My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 899: join in the fun

"Fuck you—"

Su Jin found an opportunity and wanted to kick Nangong brother.

However, this kid was ready to be beaten long ago, so he flashed aside and was not kicked by Master Su.

"This brother, I have no grievances with you, why do you want to pretend to be paralyzed in front of me?" Nangong Jun pretending to be wary, arched his hands and clasped his fists, with a straight face. He had obviously taken Su seriously. Kim is a glamorous thing.

"Oh." Su Jin took this little brother without a trace, shook his head and said lightly: "Who makes us live in an age of pretending to be paralyzed."

Nangong Jun immediately raised his hands and said to Su Jin vigilantly: "Boss! I surrendered! You are so pretending to be too arrogant!"

Su Jin slowly took out a cigarette, held it in his mouth, and lit it lonely.

"Let's talk about it, what makes you anxious like a dog." Su Jin took a breath of smoke and asked Nangong Jun.

Speaking of this, Nangong Jun suddenly grimaced, like an eggplant smashed by Shuang, unable to lift his energy, and said, "Boss, do you know the Yao Jiuye of Qincheng?"

Su Jin shook his head, "I haven't heard of it."

"It's normal if you haven't heard of it. Yao Jiuye quit the business world ten years ago, and his companies are all over the world, and they are all managed by his descendants," said Nangong Jun.

"Pick the main one." Su Jin listened to his nonsense and wanted to ask him for help. But he introduced a person he didn't know. It's ridiculous...

"That's it. The granddaughter of Yao Jiuye got married today. She said she didn't yell and got married in a low-key way. But who dares not go to Qincheng who is in the business world or who has a relationship with their company?" Nangong Jun said next. "Boss, I'm going to die. My grandfather has already gone to say goodbye. Before leaving, his old man threatened me and said that he would not be his grandson. When I saw that things were not going well, I agreed and let the matter go. "

"That's it, it's a bit of a problem." Su Jin flicked the soot and said.

"Damn, you didn't realize it. Is my grandfather's words very problematic? He has always wanted me to get married." Nangong Jun cried out strangely, "As far as I know, Yao Jiuye has three granddaughters, the granddaughter today Married, there are two granddaughters left! I can't accept it—"

"Why can't you accept it?" Su Jin was curious, "This kind of thing, but beautiful..."

"I'm pooh! The second granddaughter of Master Yao Jiu has blemishes on her face! What beauty is that beauty... What do you want me to do?" Nangong Jun was a little emotional out of control, almost crying, his face was full of destiny. His unfair expression.

"Isn't there the third child?" Su Jin said.

"The youngest is still in the first year of high school, you let me start?" Nangong smiled bitterly like an ant on a hot pot, "Boss, you help me..."

"Brother, this matter...Big brother is really helpless." Su Jin stretched out his hands solemnly, "Do you think Big Brother can't take it for you? That's so beautiful that people don't dare to look directly at it..."

"Oh!" Nangongjun's expression was very worried, and said to Su Jin: "This is nothing, do you know who else is going there?"

"Who? Your sister won't go, right?"

"It's none of her business, why did you go? Recently, my sister has become obsessed with yoga and has been tinkering with it all day long." Nangong Jun said.

"Who else will go?"

"Ms. Tang of Haoran Villa, there is also a small money bowl that makes people headache." Nangong Jun mentioned the name, with a green face, and said: "I'm really scared of this annoying girl. Boss, One piece."

"Don't tell me, I don't know Yao's family. How could I get in with you, and it's so worthless, it's not worthwhile." Su Jin shook his head and directly rejected his proposal.

Why doesn't Su Jin want to join in the fun?

Because if Tang Yuxun is there, Tang Caiqi will definitely follow. That's not it. Qian Xiaowan's pester, he is also worried...

Nangong Jun immediately looked anxious, and quickly thought of a way. Suddenly his eyes lit up, as if thinking of something, he smiled and said, "Boss, I will pay for the money! This is not drizzle, let me tell must be very lively. , It’s fun...I heard..."

Nangong Jun seemed to want to sell him, but his words stopped here, only a smirk on his face betrayed him.

"What did you hear?" Su Jin asked.

Nangongjun raised his hand to gesture to the ear to speak, Su Jin frowned, watching Nangongjun whispering in his ear...

Speaking of the pleasure, this guy couldn't help laughing.

Su Jin also gradually brightened his eyes. If it was really as Nangong Jun said, then this trip would be a good place. Then he touched his chin and looked at Nangong Jun and said: "If it is true Like you said, it’s okay for me to play around."

"That's right—" Nangong Jun laughed, "Boss is so young and promising, and he is the protagonist everywhere. With such a sports car, I really don't know how to describe how handsome the boss is... when the time comes. , You go find flowers, I will ask Liu."

"I'm just the person you are talking about... Don't you lie to me? That girl is really here?" Su Jinjian raised his eyebrows, "Am I that kind of person?"

"Don't worry, how could I lie to the boss? It's wrong to lie. Let's go to Yao's house!" Nangong Jun knew that Su Jin was going to go with him. He didn't know how happy he was, so he waved his hand and left.

"Wait." Su Jin stopped Nangong Jun.

"Boss, please."

"Does Qian Dong come or not?"

"Go, how could you not go! Can that kid give up this great opportunity? This time Yao Jiuye also spent a lot of money. That woman, if you have money, you may not be able to invite it!" Nangongjun said.

Su Jin looked forward to seeing that Nangong Jun did not look like a liar, and then walked to the side of the "Reaper" supercar and the car door opened.

The two sat in.

After Nangong Jun sat in, his mouth was still stained with emotion, and he asked, "Boss, can you sell the car? Make a price--"

"Not for sale." Su Jin replied simply.

Young Master Su still doesn't know that Nangong's little brother is so careful, he must be trying to buy it to play...

"Disappointment, my heart... slapped to pieces." Nangong Jun's face could not hide his loss. He has lived for more than 20 years, and there is very little envy of things. I have seen everyone I should have seen, but so It's the first time to see you for the super run that you like.

Su Jin sneered, and drove the car lightly. Nangongjun started to show the way, it seemed...this road leads to the suburbs?

It was a woman who made Su Jin change his mind...

A very famous woman who doesn't show up often!

The woman's name is Momohee——

I heard that she was very beautiful.

I also heard that she can do any posture.

Then the official Su must have insights!

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