My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 919: Kill the sky

The unyielding killing intent made Su Jin's heart crazy. He decided that since he wanted to make trouble, he would fight to the death.

It is worth mentioning that in the dimly yellow Nai River, countless evil ghosts sent officials, and many of them began to believe in Emperor Huangquan, together with their belief in the descendants of the Emperor... Su Jin!

After all, the status of Emperor Huangquan is too detached. In countless years, China has only produced such a great emperor. Now that the descendants of the great emperor have appeared, many ghost tribes are excited, and some evil spirits are even expecting the emperor to send out the emperor. The purpose is to amnesty the many ghost criminals who are suffering from punishment in the eighteenth prison. In this way, one will pass ten, ten pass a hundred, and a hundred thousands!

Su Jin held "Liying" in his right hand and "Huangquan Notes" in his left. Demon flames burst out all over his body. His face was stern, and the word "kill" roared from his mouth, and he drank the fascination in his temperament!

Soon, he descended like a **** of war, with the emperor's precious treasure protecting his body, and the "Liying" on his right hand was screaming loudly, and he was already in short-handed contact with the opponent!

Su Jin had seen the strengths of these yin generals beforehand, and the dozens of yin generals brought by the "Yuyou" yin commander he destroyed, but that’s all. But when he really fought against these three thousand yin generals, he started to feel amazed. .

The glazed armors worn by these yin generals were very unusual. He found several tricky angles, and only three blows could cut through the armor, thereby injuring the opponent.

Note that it was just a wound, and it didn't make Su Jin feel the kind of invigorating feeling that was extinct before shooting. It was really too difficult... Not to mention that Yin would have thousands of people.

Fortunately, Su Jin felt that there was not only the power of evil spirit belief provided by the "Huangquan Notes" in his body, and another power that was different from the belief in the emperor began to grow and slowly grow. The power of pride!

Although a glass of water, but not necessarily a salary!

Su Jin's face was frosty, and she took a chance to gently shook'Liying', and in an instant, Liying's palm was torn apart.

Then there was a stream of blood gushing out of his palm, he raised his right hand, and the scarlet blood fell on the'Huangquan Notes'.

Bloody Book!

Although there is a dead end, but we have to meet each other in a narrow way, and fight it in a dark place!

Huang Quan's notes began to tremble, rising up into the sky with unstoppable force, emitting countless blood! Cover the world!

A drop of blood fell on Huangquan Road, and the blood red pattern appeared! The black and red yin fish and the yang fish slowly rotate, mingling, and rushing out from the array with a roar. The faces of these monsters change extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, a few "white-faced yin generals" are beaten by sudden situations. He was caught off guard, panicked, and was crushed on the spot.

"Bounce, jump..." A small purple figure walked out with a teddy bear, and said with a question in his small mouth: "Did you see my little bear?"

After coming out, Rita felt the master's killing intent, her own strength seemed to have been raised to the extreme. After clarifying the situation, her blue eyes suddenly turned red, and she threw out the white teddy bear in her hand, unpredictable. Slowly said: "Growing big, getting big fast, always love to sleep——"


The white bear, which is several meters tall, has red eyes. Although it is bloated, it has a ferocious temperament that bears the world. When it is ordered, it roars, and its huge bear paw slaps its chest violently several times, and it is like a drum. The sound like a shock appeared, and its figure soared to an unprecedented level. Then, its bear paw caught the crowded side and waved it again and again. The shot was called a earth-shattering. Can shoot and fly several yin generals!

Here is the fighting spirit, in the huge blood-colored array below, a loud bird cry, like Nirvana rebirth, hovered and flew out, the edge of its black wings, faintly faintly shining with dark golden light, After spinning out, it spread its wings and stood in a cross shape in the sky. Suddenly, feathers of feathers were as strong as iron, and they shot out from the flapping wings, and suddenly the yin will be magnificently beaten into a sieve!

The current Sansang Ghost King is very popular!

It did not expect that Su Jin's death was imminent, facing three thousand Yin generals, he could still have the power to fight!

God is still hanging the Great Treasure of the Great Emperor, exuding a terrifying aura. This kind of prestige of the Great Emperor is extremely jealous to the King of Ghosts, but the King of Ghosts knows Su Jin's situation. As long as Su Jin is killed, everything is over!

"Die to me!" The huge figure of the Ghost King Sanshang came to Su Jin almost instantly, and when he said the first word, his fist had already reached Su Jin!

Su Jin was taken aback. He never expected that the Ghost King Scattered under his full strength would be so terrifying. At the moment his fist came to his body, he could only temporarily protect himself!


Su Jin flew out, and all his bones seemed to be shattered. It was a very unbearable pain. If Su Jin didn't persist in his heart, he would have fainted.

No way, the strength gap is too big!

Blood gushing out from the corner of Su Jin's mouth. He looked up suddenly and saw that the ship-sized sole of the Ghost King of Sanshang was slowly falling...and again...

Could it be--

A generation of arrogance, genius madly few.

Are you going to be trampled to death on Huangquan Road?

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