My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 961: Love life love sukin

Wouldn't this guy give her little piece... to wear it!

Xia Yuyan admitted that she wanted to be a bit biased. But think about Su Jin's character, what else can he not do?

Shameless, was originally Su Jin's strength!

"Brother-in-law, what's the surprise?" Xia Yunxi felt nothing. The man was naked above, shirtless, and not below—

"Talk more!" Xia Yuyan scolded her sister, then threatened Su Jin with her eyes.

If this guy dared to show it off, when he found a good opportunity, he would cut off his restless little thing, so angry, there was nothing, she realized the more that Su Jin's clothes were extraordinary.

Su Jinqiang smiled, coughed dryly, and said weirdly: "Well... only your sister can see it. I won't show you others. I'm a good man."

"Oh~ I know." Xia Yunxi snickered, with a slightly different tone that you can't hide from me. At the same time, she panicked. At night... Big Brother Su told her not to sleep first, he would definitely slip in. My room... As for what to do, think about it... It's really scary!

This matter, so that Xia Yunxi did not dare to think about it! From time to time, riding on Xia Yuyan and not paying attention, he peeked at Su Jin somewhere...

"Go back to the house and put on your clothes." Xia Yuyan tried to stabilize her heartbeat, and said to Su Jin with white eyes.

"Hey, I can't just listen to what you say!" How could Su Jin lose his temper, then he pointed to Xia Yuyan, "So, you come in as your husband! Dare to scare you to death--"

"What can't you dare!" Xia Yu's cigarette mouth curled slightly.

It is too dangerous! Although she said so, there is always a voice in her heart telling her that she must not follow up, it will be very dangerous!

"Dare to come in..."

"Why listen to you." Xia Yuyan's confidence is getting weaker, but she still refuses to admit it, saying so in her small mouth.

"Come on, take two steps, come in—" Su Jin and Xia Yuyan clashed with each other, looking like they didn't deal with you, I would not call Su Jin's arrogant expression.

"I..." Xia Yuyan was speechless.

Really dare not!

Xia Yunxi narrowed his eyes to crescent, and said with a smile: "Sister, what are you afraid of? There is nothing to be afraid of. If you ask you to go back to your room, you can go back to your room, in broad daylight."

This dead girl--

Xia Yuyan couldn't laugh or cry. My younger sister simply pushed herself to the edge of the cliff. She couldn't retreat.

Under Xia Yunxi’s encouragement, Xia Yuyan didn’t want to persuade Su Jin. She felt that Su Jin’s attitude had changed a bit recently, and she had listened a lot, but who would have thought that there is still a tendency to argue with her now, who is it? Your courage! According to some women, it is only a trivial achievement if the husband is skillful, and if he doesn't fight back or scolds, it is considered a small achievement. However, depending on the situation, Su Jin's rebound may become greater and greater, and he absolutely cannot bear it.

Just go in!

Xia Yuyan got up and walked over. She was also fighting, and even now she found that she was trying to fight with ‘pain’ all at once, and she couldn’t fight a strong man like Master Su 100%!

Seeing Xia Yuyan's stubborn expression, Su Jin really dared to walk into the room. Instead of going in in a hurry, he closed the door first and watched Xia Yunxi quickly said, "Love life, love Su Jin, remember... You promised me, and wait for Brother Su obediently at night...Don't sleep first—"

Xia Yunxi blushed, lowered her head embarrassedly, and said in a low voice: "My sister is in the house, don't hurry to go..."


Sister Yunxi is so cute now. If Su Jin didn't have business to do, the cliff would take advantage of no one to give her a kiss on her cheek, and she would almost slap Su Jin by herself.

Under Xia Yunxi's urging, Su Jin did not hesitate at all, naked and wrapped in a bath towel, immediately opened the bedroom door and walked in.

Upon entering, I saw Xia Yuyan sitting on the chair in front of the desk.

No way, how dare she sit on the bed! Even though it is in broad daylight, it is also a dangerous period. In case this man plays a wolf and reveals his nature, he must not scare her to death.

Su Jin had a fascinating look in his eyes and looked at Xia Yuyan's slightly nervous expression, with infinite emotion in his heart.

No matter when and where, the wife is a unique landscape. This fresh dress fully interprets the temperament of a ‘very goddess’!

Step by step, Su Jin’s mouth is filled with a playful smile. In the eyes of a woman, this expression is called Yin Dang, also called ‘wolf’!

Because Su Jin walked in that little posture, how could he feel unkind!

How to do how to do!

I really want to disregard other people's feelings and do it!

Xia Yuyan regrets it very much in her heart. Sometimes she thinks about the box throwing incident last time. She was quite angry. Now she really wants to forgive him so easily?

But I really don't forgive, can I resist Su Jin's skin that cannot be measured by thickness!

Very panic!

"Wife..." Su Jin was so drunk that he walked gently in front of Xia Yuyan and stood still.


Su Jin's words pulled Xia Yuyan back from his random thoughts, dodged Su Jin's gaze, turned his face to one side, and responded.

"For this kind of thing, you are still too shy." Su Jin smiled, let out a deep breath, and then he naturally held Xia Yuyan's small hands with both hands, and then put her small hands on his waist. Between the white bath towels.

"What are you doing." Xia Yuyan's voice could almost be described as faint mosquitoes and flies, taking a peek at the position of her hand.

I'm so scared--


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