jin appeared in a rippling tone, and people stopped Chen Zhiyu, and touched his hair. He wanted to face this girl in the most handsome posture.

Chen Zhiyu frowned, wondering what Su Jin was doing to stop her.

Su Jin gave a light cough and said, "Sister Zhiyu, I'm here to ask you for the red string n-clothes. If you don't wear it, please return it to me!"

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