My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 918: Change her life to be safe

"You are weak—"

Su Jin only felt that his whole body was full of power now, and said to Ye You in a flat tone.

"No...impossible!" Yeyou widened his eyes.

How can Yeyou believe it?

She has been doing things for more than a thousand years. Since serving as the Yin Commander, countless merits have been accumulated, and in exchange for the resources required for **** practice, she has made her journey smoothly. Although the top ten Yin Commanders, she is at the bottom, but she is not strong enough to hold such an important position !

But now, the dozens of powerhouses she led were destroyed by Su Jin, vulnerable to a single blow, and they were all killed. This caused her to question her abilities for a while. Can Su Jin really possess the power that a mortal can do?

Despair, in exchange for the deep fear now, she took the initiative to invite Ying, lead the crowd to complete the task, those strong people will lose everything, will be counted on her head, and now her life is still pinched in Su Jin's hand Here, in other words, Su Jin can make her annihilate, disappear forever, and cannot enter this cycle of reincarnation with just one thought and a move!

"Yeyou Yinshuai, how about let's make a deal?" Su Jin asked quietly.

"Hahaha." Yeyou was startled at first, then burst into laughter, "You want to save that female doll named Xia Yuyan."

"Yes, use your life to exchange her life for safety." Su Jin nodded very simply, his strength was not reduced. He knew that Nightwalking was smart and would not act rashly, otherwise it would be a dead end.

"You look at me too much!" Yeyou laughed miserably, "You know? Those masters just now were all of the level of the "Yin General". There are still many hells like this! Although their strength is not as good as me , You can choose one at random and make up a handsome position in a short time. It is not difficult at all! You kill me..."

"Talk to you, the level is not enough?" Su Jin said with a deep expression, his eyes turned cold, and said calmly: "Then die!"

Yeyou trembled all over, when Su Jin's words fell, she trembled all over, saying not to be afraid... of course it is fake!


A rough and violent shout shook the space, with a deafening feeling! Su Jin’s ears were shocked. He did not take action on Yeyou. He only believed half of Yeyou’s words just now. If someone comes to save her, he will definitely stop it. This naturally means that her status is detached. useless.

"Big brother, help me!" Yeyou was already frightened physically and mentally. When he heard a familiar voice, he immediately collapsed and asked for help.

Su Jin grabbed the night tour and stood on the spot, looking up, a black mist rolled in, and after only a few breaths, a large group of masters appeared on Huangquan Road.

These are countless ghosts and monsters, with different looks, some of them are five beasts, about thousands of them, all wearing glaze strange armor, and some even riding mounts, majestic and majestic. The most eye-catching among them is a lion head man with a height of three feet, full of muscles and recklessness, which makes people feel a powerful shock at the first glance. It is him who just stopped talking!

After seeing the lion head man, Su Jin cried out from the bottom of his heart, no matter how many other people came, with his hand holding the emperor's treasure, he could still deal with it, but when this person appeared, he was already cold. one slice. Under absolute power, with his current strength, can he deal with this person?

"How about your identity than her!" Su Jin mentioned Tiyin Shuai Yeyou, still inquiring about the Lionhead powerfully.

"I am the first handsome man in hell, the king of ghosts! You doll, let go of the little girl quickly, and I can keep you a whole body, so that you will not be a headless ghost!" , Said very ostentatiously.

"Then there is nothing to talk about?" Su Jin said coldly.

"Talk? What qualifications do you have to talk to me? The Greatest Treasure, you can't exert one of your billions of power. In my eyes, you just took a toy to clamor with me, which is very funny." Sanshang The King of Ghosts bent over on one knee and looked at Su Jin condescendingly.

The appearance of the huge size of the "Scattered Ghost King" in Su Jin's eyes was also very shocking.

"Ah!" At this moment, Ye You Yin Shuai suddenly let out a scream.

Su Jin fiercely used his hand to disperse the soul of the night tour, and then quickly backed away.

Since Yeyou can't be the master, and holding her in his hand is not a capital, it would be a disaster to keep her! So in the stance of the King of Scattered Ghosts triumphantly, Su Jin decided to kill Night Tour in order not to hinder his actions!

"Looking for death!" The King of Sanshang Ghost jumped like thunder, and a wave of sound bombarded him, but Su Jin had already withdrawn and appeared a little further away.

Baishuang and Mrs. Qingshan were also taken away by him in an instant.

When the words of the King of Ghosts fell, his huge pair of palms, which were different from ordinary people, appeared on the top of Su Jin's head and snapped a photo of--

Su Jinsheng is flexible! Following that, An Ran dodged between the opponent's slaps, but he finally saw the horror of the ghost king, so every slap, it can be said that the earth shakes the mountains and shakes!

"Three thousand Yin generals obey orders! Kill this son for me, whoever gets his head, who is promoted to the tenth Yin commander!" The Sanshang Ghost King was furious and issued an order.

Su Jin clenched his fists in the distance, his eyes were blood red, watching the Yin Soldier rushing like ten thousand horses, he didn't retreat but instead shook'Liying', with only one word in his heart.


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