My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 922: Unexpected situation

"Dad, where's my husband--" Xia Yuyan asked with aggrieved expression, looking at Xia Honghai.

Xia Honghai was silent. He didn't know what Su Jin had done. There was a gust of wind and thunder outside just now. His daughter was no longer good enough, but now he suddenly woke up and regained some strength. This is too much. strange.

Seeing that my dad had no results, Xia Yuyan turned to the sister on the side and asked in the same tone: "Yunxi, where is your brother-in-law—"

"Huh! Don't mention him... You are so sick, and he is not by your side, I am angry with him!" Xia Yunxi wrinkled his nose, bright big eyes with very angry eyes.

"He... he seems to be in danger." Xia Yuyan gazed at her blankly and muttered.

"Xiao Jin said he was going to deal with some work matters, and he would be back soon. Don't think about it. You just burned very badly. How do you feel now?" Xia Honghai asked with a serious face.

At this time, Xia Yunxi put the back of his green hand on her sister's forehead, and immediately smiled with joy, "Fever is gone!"

Xia Yuyan shielded her sister's hand and said softly, "I'm fine, Dad, let's go to rest at this late hour, I want to be alone."

"Sister, don't eat, are you hungry?" Xia Yunxi's expression is cute, giving people a silly feeling.

"I'm not hungry, go to bed." Xia Yuyan had an inexplicable irritability in her heart, which made her very uneasy, and this unknown sixth feeling became more and more intense. She felt that Su Jin's abnormal behavior in advance , Not just to play games with her.

"Then you have a good rest. Dad will be in the living room. If you are hungry, tell your dad." Xia Honghai saw that her daughter was in good condition, and she let down a little while holding Xia Yunxi's eyes. So she took her reluctant little daughter and walked out of the room.

Seeing her father and younger sister leave, Xia Yuyan turned her head, and there was only a pillow with no one beside her. There was no such guy in this position at night. It felt... really strange.

In the quiet room, Xia Yuyan got up gently and walked to the window.

It was raining heavy drifting outside the window.

The wind is not small.

The big raindrops crackled, and they swept across the dim light from the street lights.

The rain was very heavy, and Xia Yuyan’s ears were all the sound of rain, but the more it was, the more it highlighted the terrifying quiet atmosphere around him. She stared out of the window, lost in memory.

"What do you want to do!"

"Huh! Round the room!"

The first time I met, the rascal not only hugged his Bingqing Yujie body, but also attached it to his Hungarian tribe. At that time, he had the heart to kill him. How could he like a gangster who is worthless and only fights——

This guy, not only fighting fiercely, is also world-class for his babbling. Thinking about how she was perfectly suppressed by him every time she quarreled with him, and she was anxious about her IQ, she still didn't feel much about him at that time.

I don't know when, I am used to having that witty and funny guy around me.

I don’t know when, when Su Jin was not around at night, she had a good mood for the first time...

Xia Yuyan watched quietly, not knowing whether it was out of worry or something else. She could not feel cold in this kind of weather, but at this moment she felt a little chill.

"You can't come back, I will never forgive you." Xia Yuyan muttered to herself. Just now when she was dying, she seemed to have heard two bad conversations. She knew it was not a dream, and Su Jin was very Maybe for her, there was a great danger.

She knew that she couldn't help Su Jin now. If she held her hand too tightly, things would break and her hand would hurt——


Huangquan Road.

"Did you explode!" Su Jin was moving backwards, his heels drew two scary marks on the road, and after stopping, he spit out a **** spit and scolded. In the previous blow, he was able to repel the King of Ghosts, but in this confrontation, the opponent grabbed him several times. When he wanted to pinch him to death, he avoided him. However, he was still caught by a flaw by the Ghost King of Sanshang, and he directly fisted him.

The paralysis is too strong.

I don't know the difference. If it weren't for this place, the power is strong, the great treasure and the power of faith are endless, how can Su Jin persist until now.

"Little baby, you can't stop this king's next blow!" Sanshang Ghost King is extremely angry, as if he thinks that his crushing strength is being dragged by Su Jin to the present very embarrassing.

"Bring the horse here!" Su Jin wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth very simply.

"you this……"

The Ghost King was about to taunt Su Jin Yibo, when an accident suddenly appeared!

I saw that in the Nai River by the road of Huangquan, a patchwork-looking monster suddenly jumped up and swallowed the "Scattered Ghost King" in one bite!

The Sanshou Ghost King was eaten——

Su Jin was stunned for an instant, staring blankly, at the behemoth in front of him.

This monster that jumped up from Nai River, one mouth may not be a problem to accommodate a hundred people, it is too terrifying, especially its two smart, twinkling big eyes, it makes people feel cold at the first glance.

The situation happened too suddenly, the ‘Ting Ting’ under the Ksitigarbha Throne swallowed the Queen of Scattered Ghost, blinked deeply at Su Jin, and quickly retreated into the Nai River, disappearing.

The Sanshou Ghost King was killed in seconds like this?

Su Jin reacted. At this time, the other Yin generals saw that the ghost king was eaten. They were obviously frightened. They collapsed and fled. Some of them even shouted the name of "Tian Ting", which made Young Master Su confused. What are they talking about.

Not far away, there was a slender figure, walking slowly.

Su Jin cast his gaze sharply.

After seeing the appearance of the woman, the heart of the official Su, at this moment, was uncontrollably "thumping and thumping," and began to jump fiercely!

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