My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 962: Don't do it with husband

"Pretend it to me..." Su Jin said badly: "It's ready, untie it and see..."

"You, you are sick." Xia Yuyan murmured unnaturally.

Su Jin had a strange expression. Seeing his wife didn't do anything, he had to say: "Okay, you don't understand, I will do it myself!"

Just do it!

Su Jin gently pulled, Xia Yuyan screamed, and covered her face tightly with her hands.

The atmosphere in the room is very quiet. Xia Yuyan hasn't seen Su Jin speaking for a long time. She was very curious and didn't know what was wrong. She separated her fingers by a gap...

Immediately, stunned!

I saw that Su Jin did not do other things that are not suitable for children, but put a poss, the bath towel around his waist also fell to the floor, and there was a striped inner cool with a steel giant inside! I have to say that it is too strong, the sharp and powerful style above, coupled with the incomparably majestic and terrifying support of the ruler, and Su Jin's high-fingered ceiling, invincible posture...


Xia Yuyan also belonged to the wife of the Bingshan lady's personality, otherwise it would not be an exaggeration to use the two words of death to describe Su Jin!

"Am... handsome!" Su Jin said in a firm tone.

Su Jin's tone was quite desperate, and he seemed to have no hope of ugly for his handsome face.

It's over, come again. Xia Yuyan was shocked.

"Handsome, big-headed ghost, you are not dirty!" Xia Yuyan put down her clutching hand with a speechless expression.

"I know, you have been holding back yourself, afraid of telling the truth about how handsome I am, and thus hurting me, but... I am used to it and made up my mind! I will go anyway tomorrow. Plastic surgery, which doctor can make me ugly, even if I do everything I can, and even thank his eight generations of ancestors for willingness!" Su Jin’s proud head was raised again in a big arc, his eyes intoxicated in his own world. In order to achieve the goal, unendingly strong!

"I believe what I said." Xia Yuyan stretched out his hand unreasonably, and pushed him on Su Jin, "Hey! Don't pretend to be me, just be normal!"

"Hey!" Su Jin reacted faster than anyone else, and grabbed Xia Yuyan's little hand, and said, "Don't do anything with your husband, you will suffer hardship if you do it!"

"You let me go--" Xia Yuyan saw the guy who was pretending to be numb and handsome one second before, and the next second he was so shameless. He couldn't help but want to withdraw his hand, but he didn't succeed. The big hand was like a pliers. Yes, hold her little hand firmly.

Su Jin looked at the snow-white palm being held by him, with a smile on his face, and said, "My wife, is it so difficult for you to praise me? Come on, praise me, and I will let you go."

"I don't--" Xia Yuyan refused altogether, and gave Su Jin a weird look. "Isn't this telling me to lie!"

I heard my wife say so.

Su Jin's complexion immediately turned intolerable, grinning, his face was very odious, and then he said almost word by word: "Then, just, don't, blame, me!"

Soon, he lowered his waist and directly picked Xia Yuyan from the seat and carried it on his shoulders!

This scared Xia Yuyan!

"Hey! Dead Su let me down!" Xia Yuyan slapped Su Jin's back vigorously on his shoulder, but it was useless!

As a result, I saw an extremely shameless beast in the bedroom, wearing a steel giant inner library, running his own woman in a limited space, while running, Young Master Su still uttered human words——

"Since I was little, what I am most proud of is the handsome face that my parents left me. It makes you unwilling to tell your true inner feelings. Why do you want you..." Su Jin muttered to himself: "Do you know how important this handsome face is to me? The so-called three-point destiny, seven points depend on hard work! The remaining ninety points, the full length is on my face!"

I carried my wife in the room for about a minute, and went around a lot...

Finally, under Xia Yuyan's panic, Su Jin threw her on the bed.

In the next second, Su Jin jumped on top of her.

Then the needle-point gaze at the Maimang had already occurred, and the room was no longer as noisy as it was before. Xia Yuyan stared at Su Jin above her blankly, and after a little reaction, she gently lowered her head and looked at the person in front of her. posture.

That majestic and strong chest turned out to be--

Close to the top of the high propped up, squeezing it even made her almost breathless. Of course, I don't know if it is because of tension!

Su Jin is now pressing Xia Yuyan's arms with both hands, his face almost touching her cheek...

The scent that only belongs to his wife sniffed into his body with his breath, and Su Jin could even count each other's heartbeats at this moment.

this moment.

The destruction of the world does not seem to be so important.

Su Jin really felt how strong Xia Yuyan's charm was, but no matter what, no matter how strong it is, no wolf is strong!

If wolves travel the world, there will be gains!

But Xia Yuyan didn't think so at this moment.

The current pose is Beauty and the Beast! Even the clear touch coming from somewhere on Su Jin's body now made Xia Yuyan's face flush.

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