My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 901: How much does it hang

Nervous, excited!

After Su Jin clearly perceives the room where the third lady of the Yao family is in, he walks to the door, and a thought in his heart immediately extinguishes all the enthusiasm.

I heard that Miss Yao Er's face is disgusting, her face is not so glamorous, she thinks according to the joint method of genetics, although Miss Yao San is only sixteen or seventeen and is currently in high school, she does not necessarily look good.

Just as Su Jin was thinking about leaving, the cell phone that belonged to Miss Yao San rang, and soon only heard a clear and pleasant girl voice.

"Second sister, I'm taking a shower, don't... don't cry... who! Who bullied you!" At the end, the girl's voice was full of anger, "Okay, I know, I'll I'll find you!"

Su Jin judged from her voice that this woman was excellent--

and many more……

Who is crying? Who is bullying after riding a horse? Could it be...


Su Jin's face is dark, co-authoring just now on the wooden bridge, the girl who looks like a violent beating, is Miss Yao Er? In other words, the high officials just committed an unforgivable mistake?

It's a dog, **** it!

Seeing the thief, Su Jin couldn't do anything about it. After secretly crying out that it was a pity, he couldn't help but get a headache for the upcoming troubles. He immediately pulled away and left the wooden villa...

Five minutes passed.

At this moment, facing the remote location at the gate of the villa, a pair of eyes were staring closely.

Sure enough, an young girl came out from the door. The girl was about sixteen or seventeen years old in a green wrap dress. She was about one meter six meters tall and slightly thin, but the two big fruits in front of her could not be held by both hands. , Not thin...

With the aesthetics of modern people, thinness is the beauty, coupled with these huge peaks, white melon seeds, and this breathtaking age of flower bones, stains...

What Su Jin admired most was her hairstyle. The soft, jet-black hair was on both sides of the back, tied by two pink hair bands, which was very pure and durable.

At this age, it is this hairstyle to be perfect!

Su Jin was tempted. Seeing Yi Ren gradually moving away at the moment, he knew that he was not good at dealing with this kind of thing. After all, this was the place of others, and he couldn't help but have the mind to join Qian Donglai and them first, and then make another plan.

Thinking of this, he took a deep look at that beautiful back, and quietly disappeared in place.

After a while, Young Master Su appeared in front of the reception hall. With one hand in his pocket and wearing blue-ray glasses, he had just walked around the wooden bridge of the pond. Fortunately, he could come back, otherwise he didn't want to talk to Miss Yao Ersan. Meet?

Step into--

There were waves of exclamation sounds in the reception hall. With Su Jin’s figure, he could still see the general situation. He saw Liu Ye and an old man with a beard and goatee sitting high on it. Although Liu Ye has inconvenient legs and feet, he can be next to him. Nangong Jun was holding the empty wheelchair while waiting, Qian Dong came, and Qian Xiaowan was watching with everyone.

That old goatee should be Old Man Yao?

Su Jin thought about it.

During this period, Nangong Jun kept scoring at random, after seeing Su Jin walk in, he smiled and said, "Big Brother, here!"

Su Jin walked up, arched his hand at Liu Ye first, and said, "Liu Ye."

On such occasions, it is not appropriate to call seniors.

Liu Ye was obviously in a good mood. He looked at Su Jin with a smile on his face, and took the initiative to introduce: "This is the brother who worshipped the handlebar back then. He is known as the ghost of the mall and the sadness Yao Jiu! After I was disabled, I was fortunate to have Brother Yao help. , I can make a comeback, brother, get to know each other soon."

Su Jin nodded to Yao Jiu, and said, "Jiu Ye!"

Yao Jiu laughed out loud, pretending to be deep, and said to Su Jin: "I have long heard that there has been a remarkable junior in Qin Cheng, whose surname is Su and Jin, who has done a lot of earth-shattering things. The old brother all praised him, but I didn't expect that when I saw him today, the little brother did not disappoint the old man, he showed his talent."

"No matter how big things are, the kid is a junior in front of Jiu Ye, too young." Su Jin put down his hand and nodded gently.

"Hahaha, not bad." Yao Jiu looked at Su Jin quite appreciatively, then slowly shook his head, and said with emotion: "The waves behind the Yangtze River are pushing the waves forward. We old things should have added loess to the west and headed west. Now, I heard... the little brother was in New York earlier—"

He didn't say everything, but Su Jin was very curious. He knew that he had made a lot of limelight recently, but the news would not spread so quickly, right? Even the old man Yao Jiu who has never met before has heard his legend?

"Jiuye was joking, and the brat just had that show-off ability, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning..." Su Jin responded with a smile.

"Hey, it's terrific, terrific! Brother Su is really humble..." Yao Jiu obviously did not agree with Su Jin's modest answer.

Su Jin smiled and sat beside him under Yao Jiu's sign.

This move caused many people to look sideways. The huanghuali chair that was empty beside Yao Jiu was obviously arranged long ago. No one was going to sit and no one dared to sit. Many people can't believe that Old Man Yao would invite a young man to sit down. This kind of equal treatment is jaw-dropping.

Su Jin didn't refuse, and sat down happily, watching the scene. As soon as he saw the huge announcement in the scene, a girl in a white dress in the middle was lowering her head and concentrating on writing with a brush, he smiled slightly. The woman is Tang Yuxun. It seems that Yuxun’s wife is so talented that even Father Yao wants to get one or two calligraphy--

Beside Tang Yuxun, Tang Caiqi turned his head and saw Su Jin, she couldn't help sticking out her little tongue and making faces.

This baby is so cute!

"Brother Su, I heard that you were in New York earlier, and there were two famous collectors who wanted to pay one million dollars for a picture of you. I wonder if this can happen?" Old man Yao was looking forward to it.

Su Jin just finished looking at Tang Caiqi, the little girl. Hearing the voice, he glanced at Yao Jiu, nodded and said, "That's true."

Yao Jiu smiled even more on his face, raising his hand to invite a housekeeper, and saw the housekeeper holding a check in his hand, which was already prepared, he held it in both hands, bowed his head, and sent it to Su Jin.

wry smile--

Su Jin's face was rather helpless, and he couldn't cover his arrogance. These years, it is impossible to keep a low profile. He glanced at the check that was still blank in the amount, and admired it in his heart. Eight billion, this old man can't vomit blood?

"Brother Su, Brother Nangong and I were both in the early years of the earth. In our later years, we only have some small interests to accompany the rest of our lives. Please also look at the face of Brother Nangong, give me a word..." Yao Jiu smiled Say.

Many people were shocked!

If Yao Jiuye can make a request, the young man in front of him...

How hanging is it!

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