My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 951: Two ribs

One minute passed.

Three minutes passed-

Su Jin's state of holding the phone has not changed, or it can be described as dull and dumbfounded! What the Mayor Dong Damei said, still echoing in his mind, he didn't respond until the other party hung up the phone.

After the other party spoke about the seriousness of the situation and asked him to hurry up and deal with it, his only thought was...

How to do! Can this **** be on me?

Last time in New York, relying on the unique and invincible base of the law, I met the blond and blue-eyed beauty of Wei Ya, how can I think of the extraordinary identity of the other party!

Princess Via? Su Jin Ma?

The princess is looking for her husband?

Second Olympics!

Su Jin always believed that nothing was a problem in front of him. He was defeated by Luo Weier and goddess, and he had forcibly lived a'male and female life', but this son and daughter had a love for them, which caused Wei Ya to come here. Looking for him made him very big head!

Silently installed the phone, Su Jin was thinking about countermeasures quickly in his heart.

Soon, his eyes lit up and he had an idea in his heart. No matter what, he could only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor!

Thinking of this, Su Jin strode towards Ye Hanyu's drinking direction. He decided that he had only met Princess Via in New York once, and they had nothing to do with each other! If you can persuade you, or if someone who is better than yourself is favored by the princess, maybe you can get through this difficult time.

Ye Hanyu's appearance is not bad, and his identity is not ordinary. Su Jin has to take a place, what if Princess Wei is caught up by it? It's not that Young Master Su doesn't like this beauty, but that this matter is not easy to handle. To put it lightly, it is because the officials have a strong personality and look down on other princesses. If they don't go, they will release the pigeons. To put it seriously, this is related to the communities of the two countries——

It's simply something that gets bigger and bigger.

At this moment, Ye Hanyu was drinking one cup after another, and his face was already wine-red. He had a good drink volume. He saw Su Jin coming over and raised the cup, but Su Jin stopped him.

"Don't drink, I'll just ask you, do you want to learn the ultimate method of picking up girls?" Su Jin asked mysteriously.

"Can you fix Bai Fumei?" Ye Hanyu hiccuped, his expression already showing interest.

"Yes! This time I will take you to pretend to be Bi and take you to fly!" Su Jin did not plan to sit down, "Go! Go now!"

"Drink for a while, there is more time..." Ye Hanyu looked unhappy while drinking.

Su Jin's face became serious.

Ye Hanyu also saw that Su Jin was serious, and slowly put down the wine glass, took out a wad of tens of thousands of Chinese coins from his pocket, threw it in front of the bar, and said to the bartender mm: "Check out, the rest is all is yours."

The bartender mm is full of excitement. She has been working for so long, and she has seen a lot of tips, and she gave tens of thousands of tips, but she has never seen it. In fact, the drink is only a little over 3,000 yuan, and the rest goes to she was!

In fact, she didn't know that Ye Hanyu was too lazy to go to the front desk to pay——

Su Jin Kuang Khan, can this guy buy some small things wherever he spends some petty bourgeoisie and give it to him? This kind of arrogance, even the younger brother Nangong! I really don’t know that firewood, rice, oil, and salt are expensive. If you are him, you can buy two yuan and fifty-one packs of cigarettes, and you will have to pay fifty cents for three yuan!

Out of the bar, after getting in the car, Ye Hanyu asked suspiciously: "Brother, where should I take me to install it?"

"City government!" Su Jin said, and when he stepped on the gas, the car drove away from the bar.

But at the moment when he drove the car, Su Jin thought so in his heart, ‘I’m sorry, this time I can only pit you one more time. The brothers who are willing to be pitted by the brothers are good brothers! ’

Poor Ye Hanyu didn't even know what was going on, so he followed Su Jin in a fascinating way. He also thought that he could learn the skills of pretending to be a girl, and cultivate his idol's upbringing temperament...

Soon after, in front of the city hall.

Su Jin got out of the car--

At the moment, inside the city hall.

Wonderful fairy music, curled into the eardrums, and the eyes are Yingying Yanyan, graceful beauties, they are wearing bright costumes of different colors, dancing, and there is a'spear behind' outside the city government. Guarded by the emcee of guards, he looked as if he had returned to hundreds of years ago. Maybe this is the special culture that still exists in the Western Jude kingdom? Su Jin couldn't figure it out, but he felt that the scene was grand.

"Oh, eldest brother... I drank too much, and my liver hurts... I want to sleep for a while." Ye Hanyu immediately felt very wrong, with an unbearable expression on his face, and said, holding his stomach.

Su Jin glanced at him and said with a smile: "Fuck you, the place you are holding is the stomach, where is the liver? Stop the nonsense and follow me!"

"Don't, now...I feel uncomfortable..." Ye Hanyu panicked, licking his lips, and said: "Big brother! You shouldn't bring me to pretend to be paralyzed! You brought me to pit me..."

"How could I cheat you?" Su Jin said strangely.

He didn't expect Ye Hanyu to have this consciousness.

"I've seen the clothes these people the world, I haven't been anywhere..." Ye Hanyu showed an expression that was uglier than crying.

"Oh, you can only show your brother's loyalty by cheating your brother once. You are definitely willing to stab me..." Su Jin encouraged.

"I just want to cut it, you two swords..." Ye Hanyu asked bitterly: "Why should you cheat me——"

"Why are you still asking? I just want to cheat you. Why are you asking?"

When Su Jin finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and stubbornly pulled Ye Hanyu, who was crying for his father and mother, who was already crying and crying...

Dragged into the gate of the city government!

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