I heard the yelling of the tall girl.

Ye Jun looked back quickly.

A petite figure, already holding his coat, has rushed into the crowd.

"This is bad luck!"

Ye Jun sighed secretly in his heart.

It seems that today I am really a fleeting disadvantage.

In the morning, Chu Hongyu had a fight.

If you come to visit the scenic spot, it's squeezed.

Now his clothes have also been stolen.

In this dress, I put some of my own documents and some change.

There is not much money, and it is not as expensive as a diamond button on that haute couture dress.

Ye Jun didn't even care about that dress.

It's just that those documents, if you get rid of them, it's really rare to reissue them.

Ye Junguang felt big after thinking about it. The only thing to be thankful for was that his mobile phone had been in his hand just now.

With a mobile phone, most things can be solved.

If you want to catch a thief now, you don't want to catch it.

The two girls didn't panic when they saw Ye Jun lost his clothes.

Suddenly there was some gaffe, and I didn't know what to say.

But they were obviously more anxious than Ye Jun.

The tall girl hurriedly asked, "Handsome man, are there any valuables in your clothes? Let's call the police for you!"

The other girl also said, "Sorry, sorry, you were so busy talking to me that you lost something."

"We still remember what the girl looked like just now, let's call the police, and I can sketch it out to the police."

Seeing the anxious looks of the two girls, Ye Jun's originally low mood suddenly improved a lot.

Although the two girls just came up to strike up a conversation with them, they made themselves a little embarrassed.

But at this time, Ye Jun could feel that they really wanted to help.

They were originally strangers and even willing to make suggestions for themselves.

This help from strangers made Ye Jun feel this long-lost human touch.

Ye Jun raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was only less than 11 o'clock now, and there were still several hours before his business.

After thinking about it carefully, I still want to try if I can get my things back.

So he said:

"There is nothing valuable, it's just a hassle to lose your credentials."

"But since the two are highly talented students from the Academy of Fine Arts and can provide clues to the police, I'm bothering them."

Hear Ye Jun's polite words.

The two girls showed joyful expressions on their faces.

"No trouble, no trouble. It was originally what we did. Just don't blame us!"

"Handsome guy, don't worry. Both of our sketches are highly rated. We will definitely paint that thief's face like the photo!"

Ye Jun smiled faintly, and thanked the two enthusiastic girls again.


Police station.

In such a large scenic spot, there is naturally a corresponding police station here.

At this time, the police station was not uncomfortable.

As soon as Ye Jun saw this traffic, he wanted to leave!

I thought it was a report, there would not be so many people.

However, looking at it now, it is not very peaceful here.

"Or, let's forget it?"

Ye Jun tried to say.

The two girls immediately disagreed.

"How can you do it, handsome guy, are your credentials still in there?"

"That's right, line up now and save a lot of things after I find you!"

You look at me, two girls.

Ye Jun can't say anything.

Ye Jun didn't always refuse a girl's request. At this time, Ye Jun only reluctantly agreed to the two girls' tough request.

Just line up a number, and the two girls are waiting for the police to summon for evidence.

This waiting time.

The two girls are not idle either.

Talked to Ye Jun.

"By the way, how do you call a handsome guy?"

"Ye Jun."

"Hahaha, Ye Jun, good name."

"My name is Wang Jing and her name is Zhang Li."

The tall girl introduces herself with a big heart.

Ye Jun also nodded slightly when hearing the names of the two, expressing understanding.

He is not a very good person to talk about, and he can't tell what is good about these two names.

But the two girls obviously didn't let him go.

Continue to chat with Ye Jun.

"By the way, Ye Jun, where are you from?"

"Shu Capital."

"Shu is so good, there are so many handsome guys in Shu!"

"Isn't it said that there are many beautiful women in the capital of Shu?"

This Ye Jun knew clearly.

The beauty of the capital of Shu has always been well-known throughout the country.

Because of the geographical conditions of the capital of Shu, many of the beauties in the capital of Shu are hot, sexy, fair-skinned, and watery.

These two girls are really nonsense.

But the two girls obviously wouldn't be unable to talk because of Ye Jun's doubts.

The tall girl named Wang Jing said:

"Hahaha, that's also true. But looking at Ye Jun, how handsome you are, I guess the boy in Shudu is also good."

Ye Jun was silent for a moment, not knowing how to answer the call.

Only by turning the passive into the active one said:

"Our male compatriots in Shudu are pretty good. How about you? Are you a native of Kundu?"

Ye Jun listened to the two accents, both of them resembled the locals.

In fact, it is not easy to distinguish, after all, Yunguichuan’s accent is actually somewhat similar.

"I am a native of Kundu, and Zhang Li belongs to the capital."

The girl named Wang Jing spoke out without shy.

Once the words were opened, then, a few people talked about the customs and habits of these places.

It's not too cold.

Both girls are cheerful people, very talkative and well-measured.

Although Ye Jun said that he was not good at socializing with people, it was actually quite interesting to chat with such an inexperienced college student.

At least they speak, not so mundane and dusty.

It makes people feel very refreshing.

Talking and chatting, the few people feel a little happily talking together.

"Hahaha, then say yes, next time you come to Guidu, Ye Jun will come and play with me."

"Sure, I will check it out when I have time."

Ye Jun also agreed first.

"And me, Ye Jun, since you came here to play alone, or I..."

The tall girl Wang Jing looked at Ye Jun's mouth and agreed to Zhang Li's invitation, and quickly wanted to benefit herself.

But she hasn't waited for her to finish.

There was a shout.

"Call the police on the 28th, it's your turn, hurry up and register!"

"Yo, it's finally here."

Ye Jun stood up, patted his legs, and walked quickly to the police station.

Zhang Li and Wang Jing also quickly followed.

It has been about half an hour since Ye Jun's clothes were stolen.

I don't know if I can get it back.

Ye Jun didn't have any expectations in his heart.

But still follow the procedure to start the procedure.

When I arrived at the police station, it was a middle-aged female policeman who answered the police.

She stared at Ye Jun's face for a while, then looked at the two girls behind him.

His brows frowned insignificantly.


"Well, we can't make this case, you can go."

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