My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 887: No matter how tired and handsome, we must be strong!

Passed away

Zhou Tianhu secretly laughed in his heart, Su Jin sometimes talked, it was always so funny, but to get back to the subject, he whispered: "The sprites have always been against us. Although they have converged a lot recently, I still don't recommend the young masters. go with."

"Hehe, I know, there's more at home." Su Jin smiled capriciously and glanced at Chi Lian, not intending to pass.

Then, Zhou Tianhu saw Su Jin getting into the car, the car kept going backwards, into the main lane, and slowly drove away from the entrance of'Gu Shuzhai', while the Chilian of the'Hongchen Inn' looked sad. It seemed that she I feel I still have to take the initiative...

When Su Jin thought of Xia Yunxi, his heart became enthusiastic. He had felt that she had changed a little before. It seemed that she had developed a second time, and Feng Man had the illusion that she was as famous as her sister! He felt that he didn’t feel wrong. This matter must be moving towards a good trend. He doesn’t know if she is asleep or not. As Big Brother Su, he must check and verify his own judgment.

In the night of Qincheng, there are thousands of neon signs, and the dim yellow street lights continue to retreat and then retreat. Only at this time, Qin Cheng will show its unique side, quiet enough to hear the sound of wheels rubbing against the ground, and there are very few passers-by.

Su Jin's phone rang at this moment.

It's an unfamiliar number, it doesn't seem to be from China?

Su Jin's heart moved, could it be—

"Guess who I am?" There was a voice inside. Although Huaxia is very standard, there are some differences in taste.

"Miss Winnie, we've just been apart not long ago, so miss me so soon?" Su Jin said with a smile to the'Golden Silk' on the phone.

"The car has arrived in Qincheng. We were afraid of accidents, so we speeded up the airlift, and it was earlier than your boarding time!" Winnie said.

"So fast..." Su Jin smiled: "Thank you, where is the car right now?"

"Qincheng's customs still has some procedures to go through. I will deliver it to your home tomorrow morning." Winnie seemed to be a little proud of asking for credit. She felt that she could not go wrong by helping Su Jin to do things beautifully.

"Miss Winnie, if you arrive in Qincheng when you arrive, I will invite you to dinner." Su Jin was surprised at Winnie's speed, and his tone was quite happy.

"Okay, don't hide from me then."

"how is this possible--"


After some exchanges, Su Jin hung up without looking at the phone.

It seems that the Shark Lightning is going to be collected as a collection. Anyway, the garage is so big that it is no problem to store ten or eight cars, mainly because the "Reaper" is so dazzling and he likes it too much. Although Shark Lightning is good enough, the comparison between the two is simply not the same.

The corner of his mouth rose high, and Su Jin's car shadow gradually disappeared at the corner of an intersection.

Soon after, the residence. The familiar scene touched Su Jin's heart. Although he also bought a real estate, there was no taste of home there. This time he was able to escape from the dead, and it felt good to come back here.

A cat cry appeared, Su Jin saw a white shadow passing by, and got into the room. It was obvious that Master Su knew what was waiting for him in the grass, but he didn’t understand. Fox Tiantian is clearly a vixen, why he still Deliberately pretending to be meowing.

Regardless of the sweetness of the fox, Su Jin stopped the car, got out of the car with ease, opened the door and walked in.

Su Jin knew that Xia Yuyan and the others were not asleep yet. For younger sister Xia Yunxi, talking about this experience was the most important thing, and his wife was not sleepy at all. The younger sister would like to listen, and she would like to talk.

"Yun Xi, that's all. There is really nothing to add. I didn't follow him when he went to work." Xia Yuyan was pressed by her sister and asked about the difficulties. This included the feeling of falling off the plane. In fact, she didn't feel much at all. She fell asleep at the time, and when she woke up, she was carried by a big crow. There was Su Jin by her side. All she can remember is this. .

"Wow, let me sum it up! Brother-in-law is really amazing. He can save you all by falling down from such a high place. It's so handsome!" Xia Yunxi waved his fist excitedly. Later, she began to talk about it. When she jumped off the plane, she was nervous to death. Finally, she heard that several people could escape from the island. It felt like watching a movie, as if she was also in the dangerous place at the time. Among them, it is really amazing.

"Fortunately, your brother-in-law is not here." Xia Yuyan gave her younger sister a white look and smiled: "Otherwise he..."

The voice hasn't fallen yet--

"Are you complimenting me for being handsome again?" Su Jin's surprised voice came unexpectedly.

Xia Yuyan turned her head and was stunned.

No matter how you mention this guy, this guy will show up... and, when he shows up, it's really thick-skinned to say such things.

"Haha." While younger sister Xia Yunxi was covering her mouth and giggling when she saw Su Jin's pose. Brother-in-law is so funny!

So what exactly did Master Su pose?

Of course it's a bodybuilder! I saw Su Jin's fist against his forehead, his back hand against his waist, and the corners of his mouth tilted up confidently!

Afterwards, Su Jin raised his head rhythmically. The bodybuilder’s posture did not change, and he slowly filled with emotion, as if he was questioning God, and said very seriously: “Actually, I don’t know why I am so handsome. This... I have been troubled, lost, and collapsed! I always... can't figure it out! In the end, I have to comfort myself, this is the heavens and the people! No matter how tired and handsome, I must be strong! I want to carry this banner of saving the world!! I want to give all girls a chance to dream! I want to give all men in the world a popular template! Even though I know they can never do it! Forever... Alas, thinking of this makes me very sad..."

"Hold it--" Xia Yuyan couldn't help holding his face, but his tone was unbearable, and then said: "I think you look like a very famous king in ancient times!"

"Oh? Concubine Ai, who do I look like?" Su Jin turned his head, his posture has not changed, but he looked at his wife and asked calmly.

"The King of Yue in the Spring and Autumn Period." Xia Yuyan's face was reddened by the words'Ai Concubine', but she still said with certainty.

Su Jin had poor grades when he was in school and didn’t know much about history. However, he had heard about King Yue, and felt that Xia Yuyan would do as long as he didn’t describe himself as a tyrant or a faint king. Then he asked confidently. Said: "Yue Wang? Why?"

"Because you are cheap!" Xia Yuyan scolded with a smile.

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