Young Master Su was indignant.

Wearing a jersey, taking the position from a high starting point, mixed with Qin Cheng. A lot of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods have seen them, but they have never seen such arrogant arrogance, and they still don't put him in their eyes!

What is prey and what is hunter?

Su Jin thinks that with 100 points and full marks, he has never suffered under anyone's hands. Those who want to kill him are killed by him, and those who want to bully him will not end well. The two girls actually tried to rob him. , But arguing like a shrew scolding the street——

It is too ignorant.

After Su Jin interrupted, the atmosphere became more and more weird, and the two women stopped arguing.

"Ha ha ha..." The delicate and charming voice came from the sedan again, and then an arm stretched out from the edge of the sedan curtain, gently opened it, and walked off a woman.

Su Jin took a deep breath. This woman was charming and charming, with a thin figure, and she was wearing a festive retro-style red bridal outfit with two pairs of phoenixes appearing on her clothes.

As soon as the woman came out, she smiled and ignored Su Jin and scolded her sister with a smile: "Smelly girl, dare to **** the master from the poor nun..."

"Huh! Since my sister insists on doing so, then she can only rely on her own ability!"

"Okay! My Mrs. Qingshan has been pressing your hoarfrost on your cultivation base. I also know that you are very dissatisfied with your back. Now that you have torn your face, I am afraid that you will not succeed!"

The woman in red was called Mrs. Qingshan. Su Jin felt that she couldn't slip away. He immediately shouted: "Shut up all of you!"

Grass Nima! If the tiger doesn't show off his power, you are squeezed in the mud!

"Boy, give you a choice, go with my Mrs. Qingshan! The old lady just lacks a third-class husband, you are the only one!" Mrs. Qingshan said calmly.


"You are paralyzed--" Su Jin was deeply shocked by Mrs. Qingshan. His face was already green. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, and said in a dauntless manner: "You stepped on the horse and asked Lao Tzu to carry you the sedan chair?"

Damn, physical work!

Hoarfrost, who had been kicked by Su Jin before, suddenly became speechless. She had just tested the depth of Su Jin, but she suffered a lot. She thought that although Mrs. Qingshan had a higher cultivation base, she Su Jin may not be able to take advantage of it, so she decided to wait and see, and wait for Madam Qing Shan to try Young Master Su's bottom line.

"Lift the sedan chair? You are also worthy--" Mrs. Qingshan raised her hand, her red sleeves added fragrance, and she hid her mouth and smiled, and said: "Footman, just let you smell my old lady's feet every day. This is called footman..."

Smell her stinky feet!

"Grass mud horse!" Su Jin took two breaths of smoke, obviously agitated, and said coldly: "You shameless, do you think you are all in the world, whoever rides on a horse has to get used to you!"

Su Jin thought he was shameless as a man, but Mrs. Qingshan's shamelessness was lost all over the place, or the kind that couldn't be picked up again, it broke through the highest realm of shamelessness! Outrageous...

"The little guy has a very powerful mouth, I like it..." Mrs. Qingshan seemed to be crawling on the side of ants, her whole body moved with fleas, and her face was full of flattery. Then she raised her hand and said with a smile: "Let's talk. Would you like it?"

"You old bitch, you are so unworthy to lick your feet, and you are expecting Laozi to smell your stinky feet, get out of here, don't make the little master unhappy, and kill you if you shoot!" They looked in their eyes and said with disdain.

"What a big tone!" Mrs. Qingshan suddenly changed her face, "Toast and not eat fine wine, come! Let me see what you are so arrogant!"

While she was talking, she bowed, like a toad, doing a half-prone posture, while at her waist, two red silks flew sharply from her back and directly entangled Su Jin!

Su Jin's left foot shook lightly on the ground, and his body was full of magic flames billowing and burning, and the temperature around him rose linearly. At the same time, his right hand shook, "Liying" appeared, constantly making a hissing sound.

Looking at the two red silks, Su Jin let out a soft sigh, and his figure flickered again and again, not retreating but advancing!


The cracking sound continued, and after about a few seconds, the sky was filled with fine red silk.

Su Jin Wei'an appeared, and said sarcastically: "You are nothing more than that. Can you show some real skills? I don't have time to spend with you here."

"The power of Huangquan...boy, who are you!" Mrs. Qingshan was shocked. Although only one move, she saw many clues, except for those who can practice the power of Huangquan in hell. Outside of two or three great abilities, very few people can control this kind of power. Moreover, her eyesight is old, and the power of the yellow spring in Su Jin's body seems to be more pure than any great power.

"It's your father!" Su Jin knew that he couldn't delay it for too long, and then he looked cold and held the "Huangquan Notes" in his hands, intending to quickly resolve the two women.

"This, it's not good!" Mrs. Qingshan took a deep breath, and quickly arched her hands, her face was extremely ugly, and then she squatted on her knees and cried out: "Sir, it's me **** it! I have eyes but I don't know. Taishan, please forgive me!"



Who are you talking about?

Su Jin was taken aback for a while, looking at the two women puzzledly, he found that the hoarfrost on the side also looked dull.

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