My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 950: Are you hungry

"Big brother! I'm not handsome!" Ye Hanyu was proud, and happily waved his fist and said, "I did it! What can the rich young master do to me since I was young! I played the piano when I was three years old, I learned calligraphy when I was six, and when I was nine, I had to take a place in the Olympic Mathematics competition! Everything about me must be done in his own way. If I can’t do it, I will scold and beat me! I never dare to confront him! Second Olympics! "

Su Jin's eyes were weird, and with a smile, he simply said, "Nice job!"

What a bleak childhood--

When the two were not paying attention, a surprised and pleasant voice appeared behind them, "You know?"

cough! cough!

Su Jin posed with the wall and looked at Xia Yuyan and said faintly: "Wife, correct me, I just met."

"What the **** is the idea, my dad is almost mad!" Xia Yuyan raised her eyebrows, her tone of voice was unreasonable.

Just now, she felt very wrong. Who knew that she saw two bragging guys chatting with each other. With Su Jin's IQ, what bad idea can't come up?

It's better now, leaving Dad on the sofa without saying a word, just gasping for breath!

"Qi is healthier!" Su Jin's eyes were cold.

A horse deserves it--

Xia Yunxi, such a lovely girl, still uses her parents to arrange marriage events? Thinking of money, crazy!

"This is the sister-in-law, right, sister-in-law!" Ye Hanyu didn't dare to think about it, smiling and holding the cigar without any trouble.

"Where have you seen your sister-in-law?" Xia Yuyan's eyes widened.

Su Jin really wants to kick Ye Hanyu back to his original liquid state. Can Nima speak? What do you call this sister-in-law? Isn't this deliberately grabbing a pigtail?

"No, I haven't seen it." Ye Hanyu realized that he was wrong, and immediately shook his head.

Xia Yuyan looked at the two with suspicious eyes, and said dissatisfied: "Then what the **** are you doing?"

"No ghost." Su Jin calmly dealt with it. "They don't think each other is inappropriate, so naturally."

Ye Hanyu feels bitter.

Lies can be so arrogant and righteous. Obviously you are occupying the two, and you have both the eldest sister and the younger sister. Even a handsome man like him can never find a girl like Xia Yunxi, let alone other ordinary men...

"If it is true." Xia Yuyan said hesitantly: "It is true that you cannot force it."

"Of course it's true! If you don't believe me, wait for Yun Xi to come back and ask her." Su Jin nodded, he was reasonable and he was afraid of!

"Okay, I'll call and ask what's the situation." Xia Yuyan gave Su Jin a white look, then turned and went into the living room again.

Seeing his wife's figure disappeared, Su Jin patted Ye Hanyu on the shoulder again, with a bad tone: "You kid, don't you think? Huh?"

Ye Hanyu returned to his senses, rubbed his face, and smiled: "Big brother, be happy today, go! Go out for a drink!"

Su Jin also didn't want to stay at home. If Xia Honghai ran into him and guessed something, the family would definitely not be too harmonious. As for his wife... he would spend more time with him at night. As for the trouble, his goal has been fully achieved!

"Sure!" Su Jin didn't hesitate, then got in the car and took Ye Hanyu away.

Soon, in a bar more than 300 meters away nearby.

This bar is the largest and most luxurious one in the neighborhood. It is spacious and clean, and more than a dozen top bartenders are doing work.

Su Jin and Ye Hanyu sat next to each other and ordered some casually.

"Big brother, I have been dragging for so many years, and I have never admired anyone. Today, you convinced me!" Ye Hanyu picked up a brown cocktail and drank it all.

"I really envy you. You have found someone you admire. I'm afraid I will never find it." Su Jin's tone was full of envy.

Ye Hanyu:...

"Can we not do this? Can you play hard, and pretend to be paralyzed, and suddenly there is someone more hanging than me pretending to be in front of me, I really don't get used to—" Ye Hanyu smiled bitterly.

"It's good to get used to it." Su Jin looked at the blue cocktail that had been made and took it up and sipped it.

"Hey!" Ye Hanyu shook his head, put the cup down, and said: "Nina, I can't eat a swan, can't I eat a chicken..."

"You can't have this little luck." Su Jin felt the vibration of the mobile phone in his pocket.

It's definitely my wife who can't find her husband. It must be Xia Yuyan, who is really clingy...

Su Jin took out his phone and glanced at it, huh? Not-

"You drink first, I'll go to the bathroom." Su Jin got up and motioned.

"it is good."


Su Jin walked in the direction of the bathroom, while answering the phone.

"Brother Su..." A beautiful voice came from inside, "Can you tell who I am?"

"How can I not hear it." Su Jin smiled: "I didn't expect Sister Dong to call me. Is the mayor's work so leisurely? Is it hungry..."

Dong Mingzhu is the one who called!

"Come less!" Dong Mingzhu said in a huff: "Brother Su, what happened to your stall this time is not trivial——"

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