My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 904: Don't be obsessed with brother

Seeing Su Jin walking in front of him——

Yao Qiaoyu was obviously not afraid of him. She straightened her body, and the two sleek uprights became more and more conspicuous. What did she persuade? You know this is her home! Are you afraid of things at home?

But what made her really intolerable was that Su Jin went to a place where she was only a few centimeters at most!

How to describe it?

It's just a slim figure, with the most prominent peak arc as the criterion, the official Su can meet him just a little bit...

If there is an unidentified audience, they may still think that the two have come into contact with each other. Obviously, the talented person Su also intends to have a strong chest with Yao Qiaoyuan’s Fengmangang. Who is the best!

The so-called spicy girl, spicy girl! The hotter the hot girl, the less afraid I am! Su Jin is such a character!

"Miss Three..." Su Jin smiled and uttered: "I heard that the third lady is pure and beautiful, but she didn't expect to be a hot temper. However, you think that with a body of eighty-two, you can really beat a body of half a catty. Are you masculine men fighting? You are still too young. It seems that it is a pity that you didn't meet a man to discipline you."

" rascal!" Yao Qiaoyu couldn't help taking a step back with a numb scalp, and screamed.

Although she was young and only sixteen years old, she understood everything that should be understood. Su Jin could say such things and let everyone hear it. It was really damn!

"Perhaps it is. There are many hooligans in this world, but there are definitely no hooligans as handsome as me." Su Jin's expression remained unchanged.

"You are shameless like you, certainly not!" Yao Qiaoyu is almost mad, and there is no one who can be so confident as a hooligan!

"Old girl, you must be mistaken, I am confident." Su Jin touched his bangs, shook his head, and calmly faced everyone with the most handsome posture.

"Confident your uncle--" Yao Qiaoyu blushed with an anger of'old girl'.

"Oh, as a gentleman, I don't care about you, otherwise I'm not going to be called me a man and bullying a girl." Su Jin took a deep look at her face, and then turned sideways and let go , Pointing to Nangongjun, who had just eased his breath in the wheelchair, and whispered to Miss Yao Er: "Miss Er, over there is Nangong Jun, the second handsome man in Qin City. The Nangong family and Yao family have always had a good relationship with you. This time he also came admiring you..."

"Boss! I hate you!" After Nangong Jun yelled, there was a loud noise in his head, his face pale...

At this moment, Miss Yao Er made a very exaggerated expression on her face...

After hearing Su Jin's words, she seemed to be possessed. Looking at Nangong Jun, she found that the other person looked good, except that she felt weaker, the conditions were very bad...

"For the next generation, I want to fall in love! Xiongtai, thank you!" Miss Yao Er heard that Nangong Jun was admiring her, her face was extremely joyful, and she trot to come to Nangong's younger brother and made a more chic She loosened her long hair, and said affectionately to Nangong Jun with a frightened expression: "Long hair is for the king to stay! If you don't marry you in this life, the green silk will not diminish. in……"

"Boss...Help me..." Young Master Nangong said angrily, then his eyes turned white and he fainted again.

At this time, Su Jin stretched out his hand, pushed a cheek that wanted to come closer, and said lightly: "Don't be obsessed with brother, Auntie will beat you..."

Tang Caiqi was pushed so much by Su Jin, and his face was all unreasonable to Su Jin, and he blushed because of this guy's words. What is infatuation with him? Do you have it? Is there!

But why is my heart so flustered...

Little Bunting thought so.

Tang Yuxun didn’t care, her face was full of smiles, she stood quietly and watched Su Jin’s outfit, although Su Jin said he was handsome and had a humorous element in it, but it was seen by Miss Tang. Come, his every move is quite natural. Isn't there no one in the audience to refute him? People who are as strong as Master Su can only be envious of others.

"Junior Brother." Liu Ye beckoned and motioned.

Su Jin took a step forward and walked up to him.

"Unexpectedly, Junior Brother's calligraphy was so accomplished, Brother Yao is blessed..." Liu Ye cast a glance at Nangong Jun, and found that this kid was still pretending to be asleep, then he secretly shook his head and said to Su Jin again: "I If this unsatisfactory grandson has the ability of one-tenth of the junior brother, I won't worry about it."

"Hehe, I'm covered, please don't worry, Senior Brother." Su Jin nodded confidently.

"He called you, but I didn't expect him to be smart." Liu Ye hummed.

Mentioned that he came here, Su Jin scanned around and found that Yao Qiaoyu had already gone out angrily. Naturally, he was not looking for him, so he asked Liu Ye: "Why didn't I see Donglai and Sister Xiaowan? ?"

"Be entertained..." Liu Ye said with a smile.

It turned out that this place could not entertain everyone. Su Jin suddenly sat in the middle, where Yao Jiuye had sat before. If it is in the usual way or when others don’t understand it, this is absolutely disrespectful behavior. , But now that the talented person Su has used the method of persuading people and won the respect of everyone, no one dares to think like this.

"Taoji, is it also behind?" Su Jin asked tentatively.

Do not know why--

When Su Jin mentioned the name Tao Ji, Liu Ye's face sank.

"Junior Brother, don't provoke that woman." Liu Ye looked serious, reminding Su Jin, his tone meant to be admonishment.

"I know, it's just that this woman is quite famous, so I want to see and know, but I don't have any other ideas." Su Jin became more and more surprised as he thought about it. What kind of woman is it that makes Liu Ye treat it so seriously?

"Nothing to see, just a woman who smells like horses and fleas." Liu Ye knew that he couldn't control Su Jin's thoughts, so he deliberately lowered his voice and said, "This woman hasn't shown her face for several years. Do you think this is a coincidence? I guess Brother Yao and Tao Ji have a cooperative relationship."

Su Jin thought about it, and just as he was thinking, a male servant in a suit hurried over.

The man walked up to the two of them, then looked at Su Jin intently, and then he asked, "Excuse me, but Master Su?"

"Yes." Su Jin nodded slowly.

"Ms. Momoji, please..." the male servant said respectfully.

Male Gobi!

Unexpectedly, what is so special about asking for a gun to meet?

Isn't this asking you to enter the cave?

"Liu Ye, I'll come as soon as I go." Su Jin stood up, stood with his hand held hands, and confessed to Liu Ye.

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