My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 964: Tell you a secret

The entrance?

Su Jin's heart sank.

If this kind of thing didn't happen, Su Jin wouldn't doubt it, but it really happened, and the place of the accident was more subtle! You know, the black pattern in his palm is the inheritance of Emperor Huangquan. It was logical that a "Yellow Spring" appeared in that place at that time, and it was definitely not a coincidence that the "Huangquan" suppressed the mineral vein of "Golden Dragon Raises Head".

Therefore, what Gu Shan said at this time made Su Jin feel uneasy. At the same time, he combined with the incident of Hu Chunzhi in Xujia Village, his hometown of Gushan, Huishan Town, Daliang Mountain, which made him blindfolded. A layer of dark clouds.

"When did it happen?" Su Jin asked Gu Shan on the phone in a deep voice.

"It's nine o'clock in the morning..."

"What happened after nine o'clock in the morning, why waited for me to call you before he faltered and told me!" Su Jin asked sharply, "Are you **** in now?"

"Boss, there are already a few workers missing inside...If you don't find them, I...I don't have the face to see you!" Gu Shan couldn't say anything anymore.

Gu Shan is the kind of man who has to handle things well when he is entrusted by Su Jin with an important task. He can't do anything about such a big thing again.

Second Olympics!

Su Jin covered his forehead, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath: "Quit!"

"Boss, I..." Gu Shan on the other end of the phone hadn't finished.

"I'm the boss, you're the boss! Step on the horse and leave me!" Su Jin said angrily, already on fire.

"Oh! Just come in not far, I'll go out immediately!" Gu Shan trembled, not dare to challenge Su Jin's authority.

"I will be here soon, and no one is allowed to approach the entrance of the cave during this period!"

Su Jin told him and hung up the phone decisively.

Holding the phone tightly, now I have the urge to crush the phone. What makes him so angry about ordinary work, he is angry with the mistakes that can be avoided, but he has developed to this stage.

Without the slightest carelessness, Su Jin walked into the living room immediately and almost ran into Xia Yuyan who wanted to see the situation—

"What are you doing." Xia Yuyan took a step back.

Su Jin stretched out his brows and smiled and said, "Something happened on the mine site. The problem is not too big, but I need to deal with it."

"I'll go with you..." Xia Yuyan blurted out in a hurry for some reason.

"No, the group has so much work for you to do, you can't go away." Su Jin shook his head decisively and said with a gentle smile: "My wife, I came in...I wanted to...well, I wanted to tell you a secret. ."

"What's the secret?" Xia Yuyan asked curiously.

"We have known each other for so long. I haven't even sent you a rose. I'm not romantic at all, but..." Su Jin glanced at Xia Yunxi who was listening carefully not far away. He didn't mind. Yu Yan said: "However, I secretly wrote a love letter, and I have never had a chance to give it to you. Just look at it in the lower mezzanine of the bookshelf in our bedroom."

Xia Yu blushed with smoke. Where did she experience such a thing in her relationship with Su Jin, so a panicked expression appeared on her face, as if it was the first time Su Jin could surprise her. , So he didn't dare to look at Su Jin's eyes.

It doesn't seem to be good if he doesn't return, so Xia Yu's mouth turned up and said in a strongly questioning tone: "Love letters? You will also write love letters..."

"I am the number one talented man in Qincheng, don't underestimate me!" Su Jin pointed at Xia Yuyan, and when he saw Xia Yunxi's envious expression, he nodded, "I'll take care of things first..."

After taking a deep look at Xia Yuyan, Su Jin turned around and walked out the door again, opened the "Death Super Run" and sat in, and soon disappeared. He has handled the mine affairs well this time, so he should start from the Daliang Mountain to jump into the pit. Isn't the Lovi's goddess preferring to die to get him! Then let go! It’s just that what he most urgently wants to know is what the **** is in the weird cave at the mine vein of "Golden Dragon Raises Head"——

"Wow! Sister! Brother-in-law will also write love letters! Go! Find them! Find them!" Xia Yunxi took her sister and quickly walked into the bedroom. He really found an exquisite one on the bookshelf that Su Jin said. 'love letter'!

Xia Yuyan looked at the love letter handed over by her sister with both hands, hesitated slightly, and opened it gently.

Several lines of "Elegant and Extraordinary" appeared on it, as follows:

"Holding the oil-paper umbrella, wandering alone in the long, long, lonely rain alley.

I hope that every time, a girl with sorrows like a clove.

She has the color like cloves, the fragrance like cloves, and the sadness like cloves.

Tingli in the rain, sad and hesitating.

She wandered in this lonely rain alley, holding a paper umbrella. Like me, approaching silently.

As he approached, he cast a sigh-like glance.

She drifted by, like a dream,

Like a dream..."

Xia Yuyan's small mouth pouted, her beautiful big eyes filled with water vapor unconsciously, and when she blinked, two teardrops fell...

"Crying!" Xia Yunxi exaggeratedly said: "I'm so moved and cry!"

"I have a strong hunch that something will happen to your brother-in-law recently!" Xia Yuyan sobbed, her eyes strong, and said, "Is this a love letter or a suicide letter!"

Xia Yunxi snatched the "love letter" from her sister. While reading it, she also saw her sister quickly ran out of the room and rushed out the door.

Fresh beige dress——

Peerless face.

Xia Yuyan stood in the breeze.

I looked around and looked forward to it, but the man was already gone.

"I will find you in the afternoon, this time, don't you want to get rid of me..."

At this moment, Xia Yuyan had never been so determined to want to do something.

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