My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 975: Brother Jin, very surprised

Huishan Town.

The mountain breeze is blowing, the night has begun, and the hundreds of lights in the town are like dazzling pearls, embellishing this not-so-rich mountain town like a dream.

At this time in summer, it’s still a bit hot and humid in the wild, but when you get to town, you feel it differently. Next to the few local food stalls, the heat is in full swing, and the boss is cooking various kinds in front of the big pot placed at the door Wild animals, whether they are long-legged, swimming in rivers, or climbing on trees, are all caught and eaten.


A sound coming from his stomach caused Su Jin's eyes.

Perceive Su Jin's gaze.

Xia Yuyan blushed and lowered her head, her pace did not slow down.

"Why don't you eat something?" Su Jin asked, "There is a restaurant in front of me called "Hua Qianyuexia". I know the lady boss. It's up to you to eat here or go to her."

"Why do you know the boss?" Xia Yuyan blinked her beautiful eyes, and her tone was a little angry.

"Don't you understand me?" Su Jin raised his hand and ordered Xia Yuyan, squinting and blowing: "A tall, handsome, and typical idol man with hundreds of millions of fans. It is not normal for the boss to know me. Thing?"

"I mean, if you don't mention the boss, you must mention that you know the boss!"

"No boss." Su Jin stopped.

"The boss is single!" Xia Yuyan had a special tone, slightly surprised.

"Ang—" Su Jin nodded his head with a constant expression.

"You!" Xia Yuyan made no mistake, pouting his mouth and said simply: "I'm hungry, I want to eat here."

"Oh, my wife, you look so cute when you are angry—" Su Jin couldn't help but stretched out his fingers to pick up Xia Yuyan's tender and boneless chin, and said intoxicated: "Wife, wait a minute... we have the same room. Right?"

"Huh! Alright!" Xia Yuyan turned her head, her face was already pink like a peach blossom, and then she walked alone to an empty seat on the side of the road and sat down.

What the hell!

My wife agreed! He even promised so simply!

Su Jin was still on the spot, in a daze, his face was filled with unbelievable words! After he reacted, his heart was full of ecstasy!

After that, the official Su sat chicly across from Xia Yuyan, with a face full of self-confidence that he was so handsome.

The bamboo table in front of me is not too big and has a very good atmosphere.

After sitting down, Su Jin supported his chin with one hand, looked straight at Xia Yuyan, and said in a whispering tone: "You blushed your wife, when did you figure it out? This is really true for Brother Jin. too suddenly--"

"I ignore you." Xia Yuyan rolled her head and didn't glance at Su Jin.

"Sure! My husband is happy, what do you want to eat... Uh, what's the taste?" Su Jin turned his head and glanced at the boss who was cooking, and found that the other party saw Xia Yuyan in a daze, and immediately drank: "Boss! You are silly! I fuck!"


The cooking boss panicked immediately, and started a rush.

Half an hour passed.

Fortunately, the serving time was not missed. Su Jin asked Xia Yuyan's opinion before and ordered some food that was not too much, such as toads, adult knowledge, Tuyuan, etc., all of which were eliminated, such as now It’s pretty good.

Five dishes and one soup.

Shredded pork with mangosteen bamboo shoots, cold braised bracken, fried bitter gourd... and so on five dishes, the final soup, listening to the praise of the boss, Su Jin ordered it, called "yellow catfish" soup.

If you score these foods with a perfect score of 100, Su Jin is not used to them and scores 100! He had never seen Xia Yuyan actually eat a small bowl of rice at night, and still had the urge to have another bowl.

"It will take a lot of energy later, eat more." Su Jin's ecstasy tone made Xia Yuyan so choppy that he couldn't eat anymore.

Su Jin persuaded in every possible way, but finally had to watch Xia Yuyan and pay to leave——


Hua Qianyue went to the restaurant.

"Jin Ye, this is the key to Room 13." mm at the front desk respectfully handed the key to Su Jin. He didn't even mention the money for the house. The problem is that the boss once confessed, who would dare to receive the money from Master Su?

Su Jin glanced at Xia Yuyan and found that her expression was normal, so he took her upstairs.

Just entered the room.

"The relationship with the boss's wife is not easy, I don't even charge the room." Xia Yuyan asked this in the first sentence.

"In this gold mine, the wife of the boss has 5% of the shares, and they used the money to invest in it. It is our partner. What is so strange about living here for nothing?" Su Jin closed the door and looked at Xia Yuyan. At a glance, "Wife, how do you feel that you have been jealous for these two days?"

"Uh, partner? You didn't say it before." Xia Yuyan became weak, but also found that Su Jin's expression at this time had become very terrifying, and he stubbornly said: "You...what are you going to do? ..."

For what?

of course……

With a very silver expression on Su Jin’s face, step by step he approached Xia Yuyan in a water blue dress. His eyes were unblinking, looking at the body above his wife and the height of the two peaks. Highly supported aqua blue thin fabric...

Unable to bear it anymore, Su Jin said to Xia Yuyan with red eyes: "Wife! Let's start the bridal chamber now!"

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