My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 881: Wife who knows me

Back to the hotel.

Su Jin sat on the sofa quietly, with doubts on his face, just... it seemed that someone was following him.

There are too many people who are spying on him secretly, and those who don’t come out are the weak who just waved directly! It's spicy chicken! So he didn't care, because he knew very well that as long as he stayed with his wife, her safety would be guaranteed. This was the last night in New York, and he would not tolerate any mistakes.

On the other hand, he found that he should also consider the current problems.

Although his own strength has improved a lot after the "Furnace and Ding Double Cultivation Dafa" in the past two days, there is still a long way to go for the illusory fifth level.

If you want to break through to the fifth level within ten days, it is completely idiotic. Although he has a lot of methods, it is too difficult to use one person to fight against the superpower of ‘Heaven’, who does not know how many masters there are.

The ‘Dao Xin Seed Demon’ is just a practice method, to be precise, it is a mind method. It is the devil's power that goes from obliterating the Taoist mind of the practitioner to turning to the devil and delusional to reach the peak. As for the skills, apart from some unexpectedly discovered by Su Jin, there are not many things that he can show. He planned, whether it is a temporary holdover, because the pressure is too great, he must enrich himself in the remaining ten days. Let your own means become more.

"What are you thinking about?" Xia Yuyan stuck her waist, tilted her head slightly, curiosity in her beautiful eyes.

Su Jin smiled and said, "I didn't think about anything."

"Hey, let's eat." Xia Yuyan lowered her body and held Su Jin's hand.

Nima is good--

Second Ao, he seems to be an innocent little meat, I have always been domineering, okay? Su Jin doesn't appreciate Xia Yuyan's motherhood. The key is such a gentle name that makes Young Master Su uncomfortable!

Xia Yuyan had always felt that Su Jin was particularly weird in the past two days. Although he didn't say anything, the depression really existed in his own feelings. I really don't know where he got so much pressure.

Chen Zhimao ordered a very standard Western food, milk + horse meat, knives and white napkins are all neatly placed on the table, plus three vegetable salads, two bottles of red wine, although the match looks good, the color looks good It's also very delicate, but she doesn't understand Su Jin's taste. These Young Master Su don't like them very much.

Su Jin sat next to Xia Yuyan and asked, "In the past two days, except for the last time I contacted the house, have you contacted yet?"

"Contacted, when you were away." Xia Yuyan nodded, and Chen Zhiyu had already poured half a glass of red wine for them in front of him.

"Well, what time is the plane tomorrow." Su Jin said.

"It was nine ten in the morning."

"It seems that I can sleep well." Su Jin smiled, "Drink more wine and sleep better at night."

"Then what? You're going to start doing things again, right?" Xia Yuyan asked back.

"Wife who knows me--" Su Jinle couldn't. "Wife, you have to master the time later and synchronize, so it's best to wash it together."

Xia Yuyan:...

When did she wash it together, why didn't she remember! This Su Jin is nothing short of that kind of thing!

Chen Zhihui was on the side, looking back and forth on the faces of the two of them. She was really embarrassed, her face was so red that she couldn't help it, and said to Xia Yuyan: "Sister President, when you talk about this topic , Shouldn't we consider the feelings of unmarried young girls!"


Xia Yuyan glared at Su Jin and said to Chen Zhiyu: "This, sorry..."

"It's okay, I already know what kind of person the president's husband is." Chen Zhiyi curled his lips, and the slender knife in his hand flexibly began to cut a good piece of horse meat, and finally inserted it with a fork. Put it gently into the small mouth.

Seeing Chen Zhihui's dislike for herself, Su Jin was still angrily laughed. This is an unmarried girl. He agrees that she is unmarried. In her twenties, can she still be called a young girl?

"Funny girl, hello." Su Jin held the wine glass, swaying the red wine inside, and smirked back.

Had it not been for Xia Yuyan, Su Jin would definitely call her a movie girl. I really didn’t show off. I don’t know how powerful the president’s husband is. For a beauty like Chen Zhihui, when I changed to another company, the boss and the young master would have already left. Hand, just as innocent as him, to let her grow up to now, without loosening the soil and applying fertilizer.

Chen Zhiyao chewed the meat, as if he had eaten Su Jin, the bite in her little mouth seemed to be his meat, constantly crushing and then crushing!

"Su Jin, don't be eloquent. You haven't talked carefully about why someone gave such a good car?" Xia Yuyan knew that Su Jin was here for the first time. Who is so good and so generous .

"I don't want to say too much. You don't understand the world of artists." Su Jin shook his head, "I don't want to show off my talent anymore. It will annoy me and deepen my pain. Alas! Don't ask!"

Sorrow... Ah! It's like a group of eunuchs looking at the building-

Su Jin is in such a state of mind now.

Xia Yuyan didn't ask any more, Su Jin would naturally say if he wanted to, otherwise, it would be useless.

However, dinner was over in a relaxed and active atmosphere. A few minutes later, some foreign waitresses came in and took away all the tableware. Chen Zhiyu did not want to disturb the two of them, and did not stay in the house for more, and went back to the hotel room next door.

At this time, the night in New York was also completely dark. From a distance, the building was neon like colored stars, vast and gorgeous.

Su Jin stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the shining stars, standing with his hands behind him.

The atmosphere was very quiet. During this period, Xia Yuyan glanced at Su Jin at least a dozen times, and then she got up angrily, packed up her underwear and other supplies, and walked into the bathroom——

Su Jin turned his head and wondered secretly, why didn't he call him.

But soon, he saw a bottle of skin care products on the bed, which should be used on his body, but why didn't his wife take it?

Could it be that she did it on purpose?

With a smile on his face, Su Jin walked to the bed, grabbed the skin care products in his hands, and walked gently toward the bathroom.

After a minute or two, Su Jin was thinking whether he suspected it was wrong.

"Su Jin..." Xia Yuyan's voice appeared, "Help me put on the bed..."

Before she could finish her words, she saw the door open a gap, and Su Jin threw the skin care products in.

Phew~ A cool breeze seems to have blown--

Xia Yuyan was very speechless.

"Wife, how can you drop things on purpose? This is a waste of everyone's time!" Su Jin said at the door.

"You did it on purpose!" Xia Yuyan's guilty voice appeared.

"Well, you didn't mean it." Su Jin said: "Get a break early. I will practice magic skills for a while."

"Hey...wait." Xia Yuyan hurriedly called.

"What else?" Su Jin asked, pretending to be puzzled.

"You--" Xia Yuyan's voice became lower and lower, and her tone was full of shame: "You...come in."

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