My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 903: Jushi Huangquan

Su Jin's mood at this moment can be described as numbness!

Sure enough, she looked more real from the front. Miss Yao San appeared in front of the official Su very clearly. Su Jin's evaluation of this beauty can only be described in one sentence.

This girl's mother, there must be something outside, otherwise how come these two sisters look so different?

I have to say that Miss Yao San is so handsome——

This kind of beauty is completely the kind of agile beauty that radiates from her whole body. The whole person seems to be wrapped in aura, especially the pair of exquisite big eyes, which makes people look at it, and they can’t help but have a kind to get close to her. The feeling of intimacy, even though the girl Yao San at this time was upset.

"Second sister, take a closer look, is there anyone who bullied you?" the little princess Yao said angrily.

Miss Yao Er pointed directly at Su Jin, and cried loudly, "It's him!"

Su Jin suddenly sighed, he was still too sharp, otherwise how could he be the focus of everyone's attention at any time? The second lady of the Yao family recognized the most handsome herself in the field in one fell swoop. Alas, having a handsome and scumbag look is really annoying.

The crowd seemed to explode, and they couldn't believe it. With the appearance of Miss Yao Er, Su Jin could still have the courage to bully. Then look at Miss Er crying so "moving", who knows what happened with Su Jin What happened?

"Boss, who are these two girls?" Nangong Jun whispered again with a smirk: "When did the taste change?"

Nangongjun's voice was extremely wretched, and Su Jin glanced at him and said lightly: "They are the second and third young ladies of the Yao family."


Suddenly Nangong Jun screamed, his eyes turned white, and he fainted...

Su Jin carried him and put him in a wheelchair. At this time, everyone in the audience was watching his behavior, including Old Man Yao, who was puzzled and could not figure out the situation.

"What the **** is going on?" Yao Jiu looked at the two granddaughters, his complexion was not so good, he naturally saw that the two granddaughters and Su Jin had a conflict.

"Let me talk about it." Su Jin walked back to the place with his hand in his hand, his face naturally picked up the slender brush that Tang Yuxun had used before, and as his hand moved, he already mentioned the four-character nomination of'Huangquanjushi' at the bottom. Then he smiled and said: "When I came, I ran into the second lady by chance. I don’t know if her appearance is too outstanding, or because of other reasons, the second lady praised me very well, but the kid is very useful, but I don’t know why the second lady entangles me. Constantly, helpless... I have to take the best policy, and this is the origin of the matter."

Everyone suddenly believed that compared to the appearance of the second young lady, they still believed Su Jin's words. After all, she looked ugly. If the talented Su hadn't other bad tastes, it would definitely be impossible to like this kind of woman.

"" The second lady's crying tone increased again. In fact, she couldn't refute Su Jin. This is the first time a man presses her shoulders on her shoulders when she is so handsome. Can she not get excited? Besides, Su Jin didn't do other extreme things either. Except for asking whether the water was deep or the dead people who could not be drowned, I guess this guy was really scared by her.

"But why are you running!" The little princess Yao looked at Su Jin angrily, "Is it mocking my second sister's appearance?"

"Miss San, I personally think that I did nothing wrong, can you understand what I mean?" Su Jin frowned and said calmly.

"Naughty!" Yao Jiuye immediately understood something, and was furious, "You two, please apologize to Master Su!"

Master Su?

The two women didn't understand what Grandpa said--

Su Jin straightened her body and looked at Princess Yao calmly.

"Qiao Yuan! You are still young, what can you know? Brother Su is aloof in Qincheng, possessing special skills, and he is even a master in calligraphy. He is a literate person. He knows the book and is reasonable, the etiquette is ethical, and the capital of the three views. It’s not what you can imagine. Hurry up, listen to Grandpa, and apologize to Master Su." Yao Jiuye usually prefers the little granddaughter the most, but he has also developed the other's arrogant personality, and sometimes even did something wrong. , And dare to confront him.

Su Jin's eyes lit up. It turned out that this little princess Yao was named Yao Qiaoyu...

"Forget it." Su Jin said to Yao Jiuye with a flick of his hand: "They are still young, I don't care about it."

"Look, both young people, Master Su's mind and tolerance! You all learn a little bit!" Yao Jiuye sighed, and he nodded, not embarrassing his two granddaughters.

"Jiuye, this handwriting is complete, are you satisfied with it?" Su Jin asked confidently.

As he spoke, he glanced at Yao Qiaoyu again, and found that she was still unwilling and angry.

Master Yao Jiu stroked the blue beard and goatee, and began to appreciate it carefully, but then everyone exclaimed again, but a black mist floated from the words on the huge rice paper in front of Su Jin...

The corner of Su Jin's mouth was upturned, and the ink and wash made waves of high-pitched dragons, and finally quickly hovered above the four characters "Qi Swallow Mountain and River", swinging the dragon's tail, and finally got into the handwriting.

In fact, this is just a vision developed by Su Jin controlling his strength and manipulating ink. Although it seems mysterious and unparalleled, it is actually not difficult to achieve it, and this will make Yao Jiuye pay more attention to Young Master Su. He knows better than anyone.

Yao Qiaoyu, a flower-bone-year-old, has a sluggish face. She has never seen such a scene before, and the four characters'qi swallows mountains and rivers', when you look carefully, there is a feeling that penetrates through the heart and is deeply imprinted in the bottom of the heart. It seems to be A kind of domineering power that makes people unforgettable even after seeing it. Even at a young age, she, who doesn't understand calligraphy, has the impulse to applaud.

"Awesome, awesome!" Yao Jiuye was so excited, "Thank you Master Su, it is an honor to receive Master Su's calligraphy today, and die without regret!"

"It's serious." Su Jin said with a smile, "put it away."

"Come on!, even raise the table together, be careful..." Yao Jiuye casually called several bodyguards in suits, and made several people start to work nervously.

Seeing Yao Jiuye's cautious appearance, Su Jin couldn't help but smile. The scent next to him became stronger and stronger, only to hear Tang Yuxun say: "Just now, it was your ghost who used the exercises."

Tang Yuxun studied the "Su Jin", although it is difficult to achieve Su Jin's level, but it is not impossible to have a vision, but she is not as prominent as Su Jin.

"Hehe, you still know me." Su Jin was empty in front of him. After saying a word, he put his hands on his chest, and walked forward in a haughty manner...

His goal-

Naturally Yao Qiaoyuan in front of you!

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