My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 888: Mystery comer

Cheap enough-

Su Jin immediately held up his chest, walked to Xia Yuyan and sat down and said with a smile: "My wife, my idiom is a bit unique, so don't always praise me."

"Big Brother Su, I heard from my sister, you have a big bird, where is it? Show me whether it's done?" Xia Yunxi asked expectantly.

"I hid it because it is not convenient to show others." Su Jin responded mysteriously.


Xia Yunxi’s face rose with two blushes. The question he asked was a little straightforward, and it seemed easy to misunderstand, but this guy was so bold, he could show her clearly, and he knew what she meant, but that was the case. Answer, you have to know that there is a sister next to me!

"Didn't you go to work? Why did you come back so soon." Seeing that Su Jin was not serious, Xia Yuyan immediately didn't want to talk about this topic.

"After finishing it, there is a beautiful wife in my family, I will be a good man who doesn't spend the night outside." Su Jin took it for granted.

"Haha." Xia Yuyan smiled coldly.

"Don't be so good-looking, because your husband can't help it, in front of my sister-in-law, I will hold you in the room, believe it or not." Su Jin said weirdly.

Xia Yunxi looked left and right, slowly got up and said, "I won't bother you anymore, I'm a little sleepy, go to sleep!"

"Yun Xi, don't listen to him nonsense." Xia Yuyan couldn't help but continue: "Your brother-in-law is such a person, and his mouth is amazing."

"I know, you just come back and have a good rest, there are still many things to do tomorrow!" Xia Yunxi said again: "Good night!"

Watching Xia Yunxi walk to the room and close the door, Xia Yuyan slammed Su Jin's waist, and then stood up decisively. Since I can't play with Su Jin, there is no need to fight, her time is also very precious. , Because tomorrow is going to get up earlier than usual, she plans to go back to the room to sleep now and ignore Su Jin.

That's all right--

That's my master's mistake...

Su Jin shook his head helplessly, picked up the coffee that Xia Yuyan hadn't taken a few sips of coffee on the table, sips gently, his eyes kept turning back and forth. In the end, he gave up going to check on Xia Yunxi. He thought that his wife had enough rest and might not fall asleep for a while. If he heard something and was caught on the spot, wouldn't it be his own sin.

Still safe first! When they are asleep beautifully, he will start after midnight! At that time, hehehe!

Thinking of this, Su Jin drank his coffee, took out his cell phone, and dialed the old guy's number.

The call is connected.

I only heard the old guy first say: "About Qin Xiaomai, don't ask me!"

"Is it enough to ask you? Lao Tzu has already taught her like a little sheep." Su Jin said lightly to the phone.

"Then why are you calling me?"

"Give me a few cheats, I plan to practice hard these days." Su Jin said.

"The Dao Heart Seed Demon is already the top technique." The old guy hesitated and said.

"I don't believe it. With my current strength, the means are still too few." Su Jin smiled bitterly.

"You are afraid. Since you are afraid, you don't have to go again after nine days. I can take care of you naturally!"

"I won't change my mind! Since there is not, there is nothing to say."

"Don't hang up the phone. I have a good job. I don't know if it is right or wrong to pass it to you." The old guy's tone seemed to make a decision.

Su Jin's eyes lit up, "What technique?"

"Three methods into one." The old guy said.

"It doesn't sound great--" Su Jin suddenly lost interest and asked, "How to practice?"

"Three methods into one, you need at least three kinds of skills in your body to be able to practice. To be precise, this is a supplementary practice, but if it is practiced, it will be infinitely powerful." The old guy said.

"So hanging? Has anyone practiced?"

"No." The old guy said hurriedly: "Although I haven't heard of anyone who has practiced, in theory you have a great success rate because you are different from others."

"What am I different?" Su Jin puzzled.

"The Dao Xin Cultivation of Demons is actually based on the mortal Dao foundation to fall into the Demon Dao. The explanation in disguise is that this is a cultivation method that combines two powers at the same time. Reason. Obviously, when the Dao heart is not exhausted and you don't use magic power, these basic Dao powers will help you a lot." The old guy replied.

"That's only two kinds." Su Jin sighed.

"No, according to my observation recently, you still have a psychic power in your body, with the breath of **** yellow spring." The old guy continued: "Because of the power of the yellow spring, you have induced you to give birth to a very dangerous heart demon, this is me. What worries you the most, perhaps, you really need a kind of exercise to help you balance it, but the Dao Heart Seed Demon will only be invincible if you fall into the Demon Dao. If you use the'Three Laws to One' to balance the two powers of the Dao Demon, I don’t know if it is. Good or bad!"

"Give it to me." Su Jin said.

He felt that what the old guy said was very reasonable. Because of the practice of "Dao Xin Seed Demon", the two have been merged very well, but one is worse, but he is still very worried, and there will be another power inexplicably. Will there be unforeseen changes in the integration?

The Dao Heart Demon of Three Laws into One!

Su Jin is going to try!

The old guy then began to talk about the exercises:

"The same abyss is like the family of all things. Frustrate its sharpness, resolve its turmoil, and its light, and its dust... The number is poor, it is better to keep it. If it is continuous, if it is not used diligently... Know its white, keep it The blackness is the tianxia style. It is the tianxia style, and Changde is not tepid, returning to the Promise..."

In one sentence, after two minutes of speaking, Su Jin’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and his talent was still quite high. When the old guy read it, his unforgettable ability showed again, every word he Keep them in mind and plan to start trying.

The old guy then told him to pay attention to the things he should pay attention to.

After Su Jin hung up the phone, he took a deep breath, raised his hand, looked at the black lines in his palm, and gently closed his eyes. At the moment he closed his eyes, the bright spots lighted up again while looking inwardly, and the black lines on the palm of his hand slowly faded, as if a black torrent rushed into the internal organs from the palm of his hand, and finally fell into the breath. In the sea.

During the crackling, Su Jin's body was shocked, and in shock, he firmly followed the technique and began to quietly use magic power to cater to that gloomy power...

Three hours passed in a flash.

The fox in the room let out an unpredictable scream--

He immediately awakened Su Jin in the immersed state!

When he opened his eyes, Su Jin saw Hu Tiantian's small body standing on the window, his hair was counted down all over, his complexion was grim, and his mouth made whining sounds from time to time, it seemed that something scared was happening.

Su Jin suddenly got up, just because based on the original strength, the three methods have been integrated, Hu Tiantian seemed to have discovered something outside the door, and immediately his figure disappeared in place and quickly came outside the door. .

Outside the door, under the dim light, a strong wind blows some trees to and fro, strange and inexplicable.

Su Jinmeng turned his head, and in the dark corner, a black shadow appeared, but stood still.

"Who are you!" Su Jin yelled, his eyes fixed on it.

no respond--

"Pretend to be a god!" Su Jin snorted coldly.

Following this, Su Jin approached step by step, and then approached, finally pressing his hand on the opponent's shoulder.

The tactile sensation from the hand is that kind of very cold stone texture, very cruel, like a human statue...

Su Jin's scalp is numb. Could it be that he really met a ghost?

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