My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 898: Persevere, shameless


"Junya, do you know why my brother's eyes are always full of tears..." Su Jin sighed, looked up at the ceiling, his tone seemed to carry endless vicissitudes of life.

Cai Junya opened her big clear eyes, "Why?"

"Because handsome guys always have a very high vision." Su Jin said in a tone that hates iron for not making steel: "I blame myself, why does God give me such a handsome face so that so many beautiful women are defenseless Get close to me! I once vowed that I would rather stand alone for a lifetime than to provoke fans to relieve my loneliness. Therefore, I feel that you are very sensible against me. This also proves the difference between you and other women. Place."

"Huh?" Cai Junya smiled, and pulled her face down again, thinking that the boss is starting to convince people again. She didn't expose it, and asked: "Boss, how handsome do you think you are?"

"If handsome is a crime, I am already a capital crime." Su Jin took a deep breath, "If handsome is a weapon, I am afraid...I can destroy all mankind! Thinking of this, I am really worried about being afraid, and I am restless every day. Talking to myself for a long time, why! Why does God make me so handsome and so extraordinary! Is it so difficult to make me ugly!"

"It's really hard for you not to blow!" Cai Junya snorted softly.

"Hey... people who understand me don't need to explain. People who don't understand me, why explain." Su Jin shook his head, sighing.

"Then boss, why do other people pretend to be numb without you?" Cai Junya couldn't help but blush, the red is like an apple, especially when she couldn't help but say a special character, she felt that this was not a What a lady should say, but the boss is too thick-skinned, she really can't help but want to talk about him.

"I said you kid, just listen to what you have to say." Su Jin was helpless, looked at Cai Junya and said, "Do you really want to know?"

"Ang, you said." Cai Junya listened respectfully.

"I think there are three major elements."

"Which three elements?"

"Persist, shameless, persistent shameless!" Su Jin said solemnly.

"Then the peerless cheeky is a great achievement?"

"No, you have to go through a special experience. Look at me, I practice every day." Su Jin said.

"Talk about it, although I am a girl, I am quite curious about your lifestyle." Cai Junya said.

"Practice a bite every day, you can be a hundred poisonous, you see Su Jin, as a patriotic young man, every day you have to turn on the computer and listen to the screams of the woman R, in order to suppress the raging anger in my heart and fall asleep peacefully . This is good for lowering one's bottom line and practicing the peerless thick black magic." Su Jin replied.


"Haha—" Cai Junya couldn't help but laugh, then she raised her hand and said: "I know the boss, I'm still busy, you just..."

Su Jin was calm, he said casually: "I'm leaving, bye."


After Cai Junya finished speaking, she saw Su Jin walking out of the studio with her trouser pockets in her pockets. To the boss, she had a very weird feeling. Sometimes she found him quite interesting, and the disgust that seemed to start to know him disappeared. Save, I don’t know if this is good or bad. She sighed in her heart, and then sat back in her working position.

At this time, the female employees in the studio who had been quietly watching the two of them saw Su Jin leaving and ran up immediately.

The female employee is about the same age as Cai Junya, but her appearance can almost be described as a world of difference. There are still many spots on her face. She sat in the position where Su Jin sat before, approaching Cai Junya and said with a smile: "Junya, the boss likes you very much..."

"There's nothing... nothing." Cai Junya jumped in her heart and quickly denied.

"You said no, your face is blushing, in our station, who doesn't know that the boss likes you?" The female employee laughed.

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, who is the boss, who am I...impossible, and... his kind of braggart who always says he is handsome, who would like it?" Cai Junya responded to the girl's words sonorously.

"The boss is so handsome—"

"You... your eyes are broken! Such an abstract face, do you think it is handsome?" Cai Junya opened her eyes wide, with a look that could not be believed.

"Cut, he is handsome, OK? He is handsome and rich. Oh, why am I not as beautiful as you..." The girl held her face in distress and said with some resentment.

Cai Junya was stunned, thinking about it carefully, the boss is not ugly and thorough...just that he is so handsome! Right, that is it!


Su Jin originally planned to drive back, but only halfway through the car, he answered the phone.

When Su Jin saw that Nangong Jun was calling, it didn't matter if Su Jin thought about it. As a result, the guy let it go and said that something big had happened.

No way, Su Jin had to go to another way to see what Nangong Jun was talking about, but listening to the heart-piercing and screaming tone of Nangong brother, most people are okay, at most they are guilty. Stupid.

Early in the morning, Su Jin slowly stopped the car outside the gate of Manxiang Building.

Liang Liang’s leather shoes stepped on the ground, Su Jin pinched the blue-ray glasses and put them on, and he saw Little Brother Nangong walking back and forth in front of the Manxianglou gate, as if fleas were born on him, and it seemed that he was really causing some serious trouble.

"Old..." After seeing Su Jin, Nangong Jun saw the "Reaper" supercar behind him. He couldn't help but couldn't speak. He bent down and trot over, shining straight around the sports car's eyes...

"Report master, there is a bad pen!" The supercar's intelligent system made a sweet and greasy voice, but the tone was a little angry.

I rub--

The younger brother Nangong was paralyzed, and stared blankly at the "Reaper" supercar, then suddenly looked up at Su Jin, "Boss, is the car yours?"

"Yeah." Su Jin nodded lightly.

"How much did it cost? I'll go for the whole one too!" Brother Nangong was not short of money and was very excited. After he saw the "Reaper" supercar, his saliva was about to flow down. This car is a little too handsome! It refreshed his knowledge of sports cars, and he felt that compared with his own cars, his cars were nothing short of different! It's too low grade!

The gorgeous purple is like a youthful flame, every detail has hooked Nangong Jun's soul, he is also a man who likes super running! How can this make him extricate himself!

"It can't be bought, it's given by others, it's just such a car in the world." Su Jin said while looking at Nangong Jun.

"Nima—" Nangong Jun's eyes widened to an unprecedented size. He immediately took out his mobile phone, dialed a call, and said to the inside: "Hello? Is the police station? Someone here is pretending to be forced, and the scene is out of control. Living!"

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