My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 969: Get a treasure

The black lady is very confident.

After countless blade lights traversed Su Jin’s body, he believed that this weak slagging fellow would be cut into pieces like glass. He even thought with excitement that after he cast a devastating blow, he It will be the closest to the existence of the Great Emperor, and the entire world will be his!

"So weak, I am embarrassed to come out..." Su Jin's voice suddenly appeared, a little lazy, even after saying this, he still had time to yawn.

The smile on the black lady's face condenses.


not dead!

"When you followed the emperor at the beginning, you were taken by him and recognized him as the master." Su Jin's complexion was calm, and he walked up and down in front of the black lady, like no one else. He held his chin to analyze, and continued: "And you are sealed here, and you will never be born, presumably by the means of the emperor. Although the emperor is dead, the slave is a slave! The origin of the emperor is an obstacle you can never overcome. !"

The black lady was silent, and after a short silence, she gritted her teeth and said: "Yes, the emperor lied to me! He promised to return me free, but did not expect that he still left behind, using my unknowingly big means to I'm suppressing it here. If it weren't for the recent awakening from the endless years and finding that I couldn't get out, I would never have thought of this. You, have the origin of the great emperor, even if I am powerful, I can't hurt you a bit!"

It's true that I have recently awakened! Su Jinjue's, if he hadn't taken away the origin of the emperor at the time, this guy would probably never wake up.

"Your body is an umbrella, right?" Su Jin said suddenly.

Just now, Su Jin couldn't see through it, but using the origin of the great emperor, the real body of the black female gunner could be seen in his pupils.

"That's right! I am the worlds of Megatron, and no one knows, no one knows the most handsome existence... ‘Dragon Umbrella of Silence’!" The black girl raised her tone.

Su Jin put his index fingers in his ears and said calmly: "I haven't heard of..."


A blast of cold wind blew from behind the'Exterior Dragon Umbrella'.

"Impossible!" Ji Mie Long Umbrella obviously did not believe it.

"It's not impossible. How many years have passed, and the world has already been very different." Su Jin looked at it and said, "Now, I will give you a choice, or follow me for a walk around and take a look at the present. The colorful world. Or, just stay here forever and continue to enjoy your darkness and loneliness."

"You! You still want me to be your slave!"

"I didn't say that, if you are willing to follow me, if I have the ability to let you go in the future, I will naturally remove the master and servant mark between you and the emperor's origin, and I will never lie to you!" Su Jin said lightly.

"Too long! You can never grow to the height of Emperor Huangquan!"

"Since you are not optimistic about me, the descendant of the Great Emperor, and do not believe in the eyes of the Great Emperor, then there is nothing to talk about--" Su Jin raised his hand, turned around and said two words: "Bye!"

"Wait!" His face was not very good. He felt that Su Jin really wanted to leave, and then said: "Okay! I hope you will keep your promise! I am willing to be loyal to you now! Now you can use the Great Origin , Put me away!"

Su Jin was overjoyed, there was still a little hesitation, raised his right hand, and directly pressed the forehead of the Dragon Umbrella with Huangquan's original mark.


A water rippled road appeared outside the black pattern, and the Dragon Umbrella of Nirvana instantly transformed into its body and was sucked away by the black pattern. Random Su Jin felt the power of his body surge and began to churn!

call out--

Su Jin put his hands flat and raised them, with a calm state in his eyes, and saw a sharp and sonorous sound on the ten fingers of both hands in front of him, and when you look closely, you will find that on his ten fingers, Above each fingertip is a small black umbrella of'mini version', and there is a faint black dragon soul roaming outside the umbrella surface. Although it is small, the dragon roars to the sky, and the momentum is really too strong.

Now Su Jin's experience is very mysterious, he can clearly feel the Nine Dragon Umbrella in the black pattern of his palm, and he can communicate with it!

"My five workers, you have cultivated soul fish, can you save them?" Su Jin communicated from time to time.

"Yes, if you walk over, I can just shoot the soul fish back into their bodies."

"it is good."


After a while, Su Jin took the five workers out of the cave one by one, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he watched them wake up.

In addition, Su Jin also sealed the entrance of the cave with a boulder, and asked his doubts. It turned out that the Dragon Umbrella of Nineteenth Century was very strong when it was not taken by him, but when he took it into the origin of the emperor in his palm , But found that he was not too strong, and the explanation given by the Dragon Umbrella was that his ability was insufficient! And it also told Master Su that his power was suppressed by the Great Origin and was very weak, and it would take a long time to communicate with him——

Su Jin doesn't care how long this long time is. Anyway, the crisis here has been resolved, and the result is naturally quite satisfactory!

"Brother, I didn't expect you to bring them back!" Gu Shan is more excited than anyone else now, and the stone in his heart has also fallen to the ground. After checking the status of several workers, he said to Su Jin: "Boss... Sister-in-law... I don't know what's going on, but I came after..."

I said--

Su Jin's eyes widened, Xia Yuyan unexpectedly found here?

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