My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 970: Dragon Umbrella Power

"Where is Yuyan?" Su Jin immediately asked.

"On the side of the road, boss..." Gu Shan hesitated: "It may be that Li Qing's kid has walked away. After all, my sister-in-law has seen us. It is easy to check this information by the means of the Xia Group. Yes, just now my sister-in-law called me. I didn’t expect that she even checked my mobile phone number, but I don’t know why she didn’t contact you directly..."

Su Jin smiled bitterly.

It is indeed the easiest way to find Li Qing, but with the ability of the Xia Group, even if you don’t contact, it’s not difficult to find here. Thinking of this, Su Jin shook his head and said to Gu Shan: "You go and inform everyone, and give I step back, I have something to do when I enter the cave."

"How far back?" Gu Shan didn't understand the distance Su Jin asked to retreat.

"It's as far as you can, at least two miles away." Su Jin carried his pocket, not in a hurry to see Xia Yuyan, and said again: "Go talk to your sister-in-law, and be sure to follow my instructions. do."

"Okay." Gu Shan nodded solemnly.

Gu Shanjue, since the boss has this request, he will certainly not aimlessly, he must do it according to his words, otherwise, if something happens, he will be offended by him, and the consequences will be beyond his own!

After Su Jin said, he turned around and went into the cave alone.

"Open your eyes!"

Su Jin entered the center of the cave, sipped, and all the surrounding scenes were displayed in his mind from a special perspective, even the subtle movements of the cave and the crickets jumping were all clear.

"The Dragon Umbrella of Nirvana! Let me see how powerful I can be after using you in my current state!" There was a touch of madness in Su Jin's eyes.

In the final analysis, the Dragon Umbrella of Nirvana is just a weapon that gave birth to extraordinary wisdom, but this weapon is unparalleled in mystery. The Emperor Huangquan, who was so eloquent at the time, would rather lie and trap it here for later use, which can be seen Of value! Now, this precious treasure has a fate with him, and was obtained by himself, so Su Jin naturally wanted to try it out smoothly!

The voice of Su Jin fell.

An extraordinary king temperament was revealed from him.

Nirvana Dragon Umbrella, after all, there is the aura of dragon soul.

In China, the dragon is king!

Su Jin alternated his hands on his chest, unfolding his arms indifferently, and spiraling around the ten'mini black umbrellas' that had already been opened above his ten fingers. Under the impetus of the power of the yellow spring in his body, black dragon souls with five claws went up and down. Tossing, around the fingertips, dragons roar in waves, powerful!

Young Master Su held the excitement in his heart, and he had never... never been so strong! This Nirvana Dragon Umbrella was subdued by himself, and the feeling that he was connected like his own flesh and skin, he can naturally use it handily. According to the "Umbrella Spirit" of the Nirvana Dragon Umbrella, if he uses it, it is like using it. The great treasure of the emperor's "Huangquan Handbook" is like that, and its power has not been shown to one billionth of a billion.


Unless Su Jin can become the emperor of China for hundreds of millions of years, he will naturally be able to perform perfectly by then. It is a pity that he is just like a firefly. How can he compete with the sun and the moon?

The horrible fluctuations spread from the tips of his fingers, and Su Jin couldn't bear it anymore.


Su Jin screamed and waved his hands!

Ten small black umbrellas that are invisible to the naked eye blasted and shot out in all directions, and the entire mountain, which was hundreds of meters long, was suddenly enveloped by a burst of black brilliance, and began to vigorously shake.

It’s strange to say that after the violent shaking, the whole mountain disappeared silently and directly. Only Su Jin, who was in the middle of the mountain, could realize how terrifying it was. The huge rocks in front of him turned into powder in an instant. , All dried and shredded, the largest stone is no more than the size of a soybean!

It's too scary!

The only thing that made Su Jin helpless was that he had countless calculations, and he was still covered with a gray face. After feeling the shock, Master Su's eyes rolled quickly.

When I walked to the foot of the mountain where the workers were resting, and swept around, I found a red hard hat.

Su Jin swept over his body for a long time before he breathed a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, the color of the helmet is correct—

Although his body is dirty, Young Master Su thinks that only in this way can he reflect the good spirit of the boss and the workers to endure hardship and work together. The key... In fact, he wants to show her how hard he is in front of his wife. …The money is funded by the Xia Group after all, so you should do it yourself.

Ever since, Su Jin wore a safety helmet with his hands in his pockets, and walked along the cement road that had just been repaired in the direction of his wife.


"Sister-in-law, the boss is coming out soon, don't worry—" Gu Shan cautiously said to Xia Yuyan from the side. Next to him, Tong Miaoke had a small mouth and kept looking at Xia Yuyan. She felt very deep in her heart. Complicated... She can't believe that there is such a perfect girl in the world...

"If I see him again, I must make him look good!" Xia Yu's mouth turned upside down, with a look of dissatisfaction.

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