My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 882: Back to Qincheng

To enter or not to enter——

Su Jin was in a dilemma. Before he changed, his wife's request was absolutely ecstatic. But now, he realizes that he is actually very weak, he can't even control his own destiny, and he can't protect himself well, so how can he protect others?

Xia Yuyan is different from any woman, she is ranked first in Su Jin's heart. People always have to consider that if she has no abilities and can be with her without any burden as before, then she should How good~

Su Jin took a deep breath, turned around silently, returned to the sofa and sat down, his expression relieved a lot.

Taking off his shoes and sitting cross-legged on the sofa, Su Jin gently closed his eyes.

Inside the bathroom door, an incomparably beautiful face appeared with questions written on it, but when Xia Yuyan saw that Su Jin was meditating seriously at this time, an inexplicable trouble appeared in her heart. .

He has something...

But didn't tell myself.

Xia Yuyan felt that Su Jin was too strong. She only knew something about him when he appeared in her own world. She had never asked him about some things he had concealed before. The relationship between the two has long been known to outsiders. Under this relationship, what can't be said?

The little mouth squatted gently, and then took a deep breath. She quietly walked to the bed and lay down on the bed, with her smooth and tender feet outside the snow-white knitted blanket, beautifully exposed, white and flawless.

The room didn't say a word, it was quiet.

After more than an hour, Su Jin didn't open his eyes, but he said, "My wife, you have been staring at me like this, haven't you seen enough before?"

"You are so handsome, how can I see enough?" Xia Yuyan responded with a slightly dissatisfied tone, as if she was just in the bathroom, Su Jin ignored her, making her sulky.

"I believe you are telling the truth." Su Jin opened his eyes and smiled.

"You ignored me just now. Did you bother me?" Xia Yuyan and Su Jin looked at each other and asked with a curled mouth.

What Su Jin can't stand the most is Xia Yuyan's upward-turning gesture. It's so hot and beautiful. This action is a little bit spicy, but the peerless beauty is very pleasing to the eyes no matter what expression she makes, he smiles He shook his head and said, "I won't be annoyed all my life, but I don't know if I can do it all my life...Someone will die first."

"You're talking nonsense, good, it's unlucky for anyone to die! I'm not allowed to say it."

"Yes, my wife."

"Why are you so obedient now?"

"Old husband and wife, I'll let you do it, it doesn't matter." Su Jin explained.

"Who tells your old husband and wife..." Xia Yuyan appeared on her cheeks, "It's getting late, come here obediently..."

"My wife, I want to practice." Su Jin said confidently.

"Not behaved again?" Xia Yuyan pulled her face lightly, and continued to look anxiously with Su Jin, and said: "Okay, now you don't like sleeping with me!"


Su Jin couldn't laugh or cry, so she got up, walked to the bed and lay beside her.

Xia Yuyan was proud of her face, and shut the wait. In the past few days, she was not used to Su Jin by her side, but now it's better. He doesn't know what's wrong, she has become obedient. Quite a lot, for this she still recognized Su Jin's performance very much.

"Su Jin."

In the darkness, Xia Yuyan whispered.

"You said, I'll listen." Su Jin opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, the fragrance around him was still refreshing.

"You said that we are... old couples and old wives. Don't bury some things in your mind. If you tell them, I can share them with you. Maybe I can get along with the solution." Xia Yu Smoke said.

"This matter has no solution, nothing, it's just some things at work. You know that I used to have nothing to do. Now that I am in business, I need to handle all kinds of things, so it is normal that the pressure is a little bit heavy. Said.

"But...but..." Xia Yuyan wanted to say something.

"Don't worry, I have wine tonight and get drunk tonight, tomorrow's sorrow comes tomorrow's sorrow, just live well today!"

"You just want to understand."

"Yeah, it's useless to think more. It's better to think about what to do in front of you—"

"Think about it?" Xia Yuyan couldn't help laughing and deliberately said: "Yeah, don't you like me very much? When you are annoying, just think about me."

"Wife, such a beautiful day, I suddenly have an idea!"

"what idea?"

"I think it, my wife should sleep with her at night!"


Xia Yuyan still didn't understand the meaning of Su Jin's words, and then felt that the peak in front of her wearing thin clothes was full, and a big hand was added...

After that, she was shocked, and the **** Su Jin had opened her mouth.

Xia Yuyan gently beat Su Jin’s shoulder, tried her little mouth, not to let herself make a sound, she finally understood the meaning of'wife sleeping at night', and Su Jin made such a move, she simply I can't resist.

Since she couldn't resist, Xia Yuyan had to hold Su Jin's head and let him fit better on it. It is estimated that this would greatly reduce his pressure...

Ten minutes passed.

"Not enough..." Xia Yuyan asked in a faint mosquito voice.

"My wife, I want to turn on the lights and see."

"No. What if you can't control it..."

"My control ability, don't be too strong."

"Stop making trouble, go to bed—"

Seeing that Xia Yuyan was very shy, Su Jin realized that such a big bargain was the limit, and there was nothing to be disappointed, so she had to put her hands on her delicate and moist legs, and the word ‘um’ was lightly uttered in his breath.

Before long, the two were asleep.


In the morning in New York, the weather has gradually become a bit hot and humid. This kind of weather is very common in New York, but fortunately, Su Jin and the three will leave here soon. From the beginning Su Jin was awakened by Xia Yuyan, and it was useless to get to the airport. Time, after arriving at the airport, I boarded the returning plane soon.

Since the plane accident happened when they came to New York before, Chen Zhiyi and Xia Yuyan had obviously felt a sense of fear. With all the comfort of Su Jin, the two women calmed down their fears.

Ten hours later, the plane landed smoothly at Qincheng Airport, and the two women let out a long sigh of relief, and finally arrived in Qincheng!

After getting off the plane, Su Jin found where he had parked at the airport. Who knew the car had only started, and the phone rang.

"Brother Tiger." Su Jin said.

He knew that Zhou Tianhu would definitely be able to check the flight he was taking, and he called him once he landed, but it was normal.

"Young Master! You got off the plane, right?" Zhou Tianhu asked.

"Well, what's the matter?" Su Jin said.

"Send Miss Xia back, can you come here for a minute--"

"It's so late, go tomorrow morning!"

"No, isn't it... a ruthless girl came here, didn't the old master tell you... Come here, she is punishing Wang Mei Niu and the others--" Zhou Tianhu felt helpless.


It! There is no tiger in the mountains, the chick is the king, right?

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