My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 966: Xia Yuyan

Su Jin enters the mysterious cave.

I saw the mountain walls were mixed, and there were mottled traces of modern machinery hitting them everywhere.

Judging from the fairly flat ground, it is obvious that at the beginning of the incident, there were a large number of workers still working here, because the cleaning work was well done.

After walking about a hundred steps in, Su Jin felt the coldness even more, and it was initially estimated that it was at least ten degrees below zero. This is still so many hours, the temperature can only be reached when the hot air from outside enters. After the accident happened, how cold the workers should be!

Su Jin stopped and looked directly at a small crack in the mountain wall to the right. In this crack that can only accommodate one person, Young Master Su could directly perceive the even more cold temperature.

Those workers seem to have entered this out of curiosity!

"Open the sky!" Su Jin shouted in a low voice, and quickly wiped it from the center of his eyebrows with his fingers together.

After a while.

"The smell of death." Su Jin's eyes were calm, but his pupils were filled with shock, "It's so rich, is it possible that this is connected to hell?"

Su Jin even opened his heavenly eyes and couldn’t see what was inside. He just knew that in addition to the power of Huangquan, only **** has a lot of power of Huangquan, but there are very few users, even those of hell. The evil spirits and spirits who want to cultivate this kind of power also have extraordinary limitations and are not easy to cultivate.

At this moment, Su Jin deeply understood why it was so cold, because Mingli was the most gloomy power. It was opened up such a hole, and the workers dared to enter it rashly. Those few people might really die.

Since he had the same power with his own power, Su Jin felt a little bit more sure, he didn't hesitate anymore, and entered slowly.

After entering, the ghostly atmosphere inside, different from the gray, white and yellow as the main tone of the hell, the deeper the deeper here, the more the blue light glows, I don't know how deep it is.

It was Su Jin who was also lost, and when he changed to another person, he was already afraid of himself.

"The connection is below?" Su Jin stood on the edge of the wide cantilever wall in the cave, looked down, frowning, it turned out to be directly downward.


Logically speaking, if the workers were invaded by the power of the Mind, even if they were dead, they should have seen the corpses, but now they are quiet everywhere, and there is no cricket.

Su Jin kicked a stone into the ground, and a ‘boom’ sound came to my ears ten seconds later.

It's so deep!

Su Jin cursed secretly, Dang Even jumped down!

Su Jin is now infinitely close to the "floating period". Although he is still unable to catch it, it is still possible to slow down his falling speed when he jumps, so that he will not be injured and killed.


The bottom of the cave was quite flat and it was a basalt ground, but at this time, when Su Jin’s feet were stepped on, there was a cloud of dust falling around him. Su Jin’s eyesight opened up with the eyes of the sky, and he had seen five Workers wearing plain clothes and hard hats appeared a few steps away from him, all of them looking pale and lying on the ground, silent!

Before I was surprised.

"Stains." Suddenly there was a male-like female cannon sound floating in the ear, "Just now, you kicked the stone and hit the deity's head?"

Su Jin's face was extremely shocked!


After opening the eyes of the sky, this person was not found! How strong is it!

Su Jin slowly turned around and turned his head. The scene in front of him made his face pale for a while, and a thought appeared in his heart consciously, where is my knife who is riding a horse...

What did he see?


At the moment, twenty kilometers away.

A pale yellow car's shadow slowly stopped beside the country road.

On the roadside, wild flowers of various colors echoed each other, weeds were everywhere, but there was still a lot of cultivated land.

I saw a stunning beauty with a tall figure stepped out of the car and glanced around.

She was dressed in a short aqua blue one-piece dress and a snow-white light knit sweater. There were no buttons on the knitwear. She stretched out all the elegance of the whole dress with her front peak, and she almost propped up a piece of sky.

It was Xia Yuyan who came here!

Her waterfall-like ink hair hangs on her straight back, and two strands of slightly curly hair hang on the peaks in front of her. There is no expression in that beautiful white face that people dare not look at.

After seeing the farmer's uncle and farmer's aunt working in the farmland on the side of the road, Xia Yuyan tried her best to make herself laugh. In her smile, she even added a lot of sweet and delicious words out of thin air.

Stepping forward, Xia Yuyan picked the hair of the temples behind her ears, bowed politely, smiled and asked a farmer aunt and said: "Auntie, may I far is Huishan Town from here..."

The peasant aunt is about fifty years old. In fact, she and her wife have seen Xia Yuyan's car and her people a long time ago. Just look at her wife's amazing expression and know that this **** guy also likes to see beautiful women!

The aunt knows that Xia Yuyan is not easy. Seeing her being so polite, she smiled and pointed in the direction of the road after **** her husband down, and said with a local accent: "Girl, in front of you! Walk another five miles That's it!"

"Thank you, Auntie." Xia Yuyan nodded and said politely. The moment she opened the car door and sat in, she looked at the direction of Huishan Town in the distance, and said to herself with a smile: "My husband... I'm going to catch you back, do you like it or not—"

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