Just when the two sisters are together.

Where is Ye Jun?

He has already strolled out.

He was really angry just now, even now.

May I ask, who can have a good face to a woman who wants to take her own life?

Ye Jun thought about it carefully, and began to think about how to kick this woman out.

"No, the combat effectiveness is still considerable, I'm just short of thugs."

"Why don't you turn around and talk to her again, this old lady, I don't believe that you can't be subdued!"

Ye Jun muttered as he strolled around.

Finally, I still want to understand.

This woman, to put it bluntly, is a double-edged sword.

If you use it well, you can bring great benefits to yourself.

But if you don't use it well, you may hurt yourself.

And from the current point of view, this probability is quite high.

But Ye Jun was not a person to admit defeat.

If it's a docile BMW, you might just use it.

But a woman like Chu Hongyu is like a fierce horse who is still poorly trained.

It's a joy to ride if you can subdue this kind of woman.

Ye Jun has always had a point.

Men should drink the strongest wine and ride the strongest horse. Play the most x...

"That's it!"

Ye Jun's heart's decision was also considered a solution to a small matter.

In addition, the air in this mountain is really good, and the weather is extremely bright.

The god of Kundu.

I really recommend every friend who has never been to Yunnan to visit it.

It's called a blue, and a beautiful one.

Clear and pure.

Just looking at a blue sky makes people feel good.

Ye Jun even hummed a little song and wandered on the mountain road.

Going out today, he did not simply stroll around.

It's really something.

I should have brought Xiao Qiang and Chu Hongyu together.

After all, this matter is related to this mission.

But this Chu Hongyu just killed himself.

Xiao Qiang knows too well about the boyfriend.

Didn't make up for the drowsiness, I didn't have the guts to wake him up!

Get up with big air thief.

I had seen someone come into his room before, but Xiao Qiang was still asleep when it turned out.

Was awakened, he smashed the man to the head with a teacup.

The point is that the man is still a good friend of his.

He explained afterwards that if he was awakened by someone, it would be easy to lose control.

Ye Jun took this down.

After all, getting up is really scary!

Ye Jun thought about some of them, and found the parking lot along the way.

When I drove the car, I went down the mountain.


When he arrived in Kunming Metropolitan Area, Ye Jun looked at the time.

It's only ten o'clock.

A few hours early.

Ye Jun was a little helpless.

Just now, I just didn't bother to stay in the Taoist temple, so as not to conflict with the woman Chu Hongyu again.

Now that I am down the mountain at this time, I suddenly find that I am unfamiliar with the place in my life. Why do you kill the time?

There is still a short while before the appointment.

Ye Jun parked the car on the side of the road, tapping the steering wheel with his fingers rhythmically.

Frown slightly, thinking hard.

"Why don't you find a spot to see?"

Ye Jun had an idea in his mind, and just do it.

Although the economic development of Kundu here is average, the scenery is first-class.

Since entering Yunnan, I have been attracted by the beauty here.

It is still a good time now, there is no such thing as Xiao Qiang who keeps talking.

There is no mad woman Chu Hongyu.

I just can have fun.

"Tianchi, looks good."

"Butterfly Valley, there are no butterflies at this point."

"Singing and dancing performances by a small number of life races, tusk tusk, these girls are really wild!"

Ye Jun flipped his cell phone, looking for suitable attractions nearby.

For a while, I was dazzled.

"Didi Didi"

A rush of horns interrupted Ye Jun's thinking.

"Damn, crazy!"

Suddenly returned to his senses, Ye Jun cursed a little angrily.

This way of honking the horn is like a dead person blowing a lock at home.

It's simply a nuisance to the people. People who honk the horn on the road are all unqualified people.

Ye Jungang finished cursing and wanted to pick up the phone to continue watching.

At this time, there was a knocking sound outside the car window, and Ye Jun raised his head impatiently.

Only saw a man in black clothes and sunglasses leaning over the window.

Ye Jun rolled down the car window and asked coldly, "What's the matter?"

The black-clothed man said coldly: "Thank you to move the car, our car can't get out."

Ye Jun frowned slightly. There is indeed an exit on the side of the road where I parked my car.

It's not big, but it's perfectly fine to pass the car.

This is an urban area, and large trucks are not allowed to pass.

There is no problem that can't come out.

Is this person okay?

But Ye Jun is not such a violent person, and the black man has not provoke him so far.

Ye Jun looked back with suspicious eyes and confirmed the situation.

Good guys.

A Lincoln extended motorhome jammed at the back intersection.

The position of his car just blocked its way.

Ye Jun has no curiosity about this car.

If I saw such a car before, I would definitely have looked at it.

But now is not what it used to be, that is, private jets are often used.

I have one in my home.

Far higher than this value.

Don't listen to people blowing Lincoln's extension car so hard.

In the real world of rich people, their cars are not inflowing.

What the wealthy people play is private customization.

A standard Lincoln is only about one million longer.

The price is not as good as the audio-visual system of the RV customized by Ye Jun.

This car that used to be admirable, Ye Jun seemed to be just a big deal at this time.

Seeing that he was indeed blocking the way, Ye Jun smiled with a good temper.

Started the car and moved the car forward.

Someone here may say, why did you let it go?

If he dare to block the way, Ye Jun is not a mad dog.

Under normal circumstances, Ye Jun didn't have any pretensions.

Even very down-to-earth, and even eager to help a little bit.

But a very good young man.

After Ye Jun moved the car, the man in black said nothing, and left straight away.

But shortly after he left.

Ye Jun heard this low voice.

"Some hillbilly drove a broken car, wasting my time."

The voice of the man in black is not loud, even only he can hear it.

If Ye Jun hadn't been systematically blessed, he wouldn't really be able to hear it.

Hearing this, his first reaction was not to be angry.

Instead, look at yourself and this car.

I really don't dress conspicuously today, with jeans and a hooded sweater.

This car is also a car rented by a car rental agency, Audi, the price is 100,000 yuan~

It's pretty good for ordinary people.

"Hey, I've been scolded by a country boy."

It's so fresh!

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