My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 311 Handsome guy, come and be a model!

This little episode has just passed.

Ye Jun didn't even think about doing anything. It's not worth destroying his good mood for this kind of clown.

Finally, I took a closer look at the route.

Ye Jun finally chose a place to play.

Kundu Tianchi.

Also called Kunming Lake, or Dianchi Lake.

Ye Jun had heard of this place for a long time.

This is a place of great tourist value in Kundu.

Ye Jun looked at this promotional picture.

A pure blue sky and a beautiful lake like sapphire.

Plus the green mountains and green waters on all sides.

Just looking at it is good.

It's really a good place to relax.

After making up his mind, Ye Jun drove the rented little Audi and set off towards the destination.

Mo is about half an hour's drive.

It is also a working day, and there are not many vehicles on the road.

The journey went smoothly.

Soon, we arrived at the destination.


Came to this tourist attraction~

Ye Jun looked at this crowd coming and going.

Suddenly felt a little speechless.

The scenery is not bad, but the flow of people.

It is indeed a bit exaggerated.

Think about it is also a China in Nuo Da.

Even on working days, there are always so many wealthy and idle people walking around.

What's more, Kundu is an extremely famous tourist city in the whole country.

Ye Jun followed the crowd silently and began to wander around.

The scenery is beautiful, but turning around like this is a bit boring.

Originally thought it was clear mountains and beautiful rivers, but there were a lot of people.

All tastes are destroyed.

But since it's all here, Ye Jun is also bitter, biting his head and strolling down the road.

"Oh, I'm so idle to find sin."

Ye Jun strolled around for a while, and finally seized an opportunity to find a quiet place.

There is a bench here, where Ye Jun sits and rests.

Although it is winter now, the sun is really good.

Ye Jun, who was wearing two pieces, felt like he was sweating a little at this time.

He took off his jacket and put it on the handle of the chair beside him.

He unscrewed a bottle of mineral water that he had just bought and swallowed.

"Hey hey hey, sister, look at that man, he is so handsome! Look at the handsome guy!"

"Where, where? Fuck, really handsome!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, look at these facial features, it's really amazing!"

"So handsome, so handsome, look at his Adam's apple, so sexy!"

"Why is he alone? Is it such a top-quality herb?"

"Walk, go and ask for contact information!"

"Hmph, don't forget, you have a boyfriend. Don't grab this superb quality from me!"

"Fart, my soft boyfriend, I broke up a long time ago, say yes, we will play fair!"

Ye Jun finally recovered a lot from fatigue while drinking water.

This kind of scenic spot makes people feel tiring just to stroll around.

At this moment, the two women walked towards Ye Jun.

Ye Jun looked at the visitor with doubts.

The two people who came were both beautifully dressed.

Looks like a student dress, or a female college student who just graduated.

The looks are not superb, but they are quite fresh and lovely, and they are quite good at dressing up.

One is tall and the other is slightly shorter.

They are all wearing floral dresses of the same style, so I'm not afraid of the cold during such a day.

Looks fresh and natural,

Seeing them approaching step by step, with a somewhat cautious look.

Ye Jun still had a trace of doubt at first, but when he saw their movements, he knew what they wanted to do.

This is not the first time he has encountered such a thing.

He didn't even bother to remember the number of times he was approached by women since he opened up.

The girls now are much bolder than the girls before.

If you like it, you can chase it, and if you catch it, it will be xx.

The handsome guy makes money when he sleeps.

Modern life is such a fast-paced life, and the current gender issues are unreasonable to many elderly people.

For example, between men and women, whoever loses and who makes money.

This question, both men and women, like to play with good-looking.

Now that the society is so busy, who has time to pay attention to the inner beauty of people.

The appearance is the first.

But Ye Jun thought it was quite boring, but for the two girls, Ye Jun still showed a fairly kind smile.

"What's the matter with you?"

Seeing Ye Jun's smile, the two girls suddenly felt dizzy.

Ahhhhhhhhh, how could it be so good-looking.

I didn't laugh like an iceberg man just now, but now that he laughs, he will almost turn people's hearts into laughter.

Especially on one side of Ye Jun's cheek, there was a faint little pear vortex.

It's so cute to laugh like this.

The two girls almost screamed in their hearts.

It's hot, how could there be such a good-looking person.

It is simply the gift of the Creator.

Absolutely, these two little pears are so cute, I really want to touch them!

Ye Jun looked at his words, and the two girls did not respond.

Looking at them, he blinked and said:

"If it's okay, I'll be out of company first."

Damn it, wink.

Is the handsome guy seduce me?

The two girls were more excited in their hearts.

But when Ye Jun said he was leaving, he quickly reacted.

What a joke, the business hasn't been done yet.

How can you let this super handsome guy go?

The taller girls said to Ye Jun anxiously:

"Handsome guy, we are students of Kundu Academy of Fine Arts. This is the case. Would you consider being our mannequins?"

"Let's change our contact method!"

The shorter girl on the side rolled her eyes as she watched being shot by the tall girl.

What kind of shit reason is this.

She also hurriedly added: "Yes, yeah, did the handsome guy come here to travel? Or come and visit our Academy of Fine Arts, our school is a national scenic spot."

"I can be your tour guide for free. Handsome guys can also consider becoming my model! I am studying sculpture, and she is studying oil painting."

Ye Jun couldn't help but chuckle when he heard the words of the two.

The two girls really didn't have any skills to strike up a conversation, but they looked very cute.

Ye Jun didn't reject it, but when they said they wanted to be models by themselves, he remembered one thing.

He asked with hesitation: "What kind of model you are talking about needs to take off..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Jun stopped.

The two girls realized their mistakes.

Quickly remedy: "No, handsome guy. Just a normal model."

"What kind of model are you talking about, the handsome guy ignore her, let's take you around, you think you are quite boring by yourself."

"Oh, like this."

Ye Jun's expression was still a little weird, after all, he was not someone who didn't understand anything.

He also has classmates in the Academy of Fine Arts, and several female students graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts.

I have heard them say that their models are all muscular men looking for men, all naked!

They will also comment on the model.

No matter how open Ye Jun people are, they won't reach this point.

Ye Jun looked at the two girls who wanted to fish themselves and become models with some evasive eyes.

He said lightly: "No need, I still..."

Before she finished speaking, the tall girl pointed her finger behind Ye Jun and shouted:

"Handsome guy, catch the thief! Your stuff was stolen."

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