My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 912: Think I'm going to eat it?

As the "Ghost Gate" got closer, the scene became more drowsy. Rao opened his eyes in Su Jin, and the surroundings were nothing but a gray and white scene.

Su Jin walked for two or three minutes, and the road under his feet had turned into a dark red stone road from some time ago. On both sides of the stone road, there was a lot of thatch, a little messy.

From Young Master Su, the Guimen Gate is still a long way away, but his eyesight should be able to see the scene inside the door, but at this time, he can’t see anything in the door. Chaos and very misty.

Su Jin is very cautious.

He didn't know if he could enter. He had heard of "Ghost Gate", but he had never seen it before. He heard that Ghost Gate was the place where Yin and Yang meet, regardless of the area. But listening to the tone of the old **** stick, it seems that ghosts may exist wherever they are closed, which is very strange.

Since it is the boundary between Yin and Yang, it is inevitable that there may be some evildoers, Su Jin only felt a gust of yin wind blowing... as if something was staring at him in secret.

Taking a few steps forward, Su Jin finally found something interesting.

A group of jagged tombstones appeared on the messy thatch on the side of the road.

He stepped forward and took a look, his eyes widened immediately-

On the tombstone, the detailed information of the deceased is not written. According to common sense, the name of the birthday should be written at least, but what is written on it?

"One bedroom, please share rent, only single women." It was written on a tombstone.

"Add tomb number, 213457..." Another tombstone.

"To accompany the chat, provide nightly door-to-door service."

"No. 35 Huaiyang Road, I am missing three and one here, so I am missing you."

"I am a poor man, please don't dig!"

"Want shop transfer, advertising space for lease, price negotiable."

"Myself, Gu Cuihua, female, 27 years old, 1.65 meters tall, white and beautiful, charming, she was married to the judge of the "Shan Shansi" in her early years. She was helpless and without fertility. Seeing that she has strong assets without inheritance, she took advantage of family visits to avoid disputes. Looking for considerate, healthy, and upright men..."


Male Gobi——

He almost blinded the old platinum eyes of Daguan Su!

Su Jin would like to ask now, is this okay on horseback?

In addition to what he wrote on the tombstone, he also found some dry bones scattered on the ground before and after the tombstone. These dry bones have been on the ground for a few years at a glance. Except for the skull bones are still intact, the rest are basically broken when touched. Therefore, Su Jin's judgment is...the cause of death is unknown, maybe an accident!

Su Jin squinted his eyes. It seems that this place is really weird. He didn't intend to delay any longer. He was about to leave. Suddenly he felt a soft wind blowing behind him. If in normal times he would not pay attention, but the current wind is from the ghost gate 'What is blowing in is the oncoming wind, how can there be a headwind behind you?

He turned his head, but found nothing...

Does it feel wrong?

Su Jin was uncertain, and set foot on the dark red stone path again, but he was always paying attention to behind him——


Su Jin really noticed something strange. He lowered his head and saw a red tongue sticking out of his chin, and he was licked. If it weren't for his cleverness, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, didn't it lick his mouth?

Say your brother!

Who is Su Jin afraid of? After grabbing the red tongue, a burst of magic fire poured out from his hand, and he kicked his side!


The real feeling appeared on the soles of the feet, the scarlet tongue was pulled more than ten meters away by Su Jin, and the figure kicked by him also fell heavily to the ground.

"Pop!" Su Jin let go, the tongue twitched back, and suddenly there was another sharp scream.

"It hurts... It hurts, it hurts!"

It turned out to be a woman?

No, to be precise, she is a ghost!

Looking at the figure in the snow-white robe, Su Jin looked at it arrogantly, it was not that he had never seen a ghost! Moreover, Lao Tzu is not even afraid of death, possessing peerless magic, but also afraid of a wild female ghost?

Huh? She looks pretty good, it's a ghost, this girl is so fat, she even hit her idea on the official Su, she really doesn't know what it is!

Just as Su Jin wanted to ask her something, in the distance of the gray scene, a red sedan chair flew quickly out of thin air. The four corners of the top of the sedan chair were still decorated with blood-red festive flowers.

When the sedan chair landed on the dark red stone road, the four sedan chairmen walked like flying. It’s okay. Young Master Su has gained a lot of knowledge. The faces of these four sedan chairmen are like plaster, with red ink painted with smiles. All of his facial features are the same, which looks very scary.

"Sister... I walked in such a hurry. My sister thought there was something wrong. It turned out to be an afterlife. Your dog nose is really good."

A silver bell-like laughter appeared from the sedan chair, and the beautiful voice heard Su Jin's numbness. It was a charming feeling to the bones.

"Sister, he...he is mine!"

The female ghost who was kicked by Su Jin in advance got up, gritted her teeth and said.

"Sister, the elder sister who said this doesn't like to listen. How many years hasn't such a good thing, you want to swallow it...hehe----" Another voice came from the sedan chair.

"I found it first!"

"What does this mean?"


Su Jin was stunned--

It's so noisy if you don't let it go!

A few minutes later, Su Jin kept looking back and forth on both sides, then coughed lightly, and said faintly: "You two, are you like this, have you considered my feelings?"

Damn it.

Think I'm going to eat it?

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