My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 998: Mountain road


Xia Yuyan covered her ears with her hands, turned her head and filled her face with anger, "Not only is it terrifying to sing, but it can be as unpleasant as you look like!"

The singer was not singing... was stopped!

Su Jin looked at the girls as if they had been hit hard, and looked at Xia Yuyan in confusion, and asked sternly, "Why did the girl say this?"

"You are forcing me—I want to fight back!" Xia Yuyan immediately got up and crouched at the willow, shouting at Su Jin: "I mean, the songs you sing are as good as you look, and they are ugly. , Looks ugly!"

The dissatisfaction accumulated by Xia Yuyan finally broke out and became angry!

"You have the right to insist on your opinions. If you don't produce some dry goods, everyone will not admit it." Su Jin shook his head calmly.

"I want dry goods? Okay!" Xia Yuyan said aggressively when facing Su Jin: "A word can't prove how ugly you are. When you were born, the midwife nurse saw your face and asked you a few times with anxiety. Mom, are you sure you want to give birth?"

"When you were 6 years old, once your dad took you to the street, the uncle who sold bananas patted your dad on the shoulder with tears and said, "Take a banana to the monkey. It's so pitiful. No one is hungry. Up!"

"When you were in middle school, when the history teacher said that the apes evolved to humans, they would always invite you to the stage first..."

"Every time you ask the electric fan before going to bed, am I handsome? The electric fan shook his head all night."

"You get extra points in the college entrance examination. The teacher said that you are so ugly, which is also considered a disability."

"When you were 18 years old, you were very distressed. You asked a cosmetic surgeon. As a result, they immediately set up a ten-person expert group. They stayed overnight for two months, resulting in sudden deaths of five people and the terrible consequences of the two being paralyzed at work. Finally, no solution was found , Helpless..."


Su Jinsi didn’t get angry when Xia Yuyan was so mad, and lost all these words like a jerk, Tong Miaoke and Hua Qing looked better, they also laughed secretly, unexpectedly Xia Yuyan’s quiet appearance Speak so much.

"What kind of stuff is this, let the facts refute your words!" Su Jin said arrogantly before crossing his chest with his hands.


Where are the facts?

Hua Qing and Tong Miao are very curious. In fact, they think that Su Jin's temperament is very outstanding. Although his appearance is not too handsome, it is not as serious as Xia Yuyan said.

"You... uh, how could this be..." Xia Yuyan had already discovered something was wrong.

"Get off the boat, talk nonsense, like telling a joke." Su Jin sighed, "Fighting with me, it's too young."


Huaqing and Tong Miaoke had just been paying attention to the bickering between the two... They didn't pay attention to the speed of the boat at all.

Where can the river surface be so wide that it can reach the other side so quickly? But when Su Jin finished speaking, the women all looked at the shore in front of them with incredible expressions.

"What's the matter?" Hua Qing asked in surprise.

"Yeah, it shouldn't be so fast!" Tong Miao felt it impossible.

Xia Yuyan cocked the corners of her mouth and said, "It's a dolphin."

"Where are some dolphins here? We only have'Canglan Finless Porpoise'." Hua Qing felt Xia Yuyan was a little incoherent.

"Same...huh!" What Xia Yuyan wanted to say at this time was... the baby was unhappy.

She always remembered that in New York, Su Jin opened his mouth and heard a long dolphin sound, which attracted all the dolphins off the coast of New York to the sea! But she didn't expect that Su Jin could sing this kind of childish children's rhymes to produce this effect. Isn't this a face-slap? She has damaged Su Jin a lot, but now she feels her face is hot and her face hurts!

Hua Qing took a closer look, and sure enough, she found something tricky!

I saw seven or eight muddy finless porpoises in the stern part of the boat. They were trying their best to squeeze the boat onto the shore with their heads.

Co-author, it turns out that these finless porpoises are pushing the boat behind so fast to the other side!

Hua Qing and Tong Miao Ke have never seen them! Simply unheard of! However, the struggle between Su Jin and Xia Yuyan also stood apart!

After the women went ashore one after another, Su Jin put a quiet poss on the boat, then sharply picked the bangs on his forehead, and landed ashore with a calm expression!

Very burnt!

Seeing this, the women could only be speechless:...


Two miles to the southeast, there is the infamous'crossing the mountain road'. There is a waterway to the west, that is, the Canglan River that Su Jin had just crossed. In previous years, boats passed by the waterway, which had to be rented by bandits. And this mountain road is a bandit village built between two mountains.

Now I can’t call it that way. People are now calling ‘Guoshan Village’. In fact, it’s just the same family, Ma Kun’s Ma’s address. Of course, there are still a group of people who are clearly called the village and dare not blatantly rob the fortune, but secretly there are a lot of bad things. They use very cheap money to symbolize money. They use crooked ideas everywhere to contract land and manage relationships. And the surrounding farmers had nothing to do with this tyrant.

Su Jin and his three daughters have arrived soon!

On a road in the dense forest, thirty meters in front of Su Jin and the four, a wooden archway was erected high, with three characters written on it, ‘crossing the mountain road’!

"Three miles away, I have assembled the brigade, do you want to call now?" Hua Qing reminded in a low voice.

"No." Su Jin looked at the quiet scene before him and shook his head gently.

"They are crowded..." Hua Qing said.

"Don't worry." Su Jin touched his chin, "Sister Hua, do you know the correct way to rob the cottage?"

"Rush in. Don't say anything at all." Hua Qing said.

"You still have to throw a piece of the stepping brick. Look at me." Su Jin strode forward a few steps, and several women stood in place behind him.

Xia Yuyan knew that Su Jin was great, and she didn't feel too nervous, but she and Tong Miaoke, like the two girls, were very curious about Su Jin's next method.

I saw Su Jin leaning on his hips, raising his voice and shouting at the cottage inside the archway: "Robbery! Hand over all the daughters, people, beautiful girls, cute girls! Treasures, banknotes, antiques! Neither is allowed to be hidden! Put valuable things on the left, don’t wear anything beautiful women, just stand on the right for me!"

Like five thunders, the women were stunned by this method.

Xia Yuyan covered her cheek, feeling so embarrassing...


The faces of Tong Miaoke and Hua Qing were also not much better, they looked at each other and were at a loss!

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