My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 883: Pure is me

It's crazy!

Su Jin has never seen what the girl looks like! Just the old guy said that this woman is coming, but when she comes, will Wang Mei Niu be punished?

"Brother Tiger, I'll be over later! By the way, what is she calling?" Su Jin's face was green, except for Lao Tzu who can punish Wang Mei Niu, who would try something special.

"It's Qin Shiyao." Zhou Tianhu said on the phone.

"Okay, tell her to wait!" Su Jin was really angry and hung up the phone, still worried about Wang Meiniu and the others. You know, she is the naughty ghost in everyone's mind, the little sister-in-law in Aji's eyes——

If it is broken by this guy named Qin Shiyao, Su Jin still has to feel distressed.


I forgot to ask Zhou Tianhu what this girl looks like, but it doesn’t matter. Young Master Su plans to trouble her. By the way, I don’t understand why the old guy asked her to come to him, but there is a reason for it. Yes, he was too lazy to think so complicated.

"What's the matter?" Xia Yuyan asked suspiciously in the co-pilot position.

"Isn't it going to New York for a few days? There will be urgent business when you come. Don't worry about work. I will deal with it later." Su Jin shook his head.

"It's so late... can't you handle it tomorrow?"

"A little tricky."

"Then hurry up, Dad, they will call me soon."

"it is good."

Su Jin responded, and then the car gradually left Qincheng Airport.


At the door of the house, while on the way, Xia Honghai called, with a tone of picking up a few people. Sure enough, as soon as the car stopped, I saw Xia Honghai and Xia Yunxi standing outside the door, waiting anxiously. In response, Su Jin signaled Chen Zhiyu not to get out of the car, and he and Xia Yuyan went down.

"Sister!" Xia Yunxi ran up and hugged Xia Yuyan tightly, almost, just a little bit apart, in such a dangerous situation, Xia Yunxi didn't know how her sister survived these two days. Yes, her tears of excitement fell. If she hadn't seen her sister's real person, she would still be a little bit unbelievable.

Su Jin looked at it with a smile, and Xia Honghai took the initiative to walk over at this time, patted him on the shoulder, with tears in his eyes, and said, "Xiao Jin, thanks to you for following this time, otherwise..."

"Dad, it's okay. It's just an accident and it's rare." Su Jin smiled and said, "I can bring the rain and smoke back safely. I have completed the task, and I have not lived up to everyone's expectations."

"Thank you, I am sincerely grateful. I can't live without Yuyan. In my early years, I lost her mother. If there is an accident this time, I..." Xia Honghai's mouth is bitter. Although this time is dangerous, he did not personally Participating in it, you can think about it, all feel terrible, that is the disintegration of the plane in the air, I heard that there are not a few pieces of debris found, most of which are sinking tens of thousands of meters below the sea floor.

Su Jin smiled and shook his head. At this moment, he saw the Xia sisters parting, Xia Honghai walked up and hugged her daughter, the joy of reunion without concealment.

"Yun Xi, thanks to your brother-in-law, I am too awkward. Why don't you hug and celebrate?" Su Jin's eyes turned quickly and opened his arms.

Chen Zhimao in the car immediately curled his lips and murmured, "Beasts."

In contrast, Xia Yunxi is:...

This kind of action, in front of my father and sister, should be fine, right? Xia Yunxi's face flushed, but he walked up, and was hugged by Su Jin.

Xia Yunxi said excitedly: "Brother Su, you are such a handsome guy!"

"Don't praise me, this will make me more high-profile!" Su Jin said, carefully feeling the two squeezing bullets in front of him, and his heartbeat speeded up a lot. He felt that the peak in front of Yunxi was full. The size has increased a lot-

He was divided, Su Jin watched Xia Yunxi walk to his father, he was really moved, these two daughters are definitely like their mothers, if they follow Xia Honghai's appearance, it is definitely a very cruel thing.

Afterwards, Su Jin and Xia Honghai talked about the urgent matter that they and the old guy had ordered. They had to deal with it first, and then sat back in the car again. Under the watch of the three, the Shark Lightning Supercar also left their sight. .

In the car, Su Jin turned his head and glanced at Chen Zhiyu. Now he has to send this girl home, and it will take a lot of time. He just wants Wang Meiniu to hold on for a while, and can't help asking: "Where do you live? "

"Are you going to see a woman?" Chen Zhiyi asked instead without answering his words.

"What are you doing so much? I'm not yours." Su Jin didn't want to tell her more about this kind of thing. In fact, seeing a woman was to see a woman. The key is to trouble the woman. A woman who dares to move herself is really the opposite of—

"Is it OK to ask?" Chen Zhiyu snorted, and then said, "Just follow this direction to Wuyuan Community, and then go in."

Su Jin rolled his eyes and smiled and said, "If I deliberately didn't want to go home and want to live with you, what would you think?"

"Dare you!" Chen Zhiyu suddenly raised her voice, "Then who am I? The boss stayed overnight at the female subordinate's house?"

"Actually, we are pure, aren't we?"

"Don't, it's me who is pure, not you."

"In this world, what about the trust between men and women?"

"Only in and out, no trust."

"Zhiyi, you have changed, it's not dirty."

Su Jin drove the car and was shocked. When did Chen Zhiyu, who was arrogant and ignored, also became so talkative? I really have to make him think about some other things.

"Near Zhu Zhe is red, close to Mo is black. Staying with you for a long time, it will change!" Chen Zhiyu was also outspoken. She didn't even think about this kind of words. Before, she was absolutely impossible to say it.

"I, Su Jin, swear to heaven, although you and I have known each other for a long time, but I really didn't make you black. You are a slander and totally unreasonable! Unreasonable!" Su Jin is serious and serious. For their own injustice.

He really doesn't understand--

What does it mean to turn black after being with yourself for a long time? What does this mean? Who can explain it to him!

"You bastard! I won't talk to you anymore!" Chen Zhihui was crying, can't you stop it, she and Su Jin, who is the most dirty! If there is a real comparison, this guy will be dirty, no matter how serious, he will be very serious in his mouth!

"Get in the boss's car at night, what do you want to be famous for..." Su Jin clicked his lips and said, "Zhiyu, fortunately you met such a good boss like me, or you would change to someone else. Uncertainty will do both soft and hard, you have to knock you twice."

"Shut up." Chen Zhiyu bit her lip, staring at Su Jin who twisted her head.

At this time, her heart was already sad, and the girl was the most shameless Young Master Su who really couldn't beat her!

"I have a bad temper, so I don't want to let people talk. Isn't it cruel? Okay, play with you!" Su Jin held the steering wheel with his left hand and lifted his right hand.'Liying' appeared and pointed to Chen Zhihui behind him and said: "Robbery! Raise your legs!"

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