My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 900: Yao Family Little Princess

North of Qincheng, twenty miles away from the city.

This place is called Qincheng'Luoxia Town', named after Xishan's morning glow, especially in the evening when the weather is fine, when the golden glow falls from Xishan, it is matched with the ancient tung finger leaves that have been continued on the mountain and the breeze blows. , The whole town seems to have a peaceful atmosphere away from the hustle and bustle, and the scenery is beautiful.

The houses in Luoxia Town are not tall, and their uniform blue-gray shapes are quite like an ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River.

Don't underestimate this building. In Qin City, where the housing prices are the highest, except for the urban area, Luoxia Town can definitely rank among the top three. The price per square meter is scary.

The summer luoxia manor, where Yao Jiuye is for the elderly, is a large garden covering tens of acres. Today, everyone in the town knows about the wedding of Yao Jiuye's granddaughter.

As early as half an hour ago, a row of more than fifty famous cars such as'Rolls Royce' and'Clayton' had left in front of the manor with joy and took his granddaughter from Yao Jiuye's house. Go, obviously the family who married his granddaughter is also a wealthy and wealthy family.

After the ‘Reaper’ ran into the garden, he slowly stopped to the designated parking spot in the awe of Yao Jiading’s eyes.

Get out of the car, put on Su Jin's blue light glasses, Nangong's little brother came to him and said with a smile: "Boss, go, accompany me to find grandpa."

"Yeah." Su Jin glanced around, feeling that this place was simple and generous, and it was indeed a good place to live.

The younger brother Nangong led the way. Although he was here for the first time, it seemed that the road must be leading to the hospitality house. As he walked, Jun Nangong was holding the phone, and he said and hung up after a while. After disconnecting the phone, he said angrily: "Boss, the kid Qian Donglai has been here for a couple of hours, so he's even more anxious than you and me!"

"Don't--" Su Jin's expression was slightly innocent, and said: "You are a monkey, I am not."

He wondered, Nangong Jun expected to see Tao Ji's mood, he should be more anxious than him, this guy even wanted to take him, really young.

After walking along the road for about a few minutes, Su and Jin looked up and saw a pavilion. Both sides of the pavilion were planted with age-old loquat trees. This kind of tree was cultivated as a landscape. It seems that Father Yao's preference Still very special.

While admiring the scenery, Sukin, with excellent eyesight, immediately looked not far away sensitively. It was the back of a beautifully dressed woman.

It's about 40 or 50 meters away from them.

"When you just came, what did you say?" Su Jin suddenly raised his head to look at Nangongjun, and said lightly.

"Um, boss, what did I say?" Nangong Jun asked very puzzled.

"You pay for the money." Su Jin smiled.

"Boss, you are really picky! How can my Nangong brother say nothing!" Nangong Jun had a sad expression.

"Well, you go and pay me, I just walk around and meet you later..." Su Jin said.

"This--" Nangong Jun was unwilling, but he couldn't understand Su Jin's thoughts, and then smiled bitterly: "If the small bowl is..."

Su Jin interrupted him and said, "Don't worry, do you really think she still likes you?"

"Boss! What do you mean..." Nangongjun's eyes burst out with a strong gleam, he is not stupid, naturally he heard something from Su Jin's words.

"Low-key, low-key." Su Jin waved his hand: "Go."

"Hey--" Nangong Jun nodded slowly. Even if there is no money for the little bowl girl, the matter of Miss Yao is still a part of his heart.

Seeing Nangong Jun walked into the reception area, Su Jin touched his chin, and walked gently beyond the temperament beauty just now.

He felt that if he was lucky, he might still meet Tao Ji. Of course, if there are quality beauties, it is naturally impossible to bring Nangong Jun. This art of imperial beauty can only be done by chance.

The temperament figure is getting closer and closer, just above the wooden bridge over the pond.

There were a group of flower carps in the pond, mostly red, and the water was clear, but Su Jin obviously didn't care about it.

He took off his extremely handsome blue glasses and watched the temperament girl slowly sprinkling fish food with his hands in the water, and the roar of carp below could be heard.

Su Jin wanted to blend into this quiet atmosphere, he walked over gently, stretched out his hand, patted her shoulder behind the girl, and said three words in an emotional tone: "Hi... beauty."

Just like Su Jin guessed, the temperamental beauty will always stiffen slightly when touched by the opposite sex.

The girl turned her head slightly, and said with dissatisfaction: "What are you doing? What do you want to do? You are a pervert and even touched me, my old lady is still a big girl!"


Su Jin was shocked and dumbfounded.

The girl is full of spots! Moreover, how to describe it! The proportions of the facial features are not well matched. Crooked melons and cracked dates belong to this type and look strange and ugly.

Official Su gave a real glance, this looks really powerful... Suddenly, he has a strong nausea impulse.

"I can see it." Su Jin's expression was compelling, and he nodded and said: "Actually, I just want to ask, is it deep?"

"You have a crush on me? You can't confess and want to commit suicide? Oh my god! Or do you want to do that with me in the water?" The girl had an excited expression on her face, "It's so exciting ! What are you waiting for? Come on, ravage me as much as you want!"

After speaking, she closed her eyes gently.

But a breeze passed, Su Jin was no longer in front of the ugly girl.

Su Jin has never been scared before, this time he was taken aback when he stepped on a horse. He ran wild and didn't know how far he was before he stopped...

With tears streaming down my face, this Nima's skill is still fur, and needs to be improved!

Where is this?

What appeared in front of Su Jin was a small blue-gray villa with a bluestone paved road at his feet. The surroundings were very quiet. He walked to the door of the villa curiously and fiddled with it with his fingers. The original unclosed door was Pushing away gently and silently, Young Master Su hesitated, and then walked in.

Is there no one?

Su Jin thought, it’s normal for no one to do such a big thing here. In addition, it’s not good for someone to break into someone else’s house. It’s just as he walked a short distance in the villa and he was able to withdraw. After thinking about it, his eyes fell on an antique wooden desk with a lot of books neatly placed on it.

Books are learned in high school, with mathematics, Chinese, history, high school biology, organic chemistry foundations——

In addition, there are some beautiful handwriting homework already done.

The little princess of Yao family?

Su Jin was shocked. Could it be that this is where the third Miss Yao family lives?

In my thoughts, an extremely clear sound of water droplets appeared, pattering, as if it was raining heavily.

Young Master Su's face suddenly seemed to be hit with chicken blood, a flash of red flashed in the depths of his pupils, and he couldn't control his whole body and walked towards the room with the sound of water.

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