My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 906: Big price

Su Jin stared tightly at the snow-white jade feet that curled up behind the screen, which was as white as suet jade, delicate and moist. Being able to maintain it to such a level, officials Su could not help being curious about Tao Ji's true age and appearance. It is not an exaggeration to describe his state of mind at this moment as "very looking forward to".

"Ha ha……"

The sound from behind the screen was like silver bells. I saw a snow foot gently lifted up and landed on the knee of the other beautiful leg. Above the delicate knee, a thin silk lace skirt slipped slowly. , Showing more snow, this scene, Master Su who couldn't help but swallowed.

Under such enticement, Su Jin could actually feel a sudden rise in his heart, and his whole body was hot and dry. This was the first time in Su Da's talent.

It's terrible!

Su Jin settled down, stood with his hand held down, his eyes were already clear, and said lightly: "But Miss Tao Ji?"

"Mr. Su, recently... the slave's body is a little unwell, even long sitting is not good enough, please don't blame it." Momoji's voice came, and then she said in a tired voice: "If you don't mind, Come in."

"Why would I mind?" Su Jin narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this moment, he was surprised. When he came in, although she felt that Tao Ji could only use mortal sultry skills, from the sentence just now, it is not that simple. It seems... this woman is practicing some kind of The art of charm, even the sound contains a charming taste, not to be underestimated.

Because it is as powerful as Su Daguan, under the exposed ability of the other party, I can't help but feel ashamed...

Su Jin slowly stepped forward and stepped into the screen.

Upon entering the eyes, Su Jin was secretly shocked——

In front of me was a woman who could not see her age. She had a Miao Qiao figure and a height of only about 1.5 meters. She has a melon seed face, her eyebrows are like thin curved willow leaves, her eyes are like stars and moons, her smooth black hair is gently curled up, and a wrong gold hairpin is inserted on it, and she sleeps with a thin silk dense flower strap Under the skirt and the suspenders, the high peak had already propped up the thin layer of thin cloth, which was really eye-catching.

nice! It is an indispensable thing of beauty!

Su Jin took a deep breath, but there were a lot of doubts in his heart. You know, Tao Ji has been famous for a long time, but at this time her face is like a twenty-nine girl, and she doesn't know what kind of maintenance technique she is practicing.

"Mr. Su is talented, Yushu is in the wind. The slave family has long admired him for a long time, but he is not in good health, and he is unable to seek medical treatment abroad. I am upset at this, but there is no suitable place to meet you. Please do not blame..." Tao Ji squinted her eyes. , Gently propped up his body with both hands, then stretched out his slender hands like a blue breath, and softly invited, "Please sit down."

When she left her words, Momoji moved the one-foot-tall tea table beside the big bed in front of her and began to make tea.

Seeing this, Su Jin couldn't avoid it, took off Liang Liang's leather shoes, and sat cross-legged at the table on the bed, opposite Tao Ji.

The atmosphere was quiet, Su Jin watched Tao Ji lift up the teapot and poured eight cups of tea skillfully, and after she put it down, she took a cup and brought it to her.

Su Jin smiled slightly and reached out to take it, but did not drink.

Momoji opened her beautiful eyes, took another cup by herself, looked at Su Jin and said, "Are you afraid of being poisoned by the slave family?"

"Haha." Su Jin laughed and shook his head at the same time, drank the tea in the cup very refreshingly.

After drinking, Su Jin's eyes brightened. This tea does not seem to be an ordinary product. When you touch it in your mouth, it will be fragrant and fragrant, and then it will return to the body, and the whole body suddenly feels indescribable.

"How about this tea?" Momoji smiled.

"The tea is good and the environment is quite good. I took the liberty to ask a question. Miss Tao Ji and Jiu Ye are..." Su Jin hesitated, thinking that it seemed not very good to ask. This is a private matter.

"Although the Yao family is not ranked in the top five in the Qincheng Financial Group, there is one thing that many people know."


"A hundred years of Yao family." Tao Ji smiled: "The Yao family has always been a very old family in Qincheng, and it is not much more than the Qin family."

"Qin Shisanniang's Qin family?" Su Jin asked unexpectedly.

"Yes. People in the rivers and lakes call me Tao Ji. In fact, few people know my real name, Li Zhuyun." Tao Ji didn't want Su Jin to guess too much, and smiled and said: "I am the child of a daughter of the Yao family... My mother is directly from the Yao family."

Co-authored, this is a relative——

"Understood." Su Jin understood in an instant, and then asked: "Then how does Miss Tao Ji know me?"

"Haha, let alone other things, just say that recently Mr. Su used his own power to fight against the goddess of heaven and seize the most precious "Holy Scroll" for his own use. It should be enough..." Tao Ji said.

Su Jin pulled his face down and stared at Tao Ji. Few people knew about this. After all, there were so few people present at the time. If there was no intelligence ability, it would be impossible to know, let alone Said she knew so much detail.

This woman is not simple.

"Who are you?" Su Jin asked indifferently.

"Hahaha, Mr. Su don't need to be nervous. If you want to ask who I am, haven't you already told you?" Tao Ji smiled and said, "If this surprises you, I can only say that we are both'jianghu Middleman'."

People in the rivers and lakes...

Su Jin actually valued this woman a little, he shrugged, "Your power is..."

He knew that there must be a big power behind Tao Ji, otherwise how could ordinary people know such things.

"Zhuyun Village." Tao Ji and Su Jin looked at each other, but Su Jin's eyes were more domineering, and she was slightly weaker.

"Across Southeast Asia, Zhuyun Village, which is implicated in India's'Shenni Palace'?" Su Jin was relieved. He heard the old guy mention this power, and then listened to it. Who would have thought that this person would appear in front of him and still be with him. understanding.


"Then why are you coming back?" Su Jin asked puzzledly.

"It's not easy to be a foreigner. I committed a serious matter and someone wanted to destroy me, so I had to flee to Qincheng, looking for a great backer..." Tao Ji pouted, completely unlike a big sister. Showing a pitiful color, it was very helpless.

"Haha, Ms. Tao Ji is so direct, isn't it because she wants to find me? I'm not a big backer!" Su Jin was vigilant, shook his head, but smiled wildly on the surface.

"What if I just want to find Mr. Su as my backer?" Tao Ji asked with a smile.

The tone does not seem to be false.

Su Jin looked down at the tea on the table, grabbed a cup of it, put it to his mouth, and fell silent. During this period Momoka kept watching him, and he could clearly feel it.

"It's not impossible to want me to be your backer, but it will cost a lot!" Su Jin looked up and looked at Tao Ji.

"What's the price?" Tao Ji asked pitifully, and then, I don't know if it was deliberate or unintentional to stand up to the peak full.

Su Jin squinted his eyes, curled up the corners of his mouth, and suddenly brushed his hands! Sweep the table in front of you to the ground!

In the next moment, the official Su put his hand on the light waist, leaned down, looked condescendingly at those beautiful eyes with tension and fear, and then slowly lowered his head...

Under the jade neck, the peak supported by the thin silk skirt is full, and a large part of it jumps into the eyes...

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