My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 974: Baby looks good

Do you need this kind of lying position to get warm?

Xia Yuyan's slender body trembled even more...

Despicable, indecent, shameless, invincible in the universe, the first pretender of paralysis! Xia Yuyan was already unable to come up with more words to describe Su Jin. In addition to only having the most filthy crooked thoughts, this guy can be serious even if he loses it——

"Yuyan..." Su Jin looked straight at Xia Yuyan and whispered emotionally, "Come up."

Go up...

Still not going up.

This is an extremely tangled matter.

Xia Yuyan thought for a while, and slowly got up from a sitting posture.

Soon, when facing Su Jin who was lying down, she had a lot of hesitation on her face. When the official Su looked expectantly, she raised one foot--

"Kick you stinky rascal!" As soon as Xia Yuyan's voice fell, she had already kicked it.


Su Jin grinned and rubbed the position of the waist. It was indeed the most poisonous woman's heart. The rose that was shyly open just now was quietly opened, and in a blink of an eye she became a **** who abused her man!

However, Young Master Su still knows Xia Yuyan quite well. He wants her to make that kind of posture in broad daylight. It is almost harder than climbing in the sky. This is the bottom line and the character is at stake. Instead, he is Su Jin, and then wave again. There is no difficulty in his movements!

"Don't your feet hurt?" Su Jin got up and asked.

"It hurts." Xia Yuyan nodded and said a word.

"The violent female president, I remember this husband." While Su Jin said, he bent over and carried the pair of water-red high heels in his hands.

Xia Yuyan pouted her small mouth and made an expression of "what can you do with me?" Of course, she was very grateful in her heart. After all, with the character of Su Jin, the wolf, she just didn't rush forward, so she was quite gentle. , She didn't joking anymore, pointed to the northeast corner of the pool and asked: "Su Jin, haven't you found it yet?"

"What did you find?" Su Jin looked towards her finger and asked without change.

"Are you blind, you haven't seen such a bunch of clear black flowers?" Xia Yuyan said.

"I saw it a long time ago." Su Jin seriously said to Xia Yuyan: "Don't ask if you shouldn't, and don't be curious."

"Husband." Xia Yuyan tilted her head, with a beautiful face. She seemed to have come to this mountain and field, and she was happier than in Xia's group as the president. She smiled and said, "How about we go and see?"

"Don't look." Su Jin shook his head decisively, "It's no good to watch."


"If I'm not mistaken, the scope of this pool has not been expanded because of the existence of those black flowers." Su Jin said.

"Why? Is it because it is rare and precious? But in that case, why is no one secretly digging it away?" Xia Yuyan asked.

"Because... that's a black mandala." Su Jin shook his head, "There are always some strange things in this place."

"Is the mandala flower? This kind of flower is poisonous. I have heard and checked the picture before, but I haven't seen the black one." Xia Yuyan smiled and said, "Shall we go and see if it's okay?"

"The black mandala is the flower of the unknown, also known as the flower of the curse. It is known as one of the two arrogances of hell. It is as famous as the other shore flower. I will not take you to see it." Su Jin came to Xia Yuyan. , Made a horse stance, and said: "There are fine gravel on the road ahead, and you will be injured if you step on it. I will carry you to the parking place."

"I just put on my shoes."

"Shoes are wet, they will be more likely to be injured by stones." Su Jin said.

"Oh." Xia Yuyan didn't say much this time. She stretched out her arms and lay on Su Jin's back. After being picked up by Su Jin, she said, "Do you believe that there is **** in this world?"

"If you believe it, there will be nothing." Su Jin continued: "Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway."

Not only believe.

Young Master Su had gone down, and was kicked out with a strong foot by a beautiful woman not long ago. This account must be remembered!

"Not long ago, I was very ill and vaguely heard someone chanting for me to pray for blessings, but my sister and dad didn’t believe what I said. After that ridiculous scripture, I miraculously recovered. , Very strange.” Xia Yuyan may be because of the blowing of the mountain breeze. He used the snow-white lotus root arms to hold Su Jin's neck tighter.

"Hehe, it's a good thing to be healthy. What do you do with so much." Su Jin smiled: "My wife, your World Cup has been good recently.

"You... don't pay attention to this again, okay--" Xia Yuyan is now pressing on his back with the peak in front of him, no wonder he can detect it so clearly.

"Sometimes I feel that women are strange." Su Jin carried his wife on his back and walked forward step by step.

"What's so strange." Xia Yuyan's face became hot.

"Look, don't touch the big man, don't tell the young man! Isn't it strange!" Su Jin asked very sharply.

"I can't complain about you anymore, it's so shameless..."

"Hey, let’s change the topic. What about a picnic later? It’s time to show your ability to go to the hall and go to the kitchen." Su Jin said again: "We have been around for so long. I still don’t know if you are good at cooking. what……"

"I burned... the boiled water is not bad." Xia Yuyan blushed and whispered.

"Ciao, I don't know how to calligraphy and calligraphy, and I'm tired of washing and cooking. Why do I need you!" Su Jin looked regretful.

"Baby looks good, and he can warm the bed—"


The sunset completely plunged into the horizon...

A stunning beauty in aqua blue, carried by a mad and cool man, is slowly walking towards Huishan Town...


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