My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 905: Civil and military

Just as Su Jin bid farewell to Liu Ye and was going to see Tao Ji, a grumpy voice came from outside the door!

"Who is Master Su!"

Everyone only heard such a sentence, they all looked at Su Jin, and automatically gave way.

Su Jin felt inexplicable, turned around and saw a young man standing outside the reception hall. The young man was about 20 years old. He was looking at everyone present with a hostile look. When the young man felt that everyone saw Su Jin At that moment, he squinted his eyes and drank, and asked cruelly: "Is it you!"

Young man--

Just being too temperamental and too aggressive.

Su Jin took out a cigarette in his pocket and lit it at the corner of his mouth. When he slowly spit out a puff of smoke, he looked at the other person in disdain and slowly said, "Where are you looking for your father?"

The youth suddenly turned black...

But when the young man saw the sixth master next to Su Jin, his momentum suddenly became weaker, and he said angrily to Su Jin: "Is that the Qiaoyuan school girl you bullied?"

"Yes? How did I bully her in the public?" Su Jin stretched his hands and said innocently: "Well, since you said I was bullied, I will bully. What can you do? "

When Su Shaoye saw this raging arrival, he knew Yao Qiaoyu’s girl glass heart, thinking about it, she has a beautiful face and can be a school flower in her high school. There must be a lot of school flower pursuers. Popularity, but wanting to be an early bird is normal.

"Very hungry, huh?" The young man raised his finger at Su Jin and let out cruel words, "Come out! Have the courage to come out!"

"One-on-one? You deserve it too? Is it too weak, okay?" Su Jin chuckled and said, "For something **** like you, you can only play the dung in the TV series, and it's not even as good as being caught by a dog on the roadside. The gum that has been spilled in the urine is more than 10 times more handsome than Huahua. You have to go to the zoo or even leave the earth to find a girlfriend. As long as you raise your head, the ozone layer will break. If you want to commit suicide, someone will advise you not to leave the dead body to avoid pollution. Circumstances... Then the question is coming, what courage and qualifications do you have to make me and you single?"

"You!!!" The youth almost spewed a mouthful of black blood.

"Go back, you are only worthy of mixing in Neiku..." Su Jin said lightly.

Not only the young people were angry, but even the people who watched the good show were secretly stunned. Su Jin's eloquence was by no means ordinary, it was a little bit too hungry, it was completely suppressed by momentum!

"Don't dare! You are a coward!" When the youth was critical, he was so confused that he wouldn't even be able to scold others, so he wanted to give himself some face.

Just when he was very excited and desperate, Yao Qiaoyuan ran up, full of anger, "Zhou Yuan, what are you doing! I don't need you to stand for me!"

"Qiao Yuan, he is too much, don't worry, I will help you fix him!" Zhou Yuan stared at Su Jin viciously, and said to Yao Qiaoyuan next to him.

"Oh -" Su Jin's sigh is obvious, "It turns out that it is Lang Youqing, my sister has no intention of... a pity for someone."

"Shut up! If I don't kill you today, I won't be called Zhou Yuan! Come here, hit me..." Zhou Yuan was extremely arrogant, obviously he was extremely angry.

"Well, I didn't expect that there is such a cheap person, so I can just scold you. I have to wait until I hit you to know that I am both civil and military." Su Jin started.

When the official Su was passing by Tang Yuxun's side, she was pulled by her little...

With a comforting look, Su Jinbao walked to the door of the reception hall and directly raised his leg unexpectedly and kicked Zhou Yuan's stomach fiercely.


Zhou Yuan cried out in pain and flew out.

A fatal blow! A scarlet letter seemed to float on Zhou Yuan's head, and his HP was reduced by 180,000!

The scene is quiet, the needle drop can be heard! The audience is quiet!

They didn't expect that Su Jin would hit him as he said he would fight without mercy, but his kick was too heavy. Many of these distinguished guests who were onlookers were sensible and clamored like this, even Su Da The young master is pinched by a clay figure, and he is also three-pointed.

But is it really heavy?

Su Jin didn't think so. If he really wanted to kill him, this person could not be alive.

Yao Qiaoyuan widened her beautiful eyes, and hurriedly walked to Zhou Yuan's place, lowered her body and hurriedly shouted, "Zhou Yuan, are you okay?"

Her attention was still on Zhou Yuan's body. Anxious, she saw Su Jin's big foot stepping on Zhou Yuan's face.

"So weak, how about learning heroes to protect the beauty?" Su Jinsi ignored Yao Qiaoyu, "what about the brutal force just now?"

Master Su, don't be too domineering now--

Domineering is also a skill. When you meet a man like Su Jin, don’t be jealous or dissatisfied. Instead, you have to find reasons in yourself. Why don’t you be so bullish than him, strength is like'money'. It's hard currency in the world, so come and do it if you don't accept it!

I saw Zhou Yuan silent for a while...

Su Jin suddenly felt boring, loosened his foot, took the cigarette **** from the corner of his mouth, looked at Yao Qiaoyu and said, "Miss San, is he suffering from masochism? If he doesn't get abused, he will feel uncomfortable. ."

"Master Su..." Yao Qiaoyuan blushed and said in a low voice: "He is my classmate, you give me face..."

"I'm definitely giving the third lady's face, but next time I tell him not to be ready, he will come up to send it... it's really stupid." Su Jin smiled, "Before, Xiaosheng was a little bit abrupt. You apologize, Miss San will not be angry with me, will you?"

"No, I'm not angry anymore." Yao Qiaoyu said in amazement. She didn't expect Su Jin's abilities and even apologized to her. What else could she say, because she didn't figure out the situation, so she asked Su Jin for trouble. , Thinking about it now, it is indeed a bit younger.

"That's good." After Su Jin finished speaking, he walked into the reception hall with his hands in pockets.

After giving a glance to the male servant, he led him into a back doorway.

The whole reception hall also started to talk after Su Jin left. Of course, Su Jin doesn’t care what others think. The only thing he is interested in now is the woman named Tao Ji. The purpose of coming here is this woman, he Naturally, it is necessary to see and see.

After walking for about two minutes, there are still many rooms behind the reception hall. The rooms here are all wooden window houses painted with red paint. They are very low, but they have a strong antiquity feeling.

The male servant opened a wooden door respectfully, and then stood still, Su Jin knew that he had arrived.

Su Jin stepped in and heard the door closing sound from the male servant, looking curiously at the interior of the room.

The incense burner is on a wooden desk, with cigarettes curling up, and the scent of sandalwood wafting out from it. It is rich and refreshing. There is a bookshelf behind the desk with various books neatly placed on it, but Su Jin's eyes are keenly looking towards A place.

It was a half-open wooden screen, and two beautiful legs called snow white overlapped, revealing.

I only saw beautiful legs, but Momohime's face was missing!

Su Jin's eyes turned quickly, and then he smiled slightly, he wanted to see what the woman wanted to do, it was so mysterious!

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