My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 923: You take advantage of me by riding a horse!

Her face was white and ruddy, and every part of her facial features seemed to be extremely beautiful. Below the delicate brows, the two slick eyes were full of celestial spirits against her long eyelashes.

Not only that, a Qiong nose, white and tender like a pigeon egg, resides in the center of the facial features, and the small mouth below is ruddy, even more like a cherry. There is also the slender waist that is perfect like a willow, which is graceful and graceful when walking. He is also wearing a white long skirt, but the skirt is already fully supported by two round peaks.

She walked about a meter in front of Su Jin, before stopping. The temperament of the goddess was exploding in the heart of Young Master Su, giving people a sacred feeling that one could only look at it from a distance.

nice! Indispensable beauty!

"Your name is Su Jin?" The beauty asked Su Jin naturally.

Su Jin's heart shuddered, and he secretly scolded himself that he didn't come to appreciate the beauty this time. He naturally knew who the other party was, because he could hear the voice. This woman was the one carried by the evil ghosts pulling the boat. 'Dream Girl' couldn't help but nodded and said: "Yes."

"Your wife is all right now." The Meng girl has an extraordinary temperament, and she said with a light mouth.

"Do you think I would believe you?" Su Jin's internal injuries are recovering quickly, although Miss Meng's words made him feel a lot easier, but he still couldn't believe it.

"You will believe it. You came in as a stranger. No one would have done it. If it weren't for the emperor's treasure body and blessing, those yin wouldn't be able to hurt you. Just now, there was another place under the throne of the Earth Store. The beast's help you, only those evil spirits who have been tortured can kill your bones. Just now, the Ksitigarbha has spent a lot of merit and saved your wife. If you want evidence, I can help you now. Restore." Meng girl waved her hand.

A scene suddenly appeared in front of Su Jin's eyes. At Qin Cheng's home in the heavy rain, the beautiful lady stood in front of the window with a worried expression on her face.

In this way, Xia Yuyan was indeed fine.

Su Jin was completely relieved. He rolled up his sleeves and said arrogantly: "Although this is the case, do you know that this young master's plan is not limited to this? Come on! Call out your "Great Mighty Pluto" I practiced with him. If he doesn't beat him, he kneels and calls him "Lord". I take his surname! After he is convinced, I will grab the'Life and Death Book' and tick off my wife's name on it!"

There is a saying: If you are willing to pluck, dare to pull the emperor off the horse!

There is also a saying: It’s easier to ask God to give it away!

"Haha." Miss Meng was amused by Su Jin's words, and asked: "A scattered ghost king, you can't deal with it, and you dare to speak big words? Do you know what kind of existence is "Great Might and Pluto"? He is endless years. Since then, the strongest person who is most likely to become the emperor, the thousands of scattered ghost kings plus one piece are not his opponents, just rely on you?"

"Give me some face, elder sister, when Dawei reached Pluto at my age, was there me that was so good? Ciao, scumbag." Su Jin clicked his mouth and shook his head slowly with a look of disdain.

The dream girl was stunned.

She was questioned by Su Jin, and then changed the subject: "I can send you out."

"Oh! Okay, next time I will fight with that or something Pluto! Now there is a wife in the family looking forward to it, the good night is short, and it will be too late if you don't return. As a three-good man, you can't let his wife stand alone in the vacancy..." Su Jin didn't hesitate, anyway, the purpose had been temporarily achieved. Hearing Miss Meng said that, he also knew that there were many super powers here, and it was not suitable to stay for long.

Su Jin raised his hand and took Lita and the dead crow, and also took the Great Emperor's Treasure hanging in the sky.

"I haven't finished speaking yet." Miss Meng said.

"Sister, how can I have time... The schedule is too tight. Let's play again next time, I'm leaving." Su Jin was anxious to go back to see his wife. Maybe he was moved by his wife and promised him that he would live with him. Life.

Nothing is more important than married life!

"No! Don't want to go out without me." Miss Meng frowned, and slowly shook her head, her tone of dissatisfaction a little bit.

Su Jin tilted his head and stared, thinking for a while, then nodded, and compromised: "Well, what do you want to say and do, hurry up."

"Come with me." Miss Meng turned around and took a lotus step, her speed was not slow.

Su Jin couldn't help but had to follow.

After walking for about five minutes, the place Meng Girl took him has not yet arrived, but at this time Su Jin was on the roadside of Huangquan and saw an interesting guy.

It was the Sansheng Yin Buddha who suffered a big loss in Su Jin's hands before!

At this moment, the Three-Sheng Yin Buddha was having a big belly, leaning against the Three-Sheng stone, closing his eyes and taking a nap.

"Hey, little fat man..." Su Jin walked over.

The most unheard word of the Three Lives Yin Buddha is ‘fat’! Not to mention, who now boldly calls him Fatty!


When Sansheng Yin Buddha's small watery eyes saw Su Jin in front of him, he swallowed his breath, forced a smile and whispered: "Don't call me Fatty, you can call me...Grandpa Sansheng."

"Call you grandpa three times? Damn it! You take advantage of me by riding a horse! I'll tell you when you are in trouble." Su Jin looked fierce.

Su Guanren is so angry--

Su Jin's movements immediately caused the Three Life Yin Buddha to stand up and stop him in fright. He saw Young Master Su suddenly stretched out his hands, directly on the Three Life Stone, and grabbed two black fruits of autumn.

As early as the previous meeting, Su Jin noticed that the black stone fruit growing on the strange vines was not simple. It happened that there was no reason to remove some of them. Now this little fat man just happened to give him a very legitimate reason. What?

"Ah!" The Yin Buddha of the Three Lives was stunned for an instant, standing still on the spot, his face turned very ugly.

"Don't move...Don't move!" Su Jin squinted, threatening the Yin Buddha of the Three Lives, and then seeing the other party motionless, he raised his foot at a lightning speed, and roared: "Am I going to you? !"

The poor Sansheng Yin Buddha screamed, and instantly he was kicked into the'Naihe' by Su Jin like a ball, and disappeared instantly.

The girl Meng on the side couldn't help hiding her face, her face was weird. She looked too embarrassed by Su Jin's actions, and she was really shameless to a certain level.

Su Jin weighed the two stone fruits, pondered for a while and asked Meng Girl what is the use of this thing, and naturally put it in his pocket, then looked at Meng Girl and said, "Sister Meng, it’s not here yet. Place? What do you want to do?"

Miss Meng and Su Jin looked at each other, nodded and said indifferently: "After a while you arrived in my boat, took off your clothes, let me check carefully, and then you can leave."


The inspection is fine, but also careful inspection?

Su Jin opened his eyes wide, so he didn't mention it.

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