My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 997: Have a show of singing!

"Yes!" Su Jin answered very positively, and said to Xia Yuyan: "Don't worry, I will do my best to protect you."

"You are kidding!" Xia Yuyan was anxious, "I'm not going."

"Being president...Where is there to experience novel things and fun? Are you really sure not to go?" Su Jin asked back.

"No." Xia Yuyan was very worried.

Su Jin laughed haha, and said loudly to Tong Miaoke and the others: "You must be curious, why would I like my stupid wife, do you want to know?"

Xia Yuyan couldn't hear her, what is this guy talking about!

"Hey...Hey!" Xia Yuyan gritted her teeth, really wondering how Su Jin would harm her.

"Brother Su, talk about it. Sister Xia must be too beautiful, not surprising at all." Tong Miaoke said.

Xu Xiaocui also followed closely, "Yes, I have never seen a beautiful girl like Sister Xia."

Except for Hua Qing's doubts, Gu Shan was scratching his head from the side. Just when he came back with the boss with the seasoning, Xu Xiaocui looked at him from time to time. He couldn't look at him all over, let alone say anything.

"Am I the kind of person who judges people by appearance?" Su Jin said, "I contacted her and asked her a question in less than ten minutes. I was sure that this silly girl was the wife I was looking for."

"What's the problem?" Tong Miaoke was very curious.

"I asked her what to do if the gas leaked at home!" Su Jin said.

"Then how did Sister Xia answer?" Xu Xiaocui felt that the question was not difficult, it was very simple.

"She said..." Su Jin pretended to pause, with a weird smile, pointing to Xia Yuyan, and said: "She said, quickly close the doors and windows! Don't let the neighbors take advantage!"

Few women:...

Everyone fiercely looked at Xia Yuyan.

"You didn't ask! I didn't say!" Xia Yuyan was smeared by Su Jin for no reason, blushing, and fighting stubbornly, but she soon found out that these people trusted Su Jin far more than her. It felt so strong, so I didn't believe what she said at all.

Su Jin didn't want to say anything. He carefully sprinkled various spices on the surface of the game that was being grilled above the fire. After a while, the sound of oil dropping began to appear, and the scent was emitted. Young Master Su is looking forward to it, he has almost never smelled it!

Several people also turned their attention to food.

"Boss, what do these five people do?" Gu Shan looked at Su Jin who was earnestly roasting game, and asked in a deep voice.

"Let them go." Su Jin looked at it lazily. The five wastes have been here for a long time, and they have no appetite for eating for a while.

"Didn't you hear?" Gu Shan widened his eyes and shouted to Changjian.

"Hey, hey--" Chang key responded, and after a short while, he drove away with his men.

Su Jin made this decision, Hua Qing took a deep look at Su Jin, and Chang Jian now goes back. I guess he won’t be able to ask for any good fruit, and he will report to Brother Kun. If you have breakfast here, you can go. If that is the case, the'crossing road' will definitely be in a fully armed state, I don't know if it is good or bad.

After half an hour, the whole body of the "Jackal" which was roasted into golden color was dismantled by Su Jin, and they were divided among several women and Gu Shan to taste.

Xia Yuyan is not polite, she knows Su Jin’s craftsmanship, not to mention that the hind legs of a jackal now given to her are full of color and fragrance. Holding it in her hand, she has a feeling of wanting to eat, she opens her small mouth lightly. , Ate it.

It's delicious!

Su Jin looked at the crowd eating happily, with a weird face, hooked Xia Yuyan, and whispered, "Wife, don't eat too much."

"It must be full, it's delicious." Xia Yuyan chewed the meat in her mouth. She hasn't eaten breakfast yet, not to mention Su Jin's craftsmanship is so good, she is not really stupid.

Su Jin glanced at other people, and whispered in Xia Yuyan's ear: "You don't listen to persuasion? This thing is very tight and very woody. Don't blame me for not reminding you if you eat too much. Be careful not to pull it. Out of Baba."


Xia Yuyan stared at Su Jin, already a little unbearable, can you not say this when you are dining!


Soon everyone is ready to go! Xu Xiaocui was persuaded and taken home by Gu Shan. Tong Miaoke said that he was not afraid, and he just wanted to follow. Su Jin didn't matter, and it was also good to kill the bandits together!

"I made a call and went to the'crossing the mountain road' to pass the Canglan River. At the branch of Xujiahe, I had asked someone to prepare a boat and took a shortcut to the opposite bank." Hua Qing put away the phone. Said to Su Jin.

Xujiahe, was the river where you fished last time?

Su Jin found out that Huaqing was taking them on another road. The Canglan River was at the upper reaches of Xujiahe, so he could only cross the Xujiahe branch. From front to back, it was not too far to arrive all the way. .

And when it came to the Canglan River, during this period, Hua Qing still did not ask Su Jin whether he would take anyone, or how many people she planned to take with her!

Canglan River.

Very wide!

On the seemingly calm yellow water, a dark vortex rolled, and the current was a bit turbulent, and Su Jin, a man and three women, got on the boat!

Suppress the bandits right away!

"Why do you look so dignified? The atmosphere is not active... Do you want this young master to show off his talents, sing for you, and sing you a song?" Su Jin doesn't treat this as a matter at all. Vacation look.

"Don't sing." Xia Yuyan muttered, "You Qincheng's death song, who doesn't know."

"Let Brother Su sing, I haven't heard him sing." Tong Miaoke instead smiled and blindly supported Su Jin.

"Sing, I should be able to hold on." Hua Qing said, turning on the engine on the wooden boat, manipulating the boat, and sailing away from the shore.

Su Jin cleared his throat, and then sang a familiar song!

But after speaking, Xia Yuyan, Tong Miaoke, including Hua Qing who was sailing, paled almost instantly and couldn't stand still! This also caused the three hips with beautiful curves to sit uncontrollably in the boat!

Thunder fell--

Master Su sang like this:

"Let's swing the oars, and the boat will turn over as soon as it turns over~"

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