My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 960: Ask the world who is a hero!

Seeing Su Jin's hidden face and the objects still being pinched in his hands, Xia Yuyan really couldn't describe his shamelessness in words.

When Su Jin heard Xia Yuyan say this, he turned his head and smiled confidently on his face, and said shamelessly: "Disgusting? How could it be disgusting? Everything about loving someone must include her inner coolness, let alone your beautiful wife. , Can definitely be called the number one beauty in Qincheng, I don’t like it as much as--"

Xia Yuyan was shamelessly crying. Now, who can do her a favor and kill Su Jin who is talking at this time——

This guy has no morals, there is really no bottom line at all!

"You seem to be making me laugh!" Xia Yuyan could only grit his teeth and gasp.

"Then I won't tease you, okay, I'll go to wash it!" Su Jin was very hot and danced the small pieces with Hellokt cat in the air, and Xia Yuyan, who hated it, tickled his teeth. .

"Wait!" Xia Yuyan stopped Su Jin.

"Is there anything else?" Su Jin said with a smile.

"I--" Xia Yuyan's face was furious, thinking frantically, if I remind Su Jin again, maybe he will do other nasty things, and then shook his head, "Nothing!"

"Oh! As long as the posture is in place, the wife will be intoxicated." Su Jin turned around and said after entering the door: "It seems reasonable."

Xia Yuyan also felt reasonable. She was really drunk, her eyes were black and dizzy, and she could stand on such a shameless person. Is it God's eyes open or not?

Not long after Su Jin went to take a bath, the door of the living room was slowly opened, revealing a handsome face.

"Sister..." Xia Yunxi whispered.

She found her sister lying on the sofa, her face buried in it, she didn't know what happened.

Xia Yuyan raised her head sharply, watching her sister come back, and said angrily: "Smelly girl, come over to me, sit down!"

"Dad, his old man is not there?" Xia Yunxi's face was still very nervous.

Just now Xia Yunxi heard the voice of her brother-in-law in the room, and the atmosphere seemed to be pretty good, so she quietly opened the door. If she was unlucky and met her dad, she could only admit her fate. If she didn’t see her, she just hoped that dad calm down for two days. It won't be too late for her to post it again, at least her breath will disappear.

"No." Xia Yuyan saw Yun Xi sitting on the sofa opposite to him, and asked: "What's the matter, the young master of the Ye family looks pretty good, is it so difficult to see him?"

"Sister, the pair of small eyes is not bad? It doesn't make people laugh to death—" Xia Yunxi's head shook like a rattle, took an apple on the coffee table, took a small bite, and continued. "Besides, I bring a large team of bodyguards wherever I go. They are very good at showing off, as if they are telling others that no one is rich. I hate this kind of person the most."

"Then your brother-in-law is even more dragged than him, and playing the audience alone, I didn't say that...there is a problem with her attitude towards life." Xia Yuyan heard her sister say this and kept rolling her eyes, as if she didn't agree with her.

"How can he compare to brother-in-law?"

"Why can't you compare? What does your brother-in-law have?" Xia Yuyan retorted.

"Brother-in-law is amazing, good kung fu! Although his life is a bit miserable, you can't look at him with snobbery like this?" Xia Yunxi widened his eyes, "My brother-in-law, that's not an ordinary person! How can I say, she has a... a kitchen knife In hand, ask who is the heroic spirit in the world, the Ye family boy, no matter how rich he is, he will not be likable."

"Yeah, you are justified. Dad will be mad at you because of a heart attack. If you see him again, you obediently admit your mistake, don't confront him. Did you hear?" Xia Yuyan knew what to say It's useless, thinking depressed, is Su Jin really as good as his sister said?

The two sisters began to chat.

Just five minutes.

Su Jin was shirtless, with a bath towel around his waist, and his hair was a little longer by his combing.

There is a saying that men mix well and their hair falls backward! Women mix well and wear less clothes!

Su Jin has never taken care of himself as carefully as today.

Looking at his strong physique and the explosive and beautiful muscles in the mirror, Su Jin immediately knelt down on one knee!

Nothing else, just because I served myself!

After washing, Su Jin also prepared a big surprise for Xia Yuyan. Thinking about his wife's exaggerated expression later, he snickered in his heart, and he would definitely be scared--

Do whatever he wants, he walked out of the bathroom, and then he didn't notice the existence of Xia Yunxi, and said straightforwardly: "Wife! Guess what I'm wearing..."

Gaze blankly.

The atmosphere in the living room is unusually quiet.

Time seemed to stop at this moment, Xia Yunxi was still biting an apple, his eyes widened, and he stared blankly at the appearance of walking out around the snow white bath towel!

Xia Yuyan was even more frightened. It was almost impossible to say that Huarong lost her face. She blushed and reacted, and said angrily: "You can't come out after getting dressed!"

"Uh...uh..." Su Jin madly sweated and said with a strong smile: "My wife, I want to give you a surprise."


This reminded Su Jin's first sentence, which made Xia Yuyan's heart tighten, and her eyes instinctively looked at the white bath towel around Su Jin's waist.


My goodness! Xia Yuyan's face was hard to look on the spot--

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