My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 965: I am the **** here!

The breeze is brisk.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the sunshine in Ningjiang City is not too hot.

Su Jin did not park the car in the downtown area of ​​Ningjiang this time, but drove directly to Huishan Town along the bus route. During this period, Su Jin and Gu Shan had a mobile phone call. He was relieved to learn that he had withdrawn safely. , And asked him to wait at an intersection of the mountain and road.

So Su Jin went from Huishan Town to the meeting point with Gushan, during which time he spent not much time.

Su Jin slowly stopped the car in front of a section of concrete road that was obviously just repaired. Looking from a distance, I saw Gu Shan, who hadn't smoked much for more than 20 years, was squatting on the side of the road, holding a cigarette butt, blowing clouds. fog.

At this time, Gu Shan also discovered the "Reaper" supercar. Although he had never seen it before, Gu Shan knew that there were not many people with such great ability. Most of them came from the boss. Sure enough, he looked cold when he saw the car stop. Su Jin got out of the car.

Gu Shan greeted him immediately.

Walking to Su Jin, Gu Shan, dressed in a simple dress, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, handed one to the boss, and helped him light it.

"Where is the location, haven't anyone entered?" Su Jin asked, taking a look at Gu Shan.

"I haven't entered, the location is a few hundred meters away from the front corner." Gu Shan's heart has been hanging, and when he saw the boss didn't blame him, he felt better.

"Sister Hua isn't there?" Su Jin asked again.

"I came here during lunch, and she wanted to call the police at the time, but at that time, I talked to you on the phone. After listening to my advice, I didn't call the police for the time being." Gu Shan said with an unpleasant expression.

"Go, go and take a look." Su Jin raised his hand and gestured, walking side by side with Gu Shan towards the destination.

Su Jin has seen it.

It is indeed the most correct way to choose to open a mountain path in this place. There are many mountains here. If you go to build a road around the mountain, you will not only spend a lot of money, but you may also encounter the condition of opening the mountain. A tunnel was opened at the peak of a hundred meters, and it was indeed the closest place to'Golden Dragon's Head Up'.

Last time, he took a taxi to the place where Jinlong looked up and got the “Yellow Spring”. That section of the road passed through several tunnels, and the road conditions were poor, and large machinery was not allowed to enter the venue. The road in front of him was obviously It is much wider and the place closest to the national highway is more convenient.

Soon, Su Jin walked to the corner that Gu Shan said. A few hundred meters away from him, his eyesight was almost unobstructed. Under that mountain peak, a wide tunnel had already formed. He worked hard again. In the eyes and in the middle, I wanted to see a little more far-reaching, but I quickly gave up and had no choice but to enter later. It would be more safe to use the'open sky'.

On the roadside, the workers in twos and threes lie down or sit, and sometimes they talk, and their faces are not pretty. After all, some of the missing workers are relatives and friends.

"Sister Hua has a good word." Gu Shan whispered from the side: "These workers had trouble in the morning and refused to go on. It was Sister Hua who paid three times the salary today to control them and prevent them from leaving. They are. Sister Hua’s cell phone was also searched by someone sent by Hua to fear that one of them would call the police.

Su Jin:...

Indeed, Sister Hua's methods are beyond ordinary people's ruthlessness, and it can't be said that what she did is wrong, the best way is to buy time as much as possible, and wait for him to arrive.

"That's--" Su Jin's originally unhappy mood improved instantly when he saw a figure under a landing umbrella.

"My sister Miao Ke also insisted on being on the front line. She pestered me and said, this is the job you gave her and must be done carefully, so I let her work as a clerk, and by the way contact some urgently needed tea, water and food. Yes." Gu Shan said to Su Jin busy.

Su Jin could see that Tong Miaoke was doing things very seriously. He kept recording something under the umbrella. He didn't bother immediately. He nodded and said, "It should not be too late. I will enter the cave first. You will guard at the entrance of the cave. Now, I will notify you if necessary."

"Boss! That's too dangerous! I can't let you in alone!" Gu Shan, a mountain guy, said with a blushing face immediately.

"I am the **** here! Just do what I say!" Su Jin snorted heavily and said with a gloomy expression.

Seeing Su Jin's insistence, Gu Shan sighed, lowered his head and shook, and stopped arguing with him, as if reluctantly followed Su Jin's order.

In just a few hundred meters, Su Jin quickly arrived. Watching the dark scene inside the cave, Su Jin's face became more solemn, and a trace of coldness from inside made him feel uncomfortable.

Inside this mysterious cave, faintly unusual.

"Wait outside." Su Jin looked at Gu Shan, "After I go in, if there is too much movement, don't worry about me! Turn back immediately and run right away!"

"Boss..." Gu Shan was in a daze.

In the end, Gu Shan had to firmly nod his head.

"If you dare to violate what I said, I will kill you." Su Jin pointed to Gu Shan's face, and then looked at the mysterious cave entrance faintly.

Without hesitation, he stepped in.

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