My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 914: Emperor Huangquan

Hoarfrost has been completely stupid in place-

In terms of cultivation base, she is inferior to Mrs. Qingshan. This is something she has to admit. After all, Mrs. Qingshan's 500-year Taoism is there, and she is only 300 years old, but even so, she did not expect this to happen.

A young man, a stranger, holding a treasure she couldn't understand, came alone, and made Mrs. Qingshan kneel to beg for mercy!

When Hoarfrost died, she was the daughter of the richest man. She was still in the age of cardamom, three out of ten. Many things in the world are also ignorant. In addition, she died unjustly, there are so many prosperity in the world, and the love of men and women. The resentment turned into a ghost, killing many people and committing big sins. Later, the judge of the'Punishing Evil Division' sent him a sentence and sent him to Naihe to be sentenced. Fortunately, she got a great opportunity in the'Naihe' to practice the'Ghost Way', which happened to be a fluke. After escaping, he dared not step into **** again after practicing for a period of time outside the Guimen Pass. The days have been wandering for three hundred years.

"Venerable...Venerable." Bai Shuang also knelt down very cleverly, and immediately said in a panic.

Su Jin looked puzzled, but then became dignified and said in an emotionless tone: "Since your practice is not easy, and you are quite aware of current affairs, I will not embarrass you. Now I will answer a few questions. You can leave."

"Excuse me." Mrs. Qingshan's forehead was pressed to the ground, and she did not dare to raise her head and talk to Su Jin.

Su Jin hummed, "Do you know, where is the "Life and Death Book", the treasure of hell?"


Both Mrs. Aoyama and Hoarfrost were very scared.

"I don't know. Three hundred years ago, the'Daweizhizhi Pluto' who was in charge of the'Life and Death Book' disappeared. The demons of the **** danced and became a mess. Only when I, Sister Baishuang, Magu Yugu and a group of friends were able to escape, now No one knows where the'Great Mighty Pluto' has gone, and it has become a mystery." Mrs. Qingshan said.


Su Jin scratched his head, this is really fucking!

Immediately he was silent for a while, and didn't struggle with this issue. Su Jin's crux is to save Xia Yuyan and force the other party to make concessions. If the current leader of **** does not give him an explanation or a solution, he will definitely die. Have a fight!

"Sir, the **** is now in stable order, and the six realms are still in normal reincarnation. It can be seen that the book of life and death is still playing a role. The'Great Might to Pluto' should be fine, I wonder why you are looking for him?" Bai Shuang glanced at Su Jin. He lowered his head and asked quickly.

"What are you doing? Paralyzed, kill him if you find it!" Su Jin licked his dry lips, lifted the book in one hand, and asked: "Do you know this treasure?"

Su Jin still knows too little about the treasure of "Huangquan's Notes". He saw Mrs. Qingshan's behavior unexpectedly, and it was not necessarily because he could not know some things.

Mrs. Qingshan and Baishuang were once again in a daze when Su Jin threatened to kill him. Now Su Jin's temperament is extraordinary, his mighty strength is hidden deep, and he dared to release such crazy words, the two women looked at each other in a crawling state.

Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Qingshan said, "I don’t know where this treasure came from. It’s just that I accidentally read a book introducing the ancient underworld. It records that a treasure is very similar to the treasure held by the Venerable, but I am not sure that it is. , The thing in the hands of the venerable, the power of the yellow spring contained in it is like a galloping horse, and even if it is an imitation, it is enough to show the strength of the venerable."

Su Jin smiled, "To tell you the truth, this is a genuine product, not a knockoff with a package of nine dollars and nine free shipping."


Mrs. Qingshan took a deep breath, and became even more frightened, not daring to say more.

"Have you read that ancient book, do you know who holds it?" Su Jin asked.

"I...I dare not say." Madam Aoyama began to tremble.

"Say." Su Jin had no patience. After he asked this question, he was about to step into the ghost door.

"Yes... it's the emperor's thing." Mrs. Qingshan said with strong admiration.

Thing of the Great?

Su Jin, a modern person, didn't feel anything. He just heard it slightly. He tentatively said, "Emperor Huangquan?"

It’s no wonder that he asked that, everything that happened to him was related to Huangquan, including the mark of Huangquan. He still doesn’t understand why the weird black lines found him when the Huangquan was suppressed. Later, I snatched the book in the hands of Ravier Yini, and restored it to its original appearance, which is really puzzling.

"Yes, Emperor Huangquan, the existence of billions of souls of life and death, he is a legend, the first in ancient times. According to reports, from the'Great Might to the Pluto', to the three halo ghost kings, and then to the ten great Yin Handsome, many judges. Down to ordinary ghosts and evil ghosts serving sentences, they have to worship the emperor for ten breaths every day to be relieved." Mrs. Qingshan is so knowledgeable, seeing that Su Jin does not blame herself, she dared to look up at Su Jin. , Tell me in detail.

"Is it that powerful?" Su Jin felt a little exaggerated after all.

"Sister Baishuang and I have not burnt out the remaining fragrance of my faith in the Great Emperor. If you don't believe me, you can go and take a look." Mrs. Qingshan said seriously.

"Forget it, what happened to Emperor Huangquan?"

"Dead, the emperor protects hundreds of millions of living beings. He killed many Western gods and kings by himself. In the end, he was seriously injured. I heard that it was his beloved woman who killed him in a sneak attack. The woman killed himself for higher achievement. Love the two souls. After killing the emperor, he shed two tears and went to an unknown place..."

"Also cold-blooded." Su Jin secretly shook his head, unwilling to listen any more, then he turned around and looked at the ghost door not far away and said: "You leave, I'm going in."

After speaking, Su Jin didn't pay attention to the two girls anymore, and disappeared. After a while, he came to the gate of the ghost gate.

Stopped and settled, Su Jin looked at the three big blood-red characters on the'Ghost Gate', smiled slightly, took out a cigarette and lit it in his mouth, as if caught in his thoughts, and said to himself: "Wife...just now I have heard of Emperor Huangquan’s demeanor, but thousands of years have passed, and the emperor must die! I will also become a dash of nothing. Although Su Jin is a modern little person, I dare not compare with the emperor, but he was killed by my beloved. It’s miserable, and I... now I’m a person who can die for my love. In this regard, the emperor can’t compare to me!!!"

Su Jin was dangling a cigarette, holding his hands in his pockets, and raising his feet without looking back, immediately...

He stepped into the'Ghost Gate'.

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