My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 314: Extraordinarily Serious Case!

While Ye Jun showed this electronic invoice.

The two girls rushed over to take a look.

Ye Jun hadn't avoided these people since calling.

Dior and Versace in his mouth.

It's an international famous brand.

They vaguely guessed that this handsome man must have extraordinary financial resources.

But when I saw this electronic invoice, I felt a little dizzy.

Three million!

It is three million, and the electronic invoice is also written with proprietary accounting figures.

They even dare not recognize this number.

They even suspected that this thing was a fake made by Ye Jun.

Three million for a piece of clothing is beyond their understanding.

Tens of thousands of an ordinary luxury item is an astronomical figure for these female college students whose living expenses are one to two thousand a month.

Let alone three million, I can't even think about it.

But this electronic invoice is too real.

They couldn't find any flaws at all.

Whether it is a public seal or an inscription.

It is impressively signed by lv China.

The brand they had dreamed of in their dreams.

At this time, the two of them looked at Ye Jun's eyes, and they had changed from stunning to horrified!

This f*ck is too rich.

The policewoman was even more dazed.

As a professional, she can be more sure of the authenticity of this invoice.

This thing was issued by the China Tax Center.

Whether it is true or not, in fact, there is no need to identify it.

You only need to check the specific tax number on the Internet to know the true and false.

And the head of this invoice is the name and ID number of the policeman, Ye Jun.

As a front-line police officer who has been receiving the police for many years, her memory is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Of course she can remember the information about Ye Jun just now.

Including that long list of ID numbers.

It is estimated that after today, she will never forget that string of ID numbers!

Ye Jun looked at the dazed policewoman and asked in a low voice:

"Comrade police, this is the jacket I lost. You can check the authenticity of this invoice."

"Can you set up police for me now?"

When the policewoman heard Ye Jun's words, did not respond?

Ye Jun snorted softly.


The policewoman hurriedly recovered and said repeatedly:

"You can stand, you can stand! Sorry, it was my mistakes and omissions at work that caused you trouble before."

The policewoman said so.

But my heart is roaring frantically!

Three million!

This is three million!

Which normal person would spend three million to buy a coat!

In the beginning, Ye Jun only talked about the certificate and two hundred yuan of change, hoping to retrieve the certificate.

People didn't even mention the clothes.

This lost three million of clothes, and he still looked like a okay person.

What kind of person is this?

The policewoman fully understands incompetence!

Doesn't it seem to this person that the three million coats can't be compared to the troublesome issue of reissuing a certificate.

The rich man of Damn it!

Oh oh oh!

The policewoman's heart was broken at this time.

However, due to procedures, she still checked the authenticity of this invoice.

Sure enough, the facts proved that her years of experience will not change.

This invoice is genuine, and this invoice belongs to the man named Ye Jun in front of you!

At this point, she has nothing to say.

And according to the rules, the policewoman seemed to have thought of something.

Standing up, he politely said to Ye Jun: "Mr. Ye, the amount of money involved is too large. We may have to report to the higher-level unit to cooperate in the investigation. I don't know what you think?"

Ye Jun frowned slightly when he heard it.

"So troublesome?"

Your three million, how come this person is so afraid of trouble!

The policewoman complained inwardly, but her face was still calm and said: "This is a rule, such a large-scale theft of money, we even have to hand over to the provincial bureau for handling."


Ye Jun sighed softly. He didn't bother to say the price of this dress just now, just to keep a low profile.

As for the evidence of the value of the clothes later, I feel that these two girls are fighting for themselves, and if they don't do something, it means that they are a little bit difficult.

But things have developed to the way it is now, which is not what he wants at all.

Three million clothes?

In his opinion, it is just a piece of clothing that can be worn, and there is nothing to be noticed.

Don't think that Ye Jun is pretending to be forced.

In fact, this level of consumption is still linked to one's own income.

For example, for workers with a monthly income of several thousand, one or two hundred clothes would be fine.

People with a monthly income of tens of thousands will consider four to five hundred clothes.

And those with incomes in the tens of millions, may consider luxury goods, the kind of tens of thousands.

In their respective eyes, these clothes are just daily necessities.

As for the price, it is really the gap caused by the difference in vision and income.

Some people wear luxury goods, they really don't regard it as a luxury, but wear it as a daily necessities.

In fact, the term "luxury" is all called out from the bottom-of-the-line crackers.

Those rich people just use these luxury goods as daily necessities.

They buy a coat of tens of thousands, just like us buying more than a hundred coats in the same state of mind.

And Ye Jun, he couldn't count how much he had now.

Just buy what you like.

Even when I was fancying this dress, I didn't even look at the price.

Some people think that the price of three million is exaggerated.

In fact, it is not. You have to know the skirts that many female stars wear when they walk on the carpet.

They all started in millions, and many of them are not owned by them, but on loan.

Even some low-profile actresses do not even have the qualifications to wear high-definition, and they will be disliked by these luxury goods.

This is a long way off, turn back and continue to watch.

When Ye Jun heard the trouble, he suddenly wanted to give up.

However, someone stopped him soon.

"Fuck, I didn't think that we actually met a rich man today, brother, this is three million, don't say you don't want it!"

"Yes, Ye Jun, Brother Ye. Don't be so capricious!"

The two girls seemed to smell Ye Jun's thoughts.

Stop Ye Jun's behavior again and again!

At this moment, they had come over. If they hadn't pulled Ye Jun to call the police before, Ye Jun might have left now.

Why would you care about these three million!

Ye Jun listened to the words of the two girls and found it quite interesting.

After all, if we meet in the water, this is also bought with my own money, and if you lose it, you lose it.

They are also afraid of losing money, inexplicably cute.

After all, Ye Jun was not easy to brush off the kindness of these two girls.

Indifferently asked the policewoman: "When will you catch someone? I don't have a lot of time!"

Upon hearing Ye Jun’s words, the policewoman straightened her body immediately.

He said solemnly: "Five, three hours!"

"Within three hours, we will definitely arrest the prisoner!"

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