My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 996: Take the beautiful wife to robbery!

The flower lady now looks slightly hanging.

Judging from this outfit, Su Jin couldn't help but remember the legend that Sister Hua had stayed in the rivers and lakes. Didn't she take a knife and slash to someone else's house back then? Now this posture is going to be the same as before. Style?

It is indeed very heroic!

Huaqing and Su Jin’s eyes contacted, their eyes suddenly lifted, and the evil spirit of her whole body was restrained by her. She smiled and pinned the pig-killing knife without looking at the five pigs on the ground, and went straight to Gushan. Su Jin's side also scanned the beautiful Xia Yuyan, staring blankly.

There is such a beautiful woman in the world! Hua Qing was secretly frightened, but after thinking that it was Su Jin's woman, she felt nothing. She was drunk last night and only learned from Gu Shankou that Su Jin was here with his wife.

Hua Qing was about to speak.

Brother Jian climbed up a bit embarrassedly, and immediately knocked his head, crying in horror, and apologized: "Hua...Sister Hua, she is a small girl who doesn’t know Taishan, and the flood... rushed into the Dragon King Temple. I don’t know this brother is yours! I deserve to die, I deserve it! Please treat me like a dog and let me go!"

Brother Jian was scared to cry! Seeing this situation, Su Jin became even more interested in Hua Qing.

Originally, Huaqing's familiar taste was very rich, and there was also a different charm between her gestures, but now when she saw the behavior of Brother Jian, her face was slightly frosty, and she said coldly: "Chang Jian, you are Isn't it a mistake?"

"What...wrong?" Chang Jian forcibly endured the physical pain, not understanding what Hua Qing meant.

"First, who rushed into the Dragon King Temple with you on the'crossing the mountain road'? Brother Kun and I have always been old rivals, okay? Second, Jin Ye... how could I be able to cover it?" Hua Qing Squinting his eyes, "It should be the other way around, my flower lady is covered by Lord Jin."

It's covered by Lord Jin!

The Chang key was directly paralyzed, and the brain banged, and the first feeling was that his eyes were blackened, and there was a feeling of being killed by the nine races! How could he think that the person he provoked turned out to be the "poison widow", how powerful is this! However, he was offended just like that!

"Master Jin, I was wrong! Please let me go..." Chang Jian burst into tears and kept kowtow at Su Jin.

The few women who took the shade under the old locust tree were shocked.

Especially Xu Xiaocui, who has never seen how Young Master Su is hanging up to the sky. At this time, she secretly stuck out her tongue and was speechless. She tugged at Tong Miaoke, who was full of admiration, and asked in a low voice, "Big Brother Su Jin. ...What's the reason..."

Tong Miaoke's little mouth was silent, but he shook his head quickly.

Although Xia Yuyan did not agree with Su Jin's way of making people like this, because he offended people, can you think about how horrible this constant key was before? There was also a hint of happiness in my heart at this moment.

Su Jin took the seasoning in Gu Shan's hand, as if nothing happened just now, and smiled and said to Hua Qing: "Sister Hua, ask him if this place is too small, or the brother Kun who is in charge of them. I’ve done so many times, so I dare to rob civilian girls in broad daylight."

Hua Qing turned her head, she admired Su Jin sincerely. In front of outsiders, she was not good at selling horses and fleas. She rolled her eyes and said, "Do you still have to ask? Ten years ago, there were two biggest bandits in this place. , One is "crossing the mountain road", and the other is my Huaqing’s "Hongzhuangzhai". In recent years, the policy has been good. I went ashore and started a business. I never did that kind of conscience. But this 'Cross the mountain road'... the dog can't change the shit."

Su Jin suddenly did not speak, the so-called colleagues are enemies, it is strange that they are not opposed.

Hua Qing continued: "The only one who has this hobby is Brother Kun. The goods were ruthless, robbed, and the methods were ruthless. Regardless of whether they are killed or buried, they do not leave people behind. It is far more unfeeling than me, guess. Guess, how many wives is this brother Kun now?"

"How much?" Su Jin asked.

"One room in the main room, two side rooms, and seven concubines. They were all robbed." Hua Qing crossed, holding her pair of high peaks, and said lightly.

"Rely..." Su Jin madly sweats, "Is nobody care?"

This horse riding is even more hanging than Lord Wei...

"How to manage?" Hua Qing said in a weird tone: "The government department is going to manage, how can it prove that the concubine is his concubine, how can it prove that the side house is his side house? The women who were robbed dare to be angry but dare not speak. She is a native-born girl who offended the bandits for this, and their family only has to admit their fate. After all, the people don’t sue, the officials don’t."

"That's what I said." Su Jinpi clapped his hands with a smile, and said: "In a moment, let's go through the ‘mountain road’ with Sister Hua, how about?"

"All the knives are ready, just wait for your words." Hua Qing didn't shy away.

A faint color appeared in the corner of Su Jin's eyes, and Hua Qing was very smart. This female city mansion was very deep, and she must have guessed what he was thinking. In fact, he just wanted to see if this woman really has the ability to carry it.

"Okay!" Su Jin clapped his hands in a cool manner.


However, Xia Yuyan came to him, knelt down, and asked with dissatisfaction on his face: "Are you going to make trouble again?"

"Unconsciously, taking your beautiful wife to rob the cottage is a very brave and interesting thing?" Su Jin said with frivolous eyebrows.

Xia Yuyan was startled, her eyes widened, " want to take me there?"

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