My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 924: I'm afraid to scare you

The cold wind blows, the **** is cold!

"Don't do this elder sister--" Su Jin now knows that his wife is okay, and has returned to her true colors. He cried out strangely: "I am a very good person, please don't harm me!"

Dream girl:...

She sighed heavily, as if she was being patient and hadn't happened yet, and said angrily to Su Jin: "What do you think?"

"The key is your hobby, I can't accept it!"

Su Jin held his trouser pocket, sighed, and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle. He knew that he would not refuse, but he was just stripped of his clothes by a woman without any resistance, and it was spread out, what is the face of his handsome man in the world? Shouldn't he be the official Su who did this?

No way! You can't just follow what she says, even if you do, you have to take advantage of it!

Based on the concept of not suffering from each other, fairness and justice, Su Jin carefully thought about it, but when he thought of the most important point, he was still a little nervous.

"Is there anything I can't accept? It seems that this girl has never seen it before." Miss Meng's face was still flat.

"Have you seen it, you still need to read it? I rely on it, I am sick—" Su Jin licked his lips and said, "What's so good about it? Except for a strong heart, there is only one kind nail. Attraction, mud horse... I suddenly realized that your taste is so strong, maybe I was thinking..."

Su Jin was intoxicated.

I'm so looking forward to it--

"Are you looking for death? Are you still leaving?" Meng girl said impatiently.

"You are big, listen to you." Su Jin had to compromise temporarily, although he didn't know what the other party wanted to do to him.

It's not that he doesn't want to resist, but that he thinks that if he shoots a woman, what kind of man is it?

But the actual situation is that there are still two ways to fight or not. On the other hand, no matter how he took advantage of her words, he found that the other party was not angry except for being a little impatient. Just now, he just said that the dream girl has a sick mentality. If it were not for fear, he would definitely scold the other person for being sick.

Walking with Miss Meng, Su Jin's eyes drifted, and then quietly asked: "Sister Meng, can you call you that?"

"Yes." Miss Meng said.

"Anyway, we haven't gotten to the place yet, let's communicate and get to know our feelings..." Su Jin squinted and asked with a smile: "Meng Jie must think I can't match the'Great Might to Pluto' now, and there is no way to snatch'life and death' from him. Book'. I also admit, but it doesn’t work now, it doesn’t mean it won’t work in the future."

Miss Meng stopped her body shape as she walked, and then continued to walk. After a little silence, she said, "You have no future."


Although Su Jin has become accustomed to being sung to death by others, in any case, the feeling of hearing this kind of words still makes him feel uncomfortable, especially for a person with status like Meng Girl.

The dream girl noticed the unnaturalness on Su Jin’s face and fell into the memory, saying: “Since ancient times, the emperor created **** with the power of super gods. It has been countless years now. During this period, there is only one alternative who can do it from the book of life and death. I crossed out my name."

"That's right, who snatched Lao Tzu's first place! Who?" Su Jin's eyes widened. Originally, it was impossible for him to want to do this. Who knew that someone would take him one step ahead.

Is the difference between first and second?

It may be nothing in the hearts of others, but in the hearts of Daguan Su, the first is the first. If you don't get the first, the young master will be uncomfortable. This is like a woman's first time and the second time, there is a huge difference!

"It's a stone ape born with a stone fetus, but it is suspected of opportunism." Miss Meng said.

"Damn it, Journey to the West is real--" Su Jin was dumbfounded.

"What is Journey to the West?" With a look of doubt on Miss Meng's face, she went on to say, "I was very impressed. That monkey and the genius of the Great Emperor's era, born by heaven and earth, have a rebellious personality, and also associate with powerful demons. , Causing trouble everywhere. After a catastrophe, he was suppressed by the emperor."

Su Jin didn't want to confirm the authenticity of this, but asked with interest, "What happened later?"

"Later, the great emperor who believed in hundreds of millions of creatures died. The great emperor at that time was omnipotent. After he died, the world and the earth were in the same sorrow. The stone ape, who was suppressed for thousands of years, cherished his talents and deliberately enlightened it. , So placed a star lamp for it in the center of the endless black and cold void world, and stayed with it. Finally, the stone ape opened up, and at the moment when the emperor died, the imprisonment on it was naturally lifted. And the emperor, there will be more words.

"Where did the stone monkey go? Does it still exist?" Su Jin asked again.

"I don’t know if I’m still alive. After all, the great emperor died, and the heavens have been in chaos for thousands of years. Many powerful men have gone to unknown places, established themselves, or disappeared forever in the endless void time. "The dream girl said.

Su Jin took a deep breath and learned of this. It really benefited him a lot. At least his current strength is too low. It seems that my generation needs to work harder.

Thought of this.

Official Su took out a black stone fruit snatched from the Three Lives Yin Buddha, and asked: "This thing looks like a precious thing, know how to use it?"

"Ten thousand merits can condense a ghost, Buddha, and Bodhi. The three lives are also bad luck." Meng girl glanced at the black stone fruit and said: "The three lives are the same as me, from the time of the great emperor. The plant of the stone fruit, called the ghost Buddha flower, can only survive on the Sanshengshi. Precious is very precious, but at your current state, it is useless at all."

Okay, no matter how good things are, isn't it useless if you don't use them?

Su Jin was helpless, took Shi Guo into his pocket, and wanted to do research later, and not long after, he came to the flower boat where Meng Girl was.

Seeing this behemoth again, Su Jin is still very shocked. I don’t know when the flower boat has been dragged into the "Nai River" by those evil spirits. It is blessed by countless evil spirits. This uncompromising woman ship, The surface of the water was ups and downs, and there was a vaguely overbearing aura.

Beside the flower boat, there is a stone bridge that can't be seen at a glance. This is probably the Naihe Bridge! People on the bridge are crowded, and various ghosts are driving away souls and doing related work.

Su Jin didn't care about these, he was soon taken to a room on the flower boat by Miss Dream.

As soon as I entered, the door was closed. Before Su Jin could take a closer look at the room furnishings, Miss Meng turned around, looked at him and said, "Take it off!"

"So anxious..." Su Jin looked embarrassed, scratching his head and said: "It's okay now, but Meng Meng, you have to be mentally prepared first."

"Mental preparation? Why?" Miss Meng still didn't understand.

Su Jin slowly said in a mysterious tone: "I'm afraid to scare you--"

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