My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 921: Desperate fight

At the same time, in the gloomy underground under the endless Huangquan Road.

The environment here is harsh, there is no light from outside, and there is a cold scene like ghosts crying and wolf howling all year round.

There was only one place where a faint golden brilliance passed through the ruins of the surrounding black walls, which gave people a little warmth.

The golden brilliance is a Buddha lamp. In front of the lamp, there is a young man who is obsessed with the scriptures, and he is constantly chanting magnificent scriptures, which probably means Buddha chapters such as ‘Dazhi Bodhisattva’s original wish sutra’. Beside the young man, a strange little beast squatted in front of the Buddha lamp. It had a strange body, with tiger head, unicorn, dog ears, dragon body, lion tail, unicorn feet, etc. At this moment, the little beast kept looking up, his gaze kept bright.

From its huge eyes, it seems to see its initial memories.

At that time, the mother beast gave birth to nine children, and only it looked unusual and was often rejected. Even the mother beast is very unwelcome and doesn't like it. Every time he eats, he has to pick up the remaining bones of the eight elders, which will make it skinny and weak over time. In the end, he was even forced to leave, waiting alone for death.

Soon after he left, it fell hungry and couldn't move a step. Suddenly a pair of warm hands hugged it up. It was a very imposing, domineering man.

Men not only don't mind its looks, they even praise its natural appearance and let it stay with him.

Later, it learned that the man is the emperor! Huangquan, the great emperor of Huaxia Great World for hundreds of millions of years!

But soon the emperor fell, and he cried very sad. When the emperor died, he was still worried about him. He gave it to the "King of Ksitigarbha" and has guarded Jiuyou. The emperor took it very seriously, not only explained everything, but also told it that one of his eight elder brothers was still alive, and that elder brother had followed the three-eyed **** and had gone to an unknown world.

"Listen carefully." The young man said lightly without falling down on the Buddha scroll.

The little beast reacted and didn't think about it anymore, and found that the "Ksitigarbha" hadn't picked up the three-foot wood and beat it on it.

The young man just glanced at the little beast, and then said: "Do what you want to do. Over the years, you have been unable to clear your heart. You can't forget the grace of the emperor. The emperor asked you to be with me and listen to the Buddha's words for refining. You accompanied the emperor’s hostility after the **** war, and now the world is different. Even the **** has become a smog, reckless and lawless. Go--"

Hearing the words, he nodded, and said: "Thank you Jizo. Although he is not the emperor, I must save him."

The young man gestured.

At this moment, Diting's back suddenly kept cracks, and there was blood flashing in each crack. After jumping up, he left in the blink of an eye.

"Moke Town Prison Picture." After seeing the picture seal behind Dihe, the young man fell into thinking. Soon he frowned and looked at a slim figure that appeared not far away. He slowly shook his head and said, "Mengmen, just now I recite the'Book of Original Wish' for Miss Xia's family, and now she is fine."

The slender figure said'thank you', and then left.


"Die to me!"

On Huangquan Road, Su Jin, with silver pupil and white hair, punched the "Three Lives Yin Buddha" with a single blow!

Why is Su Jin so angry?

In his opinion, there is a flaw in the words of the Three Lives Yin Buddha, and his words obviously reminded the ghost king of Sanshang, reminding him that Miss Dream went to find strong support!

How can Master Su not kill him!

Su Jin, who has turned into the strongest state, can still maintain his sanity for some reason. This seems to be related to the newly emerged'power of faith', or the merits contained in it, which can suppress the demons. He originally planned to fight with death. Still awake, this gave him the heroic feeling of fighting the world!

"Sanshou Ghost King! You have to die too!" Su Jin didn't know what realm he was in now, but knew that his body shot up to the sky when he lifted up his breath, and then the whole body of demon flames skyrocketed, directly in front of Sanshou Ghost King!

This punch with all his strength is the best in the world! Shock the Quartet!


The power was surging, and even in the impact of the explosion, hundreds of yin generals were broken.

The Sanshang Ghost King is extremely capable and does not lose the title of Hell's No. 1 Yin Shuai, and his cultivation base is simply higher than that of the Yin Shuai Night Tour.

But Su Jin's attack still knocked the Sanshang Ghost King back several meters away, and his head also had a feeling of vulgarity.

However, the Sanshou Ghost King still did not hurt his muscles!

"Good boy! Too ruthless!" Hundreds of meters away, the little Sansheng Yin Buddha widened his eyes, stomped his feet, and said to himself: "Fortunately, it is the future body that has broken down. It has lost some merit and can be recovered! Can't beat...I can't leave, can't I!

The three-life Yin Buddha is the ‘past Buddha’, the ‘present Buddha’, and the ‘future Buddha’.

If he uses the'now Buddha' body, it is estimated that Su Jin's blow will kill him!

At this time when Su Jin was fighting desperately--

At home, Xia Honghai and Xia Yunxi are anxious...

Xia Yuyan's eyelashes moved slightly on the bed, and suddenly she lifted a sigh, opened her eyes wide and propped it up with her hands, and suddenly sat up.


Xia Yuyan glanced at her side, but there was no more...Su Jin's figure.

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